r/halo Hero 2d ago

Disability Pride Month Free Coating, Visor and Emblem Discussion

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u/MADCATMK3 2d ago

As someone who is disabled, I did not know I get my own colors. What I really want is a Warthog with a handicap wheelchair sign that is a prophet in a hover chair.


u/TitaniumSp0rk 2d ago

I had enough motivation and time on my hands to attempt to make this. Ended up with two versions.


u/MADCATMK3 2d ago

That is fantastic!


u/Aquillifer Let People Enjoy Halo 2d ago

Accurate San'Shyuum neck


u/Marceline_cX Halo: Reach 2d ago

The bottom one is much more fitting 😭😂


u/Appalachisms Platinum Brigadier General 2d ago

Awesome work!!


u/cFullwood Recruit 1d ago

Fukin epic. You are truly a scholar.


u/Ok_Channel_6003 1d ago

Post this in Halo memes plz


u/BuzzedtheTower 2d ago

Microsoft, hire this person. That's a brilliant idea


u/FrostedRaps Halo 3 2d ago

Sorry we only believe in MTX.


u/Party-Exercise-2166 1d ago

This is literally a post about free content.

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u/TitaniumSp0rk 2d ago

That'd be sick as fuck.


u/XGhostIllusionz 2d ago

that is hilarious, and now I want it to happen so bad


u/Ghashanko229 17h ago

Ngl that'd be nice

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u/Noa_Skyrider His birth name is John Halo 2d ago

"Celebrate every Spartan's uniqueness - disabilities come in many forms, visible or not." For instance, some are Spartan-Is while others are Spartan-IIIs, it's not always obvious.


u/Sack_Meister 2d ago

Spartan-Is? Don't you mean (insert project name here)

I actually forgot what the first Gen was called, they changed it to Spartans in Gen 2 with John and crew


u/Noa_Skyrider His birth name is John Halo 2d ago

Orion Project, it was retroactively renamed to the Spartan-I Programme to a point their genetically augmented children were referred to as Spartan-1.1s. I invoked it because the effects of the augmentations allude to a disease/disability in the Halo universe.


u/Sack_Meister 2d ago

When were they renamed?


u/slayeryamcha Halo: MCC 2d ago

When Halsey took over


u/Sack_Meister 2d ago

I remember Halsey saying she wanted ti call it Spartan Project specifically to sepeate from the failed Orion Project


u/throwawayjonesIV 2d ago

She understands the power of renaming. Remember Blackwater, that sketchy private military corporation beset with war crime allegations? Me either. Anyways, these fellows called Academi seem to provide excellent security services, I should hire them!


u/SpikeyTaco Regret Regret Regret 2d ago

Perfect time to remind everyone that the parcel delivery service Hermes rebranded to Evri so that you'd forget the company's reputation for mishandling, losing and auctioning off your parcels.


u/throwawayjonesIV 2d ago

But how could Evri be associated with Hermes? It has a different name!


u/BobSagieBauls Halo 3: ODST 2d ago

TIL Academi are the guys that killed American soldiers via friendly fire


u/Orinslayer 2d ago

Womp womp. 😮‍💨 woman's got an ego


u/BEES_just_BEE Halo 3: ODST 2d ago

She don't got just an ego, she got all the ego

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u/Sack_Meister 2d ago

Like, is there a spot in the lore you can point to that says they changed the name of the Orion Project? I'm reading the books and haven't seen that yet


u/Noa_Skyrider His birth name is John Halo 2d ago

According to Halopedia, the free Halo-themed Encyclopedia that anyone can edit, the sources for such are Halo: The Flood (page 16), the 2009 Halo Encyclopedia (page 81), Halsey's Journal and Halo: New Blood (page 130). I'd verify the sources myself but it's taking too long to download them and I don't have the time right now.


u/Everkid612 2d ago

Luckily for you, I have a copy of Halo: The Flood on my shelf with me. The paragraph, quoted exactly, is as follows:

"In order to deal with increasing civil turmoil the Colonial Military Administration had secretly launcher Project ORION back in 2491. The purpose of the program was to develop super-soldiers, code-named "Spartans," who would receive special training and physical augmentation."

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u/RunGoldenRun717 Halo: CE 2d ago

They didn't call World War 1, world War 1 until the second wolrd war.

