r/GenX 2d ago

Input, please Politics: yes or no?


I don’t know if you have noticed, but this sub is closing in on 150,000 members. I’m sure, however, that you have noticed the uptick in the number of political posts, and the ensuing name-calling, divisiveness, and general hate. Guys, you’re wearing out your mod team with this shit, to the point where mods are asking to ban politics!

So, here we are.

We have gone through this issue before, and it seemed settled that we would flair posts correctly, and members could sort out the shit they don’t want see. Problem is, mods are having to change flair, ban users, and generally do a fuck-ton more work, just to be faced with the onerous task of policing the political threads for puerile bullshit.

I’m asking for input, but my inclination is to ban politics from /r/GenX, and ban anyone at least temporarily, who posts about the subject.

All I want, and all the mods want, is a place where we can hang out without name-calling and shit like that. Some people, and you know who you are, think it’s okay to post insults and “GFY” just because we are supposed to be tougher than to react to it or some shit. The fact is, we are supposed to be mature enough not to post that shit to begin with.

Lecture over. Please reply to this thread with your thoughts about why politics should not be banned in /r/GenX. While you’re at it, please show some appreciation for hardworking mods /u/ayyabduction, /u/Kaldaus, and /u/RCA2CE. They are looking after you guys and your sub, and they deserve your respect and your gratitude!

ETA: To all of those who have said “just flair the posts” or whatever, you’re not paying attention: We have already tried that, and people are still hating each other.

r/GenX 11h ago

Photo Oh my heart

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r/GenX 5h ago

Photo Same color and everything

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r/GenX 9h ago

Movies The Valley Girls at the Beach!

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r/GenX 5h ago

Those damn Boomers, man! What's your stance on fireworks? Has it changed much over the years?


Flair is ironic, whatever.

FUCK mortars in residential areas.

r/GenX 6h ago

Input, please Did you climb trees as a kid?


I'm sitting outside at the house where I grew up and looking at all the Douglas Fir trees in the yard and I can still remember each one I climbed. My friends and I got so close to the top in one that we could see Mt Rainier, Mt St Helens, and Mt Adams (i live near Tacoma Washington). It was a spectacular view and of course my mom was less than pleased.

Did anyone else climb trees as a kid? Do kids these days climb trees?

r/GenX 2h ago

Photo My grandmother's house smelled like this. Anyone remember it?

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r/GenX 3h ago

That’s just, like, my OPINION, man Fellow Gen-Xer, please explain the appeal

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Help me understand the appeal of today's fireworks. They're not like the spinny, fizzy, whistling ones that I remember from my youth. All day long, well before it started getting dark, people all over my neighborhood have been blowing up everything from M-80s to quarter sticks and larger. Maybe I've just gotten old and curmudgeonly over the years, but I just don't understand the enjoyment factor of paying excessive amounts of money for dangerous miniature bombs that do nothing but explode loudly for a split-second and leave trash all over the streets that I will have to navigate around tomorrow morning.

r/GenX 5h ago

whatever. So, it's Independence Day. What are my Gen X folks doing tonight?


Me? I'm staying home alone. My wife is in DC for a thing and I'm in Des Moines. I'll be knee deep in beer, keeping the dogs calm, watching the TV and playing video games on the Steam Deck. I love my wife but like being alone.

Thrilling, right!? Happy Birthday, America.

r/GenX 11h ago

Photo Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhh!

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r/GenX 13h ago

Input, please Was life better before the internet?

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I often marvel at how much the second half of my life has changed since the dawn of the internet.

Which internet perk would you never give up? What do you miss most about pre-internet life?

r/GenX 6h ago

Wait, I’m HOW old?! Anyone else‘s parents give them a lit cigarette to go and light fireworks with?🎆🗽


Went and bought fireworks for the kids and the lady who rang us up gave us some free punks then this memory came back.

r/GenX 15h ago

Photo 4th of July, 1976 - 11 year old me decorated my Schwinn to ride in my town's bicentennial parade


r/GenX 11h ago

Photo July 4, 1976- Where were you?


I was at Mount Rushmore. Thanks to my parents I will never forget that day! 🇺🇸

r/GenX 3h ago

Input, please Did 80s adults actually enjoy the A-Team?


We loved it as kids, but on one hand it seems a lot of the themes were not kid appropriate, by today's standards anyway. On the other hand, the show is a bit ridiculous and Mr T became a kid's role model with his own cartoon. So did parents just put up with this to keep us occupied?

r/GenX 20h ago

whatever. What’s the biggest “tell” that that someone’s GenX just by looking at them?


Not like anyone cares, but I nominate:

A guy with only one (probably left) earlobe pierced

r/GenX 3h ago

Music Beastie Boys Square

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Passed by yesterday ❤️

r/GenX 16h ago

Existential Crisis I've turned 49 today. I don't know how to feel.


I know that turning 50 is usually the more emotionally complicated age for us GenX women, but i feel like I'm in mourning. Has anyone else been through this?

r/GenX 11h ago

Movies Have you seen him?

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r/GenX 8h ago

Wait, I’m HOW old?! Anyone have good stories or memories from the 1976 Bicentennial?


As a 1971 born, I was only five at the time, but all the hype and excitement that surrounded the Bicentennial are among the very earliest memories that I have. I can't remember anything specific of the day, but I strongly remember the vibe.

r/GenX 1h ago

Photo Here is your true 1984

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84 bitches. Watched.

r/GenX 5h ago

Photo This Sweet ‘81 Chevette brings back memories


Everybody remembers their first pos car!

This sweetly transformed Chevette outlived my '86 Mercury Lynx (with the XLT decal package with spoiler)

There was more than one Chevette in my high school’s parking lot!

Maybe yours wasn't a pos but grandmas Buick and you were embarrassed to drive it.

Or perhaps you actually had something really cool, like a Scirocco.

Tell me!

The really cool American Racing rims & the glued on hood scoop complete the ensemble.

r/GenX 11h ago

Existential Crisis Do you have your chair yet?


Who has “their chair” now that we’re in our 50s? What kind of chair/recliner do you have?

r/GenX 2h ago

Wait, I’m HOW old?! Happy Independence Day.


You SOBs better use up all of your fireworks tonight because, after tonight, I will assume I’m under attack and I will return fire.

r/GenX 14h ago

whatever. What do you get when you cross Capt. America with the Incredible Hulk?


The Star-Spangled Banner.

Just a little something to torture any family/friends with. I guess King George found out the hard way that he won't like us when we're angry.

r/GenX 2h ago

Photo Speaking of scents guaranteed to make me cry, this is what my mama smelled like. I miss her so much.

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