r/halo x.com/gruntdotapi 3d ago

I've added emotes to Infinite, so now you can hate me in peace. Fashion

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u/DrFrenetic Halo 3 3d ago

So it really is Master Chief from Fortnite after all...


u/1Check1Mate7 2d ago

always has been since halo 4


u/Beautiful-Mud-341 3d ago

You have to do assassinations like Halo 5 now


u/Natemcb 2d ago



u/BobSagieBauls Halo 3: ODST 2d ago

I hate that they removed them. Was anyone really crying to have them removed? If you thought they were annoying than you could just back smack


u/ChoseConfidentFuture 3d ago

Do orange justice next


u/z28camaroman Halo: Reach 3d ago

Honestly I wouldn't mind emotes. It would have been a fair way to do microtransactions instead of monetizing things that would have been included with the $60 campaign purchase in previous Halos like armor pieces and colors.


u/Vestalmin 2d ago

I would have minded when they were pretending they cared about the art style and vibe of the game.

Then they added cat so much insane cosmetics it’s like why not just do it lol


u/Hahafunniee 2d ago

Then we get 3 peeking


u/z28camaroman Halo: Reach 2d ago

The solution to that is rather simple: lower the FoV while emoting, and forcing the emote to finish rather than letting players immediately cancel them. Alternatively, the emotes can be locked to first person.


u/Party-Exercise-2166 3d ago

Even without paying a single cent Halo Infinite features vastly more free customisation than we got in the past.


u/EdetR0 3d ago

That's where you don't understand the complaints IMO.

Can't talk for everybody but I guess most people complaining expected of Infinite a full package of what a $60 halo game should have: campaign, multiplayer and Halo armor/customisation options, which Infinite didn't have.

You want micro transaction for the whacky ninja and other special armors ? Fine.

But why the fuck paying the whole game doesn't let me access armors I always got in previous game ?

Why should I pay $20 for the old MC armor when I paid the game for $60?

And to that I'd add, I guess most people don't really care to get a free Santa Claus helmet too, it you take that into account for free customisation.



Why did you pay for a free to play game with a campaign accessible through Gamepass?


u/BobertRosserton H5 Onyx 2d ago

Such a dumb take.



Explain? Economic literacy is dumb now?


u/BobertRosserton H5 Onyx 1d ago

You’re comparing the price of a single month of gamepass to the cost of the game without gamepass. Yeah that’s a dumb take lmao.



Unless you're playing the campaign continuously for more than three months, you're saving money by paying for three months of Gamepass and canceling before being charged for the fourth month.


u/BobertRosserton H5 Onyx 1d ago

Someone who wants to play the game on their Xbox offline? Ooop can’t play now, sorry you don’t own the game.



If being prepared for some scenario where you absolutely must play the game while your internet is out and you also can't hotspot, your phone is worth $45 bucks to you that's fine. I'm sure this is definitely the reason people who bought the game did so and not a bizarrely specific use case that you're pulling out of your ass because I'm obviously correct that it's a waste of money.

A better argument would be if someone is a speedrunner.


u/Ori_the_SG Halo: Reach 2d ago

“More free” doesn’t mean superior

For example, Infinite’s customization is objectively inferior to past Halo customization solely because you cannot choose your own color combos.

Some people don’t care, but that is objectively worse. They could dump a billion new cores for free, and I have zero interest in any of them because I can’t do something so basic as choosing my own colors


u/StopSendingMePorn 3d ago

Yes but ur forgetting that number company bad


u/BrianLefervesWallet 2d ago

How original


u/perpendiculator 2d ago

reasonable opinion

hurr durr number company!!!!

Try contributing to the discussion instead of being a joke.


u/StopSendingMePorn 2d ago

I was making a joke you goober. Have you not seen the “number company bad” meme? It’s very clearly sarcasm.