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u/Mysterious-Fly7746 2d ago

Project Orion soldiers. They’re basically slightly above an ODST but not much and many had medical complications. Sergeant Johnson’s the most famous and he didn’t have any problems however.


u/Party-Exercise-2166 1d ago

Didn't it even save him from being infected by the Flood?


u/Mysterious-Fly7746 1d ago

Either that or it at least gave him a strong resistance


u/SpartanKwanHa 2d ago

"...Some are halo 5 enjoyers"

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u/Cooldude101013 2d ago

Or some got messed up from the augmentations


u/mrbubbamac Extended Universe 2d ago

I don't think there are any Spartan I's left? Definitely a bunch of IIs though!


u/Noa_Skyrider His birth name is John Halo 2d ago

They do exist, they're just more likely retired.


u/mrbubbamac Extended Universe 2d ago

Yeah that's what I meant, you wouldn't see any Spartan Is alongside Spartan IIIs or anything like that

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u/AdOne9110 2d ago

“Here at brand, we stand with group”


u/GabMassa Halo: CE 2d ago

Yeah, it's sort of cynical, but it's a video game. A free and multiplayer one at that.

They aren't exploring third world villages for their labour nor lobbying against minorities on Congress. It's just a fun hobby that's giving a free skin.

That's a rare "take it for what it is" situation.


u/Terribletylenol 2d ago

The annoying part is if you call this out as nonsense, people will act like you're against these groups entirely for some reason.

This dumb token, pretend to help stuff actually works to make people think the company actually gives a f when they don't.


u/soonerfreak 2d ago

Microsoft invested heavily into a controller designed to help those with disabilities play games and made if platform agnostic IIRC. I can't imagine that individual project itself will be profitable.


u/gnulynnux 2d ago

Yep. It was produced and sold at a loss and was better than pretty much every other alternative in the space.

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u/TitaniumSp0rk 2d ago

I get the hate for fake corporate sincerity, but it's a long-running trope at this point. Everyone knows what they're doing. It's a free coating in a F2P game, I see that as a win. Plus they've released like 6 so far this year, none of which have had any effect on my day-to-day life, nor my opinion of the brand.


u/GabMassa Halo: CE 2d ago

It helps though, just showing up helps.

It's literally just a free skin to celebrate a group, there's no "nonsense" here.

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u/elconquistador1985 2d ago

What's your suggestion, then?

Do nothing ever?

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u/thedylannorwood ODST 2d ago

It’s nonsense for you but I’m sure there are lots of people that care about this stuff


u/mongerty Halo: CE 2d ago

It's awareness more than anything. My daughter has a physical disability and July being Disability Pride month was news to me.

It's easy to be cynical, but there is literally no downside to this.

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u/Prior_Butterscotch15 2d ago

So true. That said, it’s still better than all the drama queens that are harassing Halo’s social media team (specifically the thin-skinned bullying cowards whining about “Gaylo” and all that).

Seriously, why do we need a coating for Independence Day when we already have one?


u/MJ23J117 Halo 3 2d ago edited 2d ago

Where is the coating for Independence Day? If we're so ready to give things out for pride or whatever, why is it just a, "We don't need anything for Independence Day, we already have something for that." Yet there is a different pride one every year. Why can't they just do....both?

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u/Metalhead-2 2d ago



u/MarkToaster 1d ago

This is something I’ve always hated. There was a time Oreo tweeted “trans people exist,” and I started talking about how stupid that tweet was because it’s the most middle-of-the-road, un-opinionated thing you can say to not anger either side, but still give the appearance of caring. And people took it as me shitting on trans people. All I was saying is that I don’t like it when companies pretend to care so that they can avoid backlash or so they can win social points. I like it when companies show that they actually care.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. There’s actual thought and effort put into the identity-related designs in Infinite and I think it counts for something.

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u/_phantastik_ 2d ago

Hell I'll take a free dope coating and a simple tweet of something that could give it some visibility if it's important and innocent enough for some people. Better than nothing.


u/PNW_H2O 2d ago

(Only if it gives us visibility and $$)


u/AidynValo 2d ago

And as long as you're in a country that's okay with it. If you're not, then forget we said anything, we don't support it wherever you live.


u/Metalhead-2 2d ago

Yup exactly lol


u/gnulynnux 2d ago

I definitely appreciate it. I'd much rather live in the world of "here at brand, we celebrate X pride month" than the world of "here at brand, this month means nothing to us, actually."

And Microsoft generally puts their money where their mouth is. Their adaptive controller (while still expensive) was a big advancement for the market, and while I personally hate Visual Studio, I know it's a pretty fantastic IDE for people with vision or motor disabilities. And Microsoft has a reputation as a pretty great place to work if you're lgbt (their health insurance covers 100% of transition costs and they're pretty intentional about the environment they foster).

Like, yeah, fuck corporate pride and everything, but I definitely prefer that than silently letting chuds feel comfortable in their various phobias.

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u/MarkToaster 1d ago

I’m glad they’re trying at least. This feels like it’s actually had thought put into it and I respect it. So many companies would hastily slap a rainbow texture over something and say “here pls like us now,” and it always feels so corny and obviously pandering to me. But someone’s actually putting effort into these designs. It’s a bit more than just checking a box. The pride themed one last month looked really good and would still look good even if the meaning was separated from it. That’s what I think sets it apart. Someone wasn’t just throwing something together, they made something that will last beyond the month this is celebrated and still be appealing


u/GroundbreakingBag164 Halo: CE 2d ago

And how is that bad?

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u/KINGWHEAT98 2d ago

This is perfect for my teammates.


u/RedAndBlackVelvet 2d ago

I just want more story content


u/mundiaxis 2d ago

Maybe in 5 more years


u/Flabberducky 2d ago

Glad they are celebrating disability and bringing awareness.

But why didn't they use the prosthetic limbs on the spartans in the picture? Just seems like the obvious thing to do?


u/Zeke-Freek 2d ago

Probably because it wouldn't show off the coating very well.


u/Flabberducky 2d ago

Thats a good point.

But also a coating to celebrate disability not working well on prosthetics is another can of worms isn't it?


u/Zeke-Freek 2d ago

To be fair, no coating works on them so it's hardly unique.

It's just one marketing blurb and like they say, disabilities come in many forms, some visible, some not. I think reducing disabilities down to *just* prosthetics might be its own "can of worms".


u/-Eastwood- 2d ago

Pretty sure the Mark IV and Hazmat cores actually use your coating's colors.


u/XR-1 2d ago

Yeah that’s hilarious


u/TitaniumSp0rk 2d ago

Might be considered to be in poor taste, but also not every disability is a missing limb.


u/SGTBookWorm Fireteam Argos 2d ago

in a lot of places, a sunflower pin is starting to be used to indicated that someone has a disability that isn't immediately visible


u/Flabberducky 2d ago

Your right and I see that, but the only visual representation they could have in the game for a visual physical disability would be the Prosthetic limbs.

And of course the other physical and mental disabilities would be implied, but not a single spartan prosthetic? Its a amazingly inclusive part of the game to miss in this perfect scenario.


u/Plump_Chicken Halo Wars 2d ago

Because disabilities aren't always a limb missing


u/gnulynnux 2d ago

People who are missing part or all of a limb are a very small percentage of people who are disabled.


u/Flabberducky 2d ago

You are right, I only went to the Prosthetics because its the only disabled Visual representation they have added to the game and I always applauded them for it.

While other representation would be great the single thing they did have being missed at this perfect event seems shortsighted.


u/MonkeysxMoo35 Halo Wars 2d ago

I do wonder how many more they’ll actually acknowledge though. To my knowledge August doesn’t have anything but September is Hispanic Heritage Month and leaks show stuff for it. I forget if October has anything, but November is Native America Heritage Month, maybe something then?


u/Vytlo 2d ago

Because they don't care

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u/tommylookup 2d ago

What the fuck is disability pride month


u/jhallen2260 2d ago

Like I get not being ashamed of a disability, and wanting to be accepting of disabilities, but I wouldn't say I have "Pride" in my disability. Seems like pandering at this point.


u/Pure-Cardiologist-65 2d ago

At this point? It's always been pandering. Literally every corporation in June.

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u/imbrowntown 1d ago

it's where we go to a bunch of depressed people with spinal injuries and tell them they're more beautiful because they can't walk anymore

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u/DayOne117 2d ago

Thank you for all of those who served and those who didn’t who are disabled and wish you the best in your recovery and day to day 🙏


u/Anomaly1134 2d ago

Do I have to log in to get this?


u/killall-q GT: killallq 2d ago

Yes, you have to log in during the month it is featured.


u/NoticeThin2043 2d ago

Ah, so thats why they do this stuff, to get their log in numbers up


u/throwaway-anon-1600 2d ago

Pride month 2?!?!


u/mundiaxis 2d ago

Electric Boogaloo


u/JDario13 2d ago

Now it is personal


u/TheHancock Halo: Reach 2d ago

They fly now!?