Go back to bed and get more sleep


u/darkdeath174 2d ago

Just makes me miss assassinations more


u/Odd_Replacement_9644 Halo: CE 3d ago

To 343i: don’t get any funny ideas.


u/BEES_just_BEE Halo 3: ODST 3d ago

Would actually be fun though


u/funnyghostman Halo: Reach 2d ago

Imagine master chief doing gangam style! Or the macarena! Or t- wait that's just fortnite chief


u/BEES_just_BEE Halo 3: ODST 2d ago

Unfortunately, he hasn't been in the shop for quite some time now


u/Pesky_Moth 2d ago

Noticed one of those was a Stance and not the random intro animation.

Would be cool if it could be forced to JUST use the stances and not the intro animations


u/Zeny- x.com/gruntdotapi 2d ago

Indeed! I mixed the introduction emotes with a pose to see what could be done. The game is capable of playing introduction emotes at the end of a match and using the player's pose at the beginning of a match. It's only a configuration.

The in-game emote system, on the other hand, required a bit of work, but not much, as I did it in about 30 minutes.


u/TheBugChadMan92 3d ago

I abused the shit out of Destiny 2 emote mechanics in PvP to see everyone when they can't see me. Emote doesn't belong in a first person shooter unless its PvE.


u/MonsterHunter6353 3d ago

Or just have the emote keep you in first person like in cod


u/thefoojoo2 3d ago

Nowadays you stay in first person when you emote in a competitive mode. Same thing if you pull out a sword with no ammo.


u/POW_Studios 2d ago

TF2 and Overwatch’s systems are fine


u/MonkeysxMoo35 Halo Wars 3d ago edited 3d ago

To be fair there's other ways to go third person in Destiny, like swords. In fact isn't there a thing called sword peaking?


u/trabo2601 2d ago

I'm honestly not against it.


u/Tairo_420 3d ago

Honestly emotes would be pretty sick, they could do it like cod cold war with the hand gestures and stuff or just straight up entire body movements like this, either or would be awesome, as long as they don't go super crazy with it and keep it relatively calm/realistic while having some fun and spice thrown into it than it would be a great addition


u/Joseph_Skycrest 3d ago

We need an official t-bag emote


u/nomigash 3d ago

why do that when you can just press b... over and over... for free....


u/dkgameplayer 2d ago

I wanna see him get the balls out in 4k


u/ArdFlame Halo Infinite 3d ago

This is actually really sick tf


u/Cptn_Lemons 3d ago

How did you do this? Is it a forge script thing or something on your side with breaking the game.


u/Zeny- x.com/gruntdotapi 3d ago

More like a "real script" thing :) https://x.com/gruntdotapi/status/1807970252556280302


u/doofyluck 2d ago

Honestly i like it


u/SpartanOfHalo 3d ago

Gritty next.


u/KapkanYouNot Headhunter 2d ago

I need gangdamn style


u/Agent_Specs 2d ago

Add Kazotsky Kick


u/jefferythewhale 2d ago

Now default dance for 0.3 seconds in the middle of an ultra sweaty match of husky raid


u/The_MAZZTer Onyx Sergeant 2d ago

Now we just need the conga emote from Team Fortress 2 and we're set.


u/JetSet_Skatio 1d ago

I’ve been actually wondering if this was possible lately. Glad to see it is. Would be nice to use during a group photo or machinima


u/JetSet_Skatio 1d ago

I assume it’s somewhat similar to putting your weapon down? Like mark an object and it’ll trigger the pose


u/Zeny- x.com/gruntdotapi 21h ago

Custom mod :) But yeah, the callout action triggers a random pose.


u/JetSet_Skatio 21h ago

Well done, definitely will prove super useful in the future for any halo machinimas!


u/Ok_Channel_6003 1d ago

Is this real?


u/Zeny- x.com/gruntdotapi 21h ago

Custom mod :)


u/Robi_Up 2d ago

Microsoft ripubblica i vecchi titoli 🙏♥️


u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

Fire. Halo has the potential to be the premier FPS again. Halo Battle Royal would be so massive and good and they haven’t it done it.


u/LikeSoda 3d ago

🔥 bro build mode and emotes in a halo 😇 battle royal the rizz would be flingflangen no cap /s

Some people never deserved halo lol


u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

Yee you got the vision brother! The potential is enormous. Which halo is your favorite?


u/CompletelyAnonymous3 Halo: Reach 3d ago



u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

Halo needs to Evolve. Player base been on decline for years. The only people that play it are long time fans. Halo BR would be flames.