u/woofnsmash 2d ago

Glad my teammates in public matches finally get recognition.


u/No_Print77 ONI 2d ago

343 developer pride month 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


u/Metalhead-2 2d ago

Why are we celebrating disabilities lmao


u/Delta2401 1d ago

to dab on the normalcucks

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u/JuanMunoz99 2d ago

That’s a nice looking coating. Side note would’ve been neat if they went the extra mile and had like maybe one of the spartan with a prosthetic arm or leg (don’t say this as a critique).


u/SemiGaseousSnake 1d ago

Those armors definitely look disabled.


u/ColoradoRunner89 2d ago

Wait, why are disabilities being celebrated? Forgive my ignorance but I can understand celebrating the strength disabled people have but I don't think they necessarily have pride in their actual disability

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u/flatmotion1 2d ago

For this update they disabled steam comments


u/azurejack 2d ago

The visor is actually pretty sick.


u/Cooldude101013 2d ago

Soo, what do each of the colours mean?


u/MajinPsiOptics 1d ago

I get it is for the players, but in the lore handicapped people won't make it into the spartan program. Those who became handicap because they couldn't handle the augmentation were given desk jobs.


u/Jo_seph_ 1d ago

Everyone still playing this scam needs to have the disabled skin on


u/Thee-Roach 1d ago

At microsoft we love to virtue signal because we are a good company.


u/Ok_Channel_6003 1d ago

I'm confused. Is 343 confirming pride is a disability at the start of June. 💀


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/ThornEternal Onyx 2d ago

That’s actually a pretty cool color combo and the pattern is very unique. NICE


u/InchLongNips 1d ago

a month all about 343, nice


u/jaasian 1d ago

Beat me to it


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/Subject-Attention666 2d ago

that coating on the Commando got me acting inconsiderate!


u/No_Sherbet_900 Halo: CE 2d ago

not a single robot limb which the game already has



u/TheBrightKnightAW 1d ago

I have disabilities, but seriously - who makes this shit up?

like, Gay pride month (which is self indulgent af) came out of literally nowhere years ago despite what wikipedia says.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/Few-Rough-4892 2d ago

Looks good! I’m glad these free coating always turn out good.


u/Eglwyswrw FIREFIGHT 2d ago

these free coating always turn out good

The Women's Month one is horrendous and the Mental Awareness one is weird... however, most do look nice.


u/MonkeysxMoo35 Halo Wars 2d ago

If they kept the polka dots to just the head it would’ve looked great. No idea why they made it so the polka dots go all over the armor, completely ruins it


u/EternalCanadian Spartan III lore Enthusiast 2d ago

The Women’s one was a good idea but not a great execution.


u/gnulynnux 2d ago

The Mental Health awareness one was pretty good, but yeah, the woman's history one is the odd one out. Except for that one, these have been pretty good.


u/Haru17 2d ago

Yeah, that thing was preeeeetty rough-looking. Just give us a bandana armband or something if we’re doing feminism as portrayed by the wartime US government.


u/Miserable-Design-405 2d ago

Most of them suck, man.


u/Kxdan 1d ago

Imagine wasting time on this rather than making actual content


u/DruunkenSensei Onyx 2d ago

Nice! I just wish they would make the coatings cooler. Not a fan of this one, the womens pride month coating was horrendous but hey free stuff!


u/King_Lance 2d ago

That's why its free lol


u/architect___ Diamond 2d ago

Nah, the African one was free and it's one of the best coatings in the entire game.

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They’re letting the employees with color blindness design the coatings in honor of disability pride month. They usually let them do it anyways, but this time it’s to celebrate something.


u/Mr-Glum 2d ago

Whats next White pride month damn

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u/WonkaVR 2d ago

The original mark v testers that were crippled are probably rolling over in their grave
That said i appreciate the awareness because I know a lot of great people with disabilities, w 343


u/ToaDrakua 2d ago

Might be nicer if they tied these to donations for the relevant charity drives like Bungie does.


u/theallaroundnerd 2d ago

Good to know there's a month for bad players like me


u/SpuddButt18 1d ago

Because we don't have to deal with this shit enough IRL now more and more gaming companies are destroying themselves by adding it to games ffs, just because it's popular on the internet doesn't mean it's right, we need dignity and standards back in this f'd up world 🙄


u/para_la_calle 2d ago

What an unconvincing grift lmao


u/_-id-_ 2d ago

Can't wait until 343 gives us country coatings and emblems. That'll happen right?


u/Born2beSlicker Halo 2 2d ago

I really hope not


u/JustOneBun 1d ago

Why would I be proud to be disabled? I'm completely open to having more people be aware of it, but to be proud of it? Fuck off

No one really cares about us this much and it's just another shitty capitalist farming scheme they disguise by pretending to care.

Gay pride? Sure. Trans pride? Why not. Disabled pride? Fuck you. I'm not proud of this shit.


u/Party-Exercise-2166 1d ago

Pride is about teaching people to accept others despite their differences. Many people still look down on disabled people as being worth less. Same thing for every pride month actually.

It's not about being proud of what makes you difference but being proud of yourself despite the hardships you'll encounter in your life.


u/MuffinOfChaos 1d ago

You're thinking about it all wrong.

It's not about being proud of being disabled, it's being proud of who you are in spite of disability. That your disability doesn't make you less of a person just because there may be something or some things that you cannot do or have difficulty doing.


u/Rhodplumsite 2d ago

Why are there small pps on the undersuit texture though?


u/The_sleepless_idiot 1d ago

Imo this would be nicer if they showed service members that lost their limbs or becsne disabled because of the war, or disabled people still contributing to the actual conflict but then again its an advertisement for the new skins. And that the story of halo moved past the war already (im only on halo 2 so im not sure)


u/Exotic_Midnight2100 1d ago

Man I can't wait for the Regular Everyday Normal Guy Pride coating


u/boredomreigns 1d ago

Special edition disability helmet seems like it could be taken the wrong way…


u/RealJzargo 23h ago

didn’t know people were proud to be disabled


u/ImperfectRegulator 2d ago

I’m not against it for brand supporting cause, I’m against it cause it’s ugly as shit


u/waratworld17 2d ago

Oil stain visor.


u/Xtersin 2d ago

"disabilities come in many forms, visible or not"

the writhing, putrid mass of flesh that decided I needed to pay irl money for the armor:


u/Catheraptorsauras 2d ago

This means so much to me. I hope disability pride month catches on. That would be amazing.


u/xBooNxl 1d ago

Smfh 343 just sucks as a company.


u/-Eastwood- 2d ago

Halo fans be the only fandom that be bitchin about free shit 💀


u/Lost_Pantheon 2d ago

To be fair if it weren't shit we wouldn't be bitchin'.


u/-Eastwood- 2d ago

Even if it wasn't "shit" people would still bitch. We get free armor every month and people still bitch and moan.


u/Party-Exercise-2166 1d ago

And then they blame 343i for Halo being less popular these days when I have seen many people jump of specifically because of the terrible community.


u/Unicorn4_5Venom 2d ago

“The fans get free coatings all the time what do you mean??”

“Giving away specially themed coatings as a sign of awareness is not the same as giving out something for free to the players who actually play the game for more than the day (maybe two) of their “wanted” addition Phil.”


u/Pure-Cardiologist-65 2d ago

Great, now we have to through pride moth 2....


u/imbrowntown 2d ago

I'm sure this will get downvoted but I find all this shit just incredibly cringey and pandering. Really reminds me of how they kept modifying the rainbow pride flag to be more and more "inclusive" and you can't even see the damn rainbow anymore.


u/-YeshuaHamashiach- 1d ago

I'll never wonder why Halo died.


u/Biggzy10 2d ago

What about free coatings for rank achievements? Or certain career accomplishments? Why do we have to wait around for some random twitter holiday to get free content?

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u/MarkToaster 1d ago

I like that they’re actually trying with this stuff. There’s clearly thought that’s gone into the designs. A lot of devs just slap a rainbow JPEG onto something to say “there, we checked that box.” But someone on the art team is actually taking time with this stuff and that makes it feel genuine


u/NY-Black-Dragon Halo.Bungie.Org 2d ago

As an actual physically disabled person, I actually like these. At the very least, they look better than what we got last year.

As an aside, a lot of the comments here and social media in general have only reinforced the idea that the general public hates the physically and mentally handicapped, which fuels my already considerable self-loathing.


u/Party-Exercise-2166 1d ago

As an aside, a lot of the comments here and social media in general have only reinforced the idea that the general public hates the physically and mentally handicapped

I see so many ask why a disability pride month, or pride months in general are needed but then you see the comments these people make and they are the best example of why. People still have no acceptance for others.

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