Alright 343 employee, calm down.


u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

343 employee as a diss makes no sense. Haterz haha


u/Party-Exercise-2166 3d ago

So a BR would be the right approach? It's an oversaturated genre already. You got the 3 big games the fans of the genre are playing religiously already. It's basically become impossible to penetrate that market for anyone else.


u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

All of the down voters, please chime in on why you don’t like my comment.


u/PurplexingPupp Halo: CE 3d ago

If the only people who like Halo are long-time fans, changing the formula now is only going to make them feel unwelcome and then nobody will be playing Halo.

There simply wasn't a lot of competition for Halo in 2001, and Halo was utterly groundbreaking. Times have changed and there are other games to play.

If Halo wants to retain a core playerbase, it needs to do what it does best and refine THAT. Not dip into uncharted waters doing things that other franchises have been doing better for years.


u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

Nope, IMO the long time players that still play only play for nostalgia or here and there other becuase they enjoy it but it isn’t their primary shooter anymore. Inovating halo doesn’t meant we have to change what halo is. Og Players can still play their favorite playlists. New Players need New in order to get them in.

Halo most definitely had completion in 2001. Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem, Medal of Honor , the early Call of Duty, SoCom, not to mention CounterStrike. They may not have all released at Halo CE launch but they were still alive as well pre Halo2.

I agree with refining but refinement of the same will only go in circles. The core fan base isn’t going anywhere, I mean here we are. Halo has always had playlists. Throwing in a few more to cater to a broader audience is a good thing.

Come on bro how badass would it be to drop down into the map in the odst pod with your own 4 man noble team. Imagine the crazy Fucken plays.


u/GreatFNGattsby 3d ago

The state of the industry is doing different things and finding what works and people copying it. Battlepasses have become the norm, with a rotating store. We saw how everyone copied COD futuristic gameplay mechanics, now with fortnight and BR modes. Halo if it wants to be popular has to find something new and bring it to the industry. But it’s too big of a title to try stuff with that might fail. It’s why smaller spin offs would be a smarter way to test these things out.


u/DGP873 3d ago

They kinda did a halo BR at the very start of infinites life (i think they added it on season 2,S2 was all about that br mode and the new 2 maps insane ammounts of content am i right? We waited like 4 months or more for it) It was kinda fun but they removed the mode out of thin air


u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

You talking about Attrition or something like that? Nahh halo needs a dedicated BR. Massive map, drop in, only those classified as hyper lethal make it out😤


u/Hopeful_Cranberry12 3d ago

Ugh no. Halo should stick to its roots and to the arena shooter. If we have a good developer and less corpo meddling we might have had a good game. A battle royale type game where you drop in odst pods sounds lame af. Halo fans don’t want that. It’s this same type of thinking and trend-chasing that’s made halo a failure of an IP to begin with.


u/HopefulForgivenes 3d ago

Why can’t we have both. Just cus we add a br doesn’t mean classic slayer goes away. You’re not forced to play br. Let go bro. And I know halo fans that would love that. I’m one of them, and I’d dust you in halo if my Xbox worked. Your fav halo was prolly 5. What trends has halo followed. Halo went down becuase Microsoft let them do whatever they want. There was no corpo meddling at all. The got three try’s and they all sucked. Now that corporate stepped in halo is moving towards brighter futures.


u/Hopeful_Cranberry12 2d ago

Do I really need to go over the history of 343 trend chasing? How much they changed the core gameplay of each game or different monetizations that were hit at the time?

And no, halo 5 was ass cus it changed the very core gameplay, much like you want to do with a battle royal.

And we know how much Microsoft has meddled with infinite. Even Joseph Staten confirmed this. The incompetent leadership didn’t just stop at 343. Though I’m also not saying 343 is blameless either.