r/fut 2d ago

Is this impossible for me? Help

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137 comments sorted by


u/Tanabananaa22 2d ago

I think you should be fine. EA usually releases a ton of objectives/XP in the last week.


u/Rock-et888 2d ago

And guess who won’t be able to play that last week :D


u/Youknowwhoitsme 2d ago

Michael Jackson


u/Ok-Ad-2784 2d ago

Dirty nonce


u/Youknowwhoitsme 2d ago

Yea, disgusting! I prefer my nonces with a certain hygienic standard


u/smokescreen1144 1d ago

Dude at least you aren’t on level 34 100 xp away and didn’t get temp banned off psn bruh I’m fn cheesed🤣


u/LiamWiking 2d ago

Meee :D

(Out of country, actually touching grass unlike some people in this Reddit, like how was yall lvl 35 in the first 3 weeks?!)


u/w00dr0w6 2d ago

I was out of country all last week, touching grass and walking 50 miles around Seoul. Hoping to finish the season still too


u/Ready-Television-238 20h ago

I went out of country once to Italy, never again


u/LiamWiking 19h ago

Italy as your starter? That’s rough buddy, should’ve chosen a nicer starter, like Germany, France, Spain, any of those sorts, but don’t let that be the downfall of your journey of exploring the world.


u/Wonderful-Energy-999 2d ago

Me absolutely banking on that since I also already brought the Icon kits


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u/BROKY1705 2d ago

I’m yet to unlock Bernardo silva, will I be able to do it too?


u/nkls361 2d ago

Last month there was an objective to play a game I think which granted you 4K xp, so you should still be able to complete it


u/cinnininni1 1d ago

dang i missed that wth


u/nkls361 1d ago


Seems like they did it for a longer period of time


u/cinnininni1 1d ago

i’m not hitting level 35 anyways i’m like level 14. i’m No money spent, was fortunate enough to have 3 hrs of time yesterday for the first time in a week (i grinded 160 crafting SBC’s) and my team looks like this

i know it’s not the greatest team but for about 400 hrs this year No Money Spent its atleast a 7/10



u/nkls361 1d ago

It seems like ea is giving away a lot of xp at the end of seasons, considering it’s July maybe they just hand level 35 to everyone🤣 But that’s a good team! For doing the crafting upgrades you got some nice promos. I did them too and got lucky as well. I am level 31 atm, got a lot of time last month and grinded every xp task because although I have a god squad I’m ass at this game and can’t rely on xp from champs😂 currently div 5 in rivals


u/ascrin1 1d ago

Send pic of team?


u/nkls361 1d ago


Packed Cruyff 2 days ago and he fits my playstyle so good that I was able to step up my game. Currently on a high win streak in div 5.


u/cinnininni1 1d ago

packing cruyff is crazy. i’m stuck in div 3 struggling to even complete my weekly 7 games this week

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u/ascrin1 22h ago

How bad do you have to be to be in div 5 with that team (no offense)

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u/Wonderful-Energy-999 2d ago

I mean I would be happy with level 34, Kroos or Gerrard would be an instant starter on my team so it’s good either way. I don’t really need Depay tbh, already stacked at forwards


u/deannemmer 2d ago

Taking Gerrard or Kroos?


u/Wonderful-Energy-999 2d ago

Idk yet, my midfield rn is Rodri, Rice and Szobozalai. Who do you think I should get?


u/Environmental_Pay744 1d ago

I hate these objectives. That's just tooooo much of shit going on there


u/joe_king1986 2d ago

I’m 12,000 away, doubt I will make it :(


u/serial_burper 2d ago

make it 38000. i am not even trying. :/


u/mubarakr 2d ago

Me too, but they usually release some extra bonus xp in the last few days hopefully that'll be enough. Might have to get a kit or a pack here or there too.


u/naok9688 1d ago

They give xp for packs?


u/mubarakr 1d ago

Xp in packs, gotta buy them. One or two max though


u/naok9688 1d ago

Any specific packs? I have never bought a pack unless its an energizer cheap one. I have like 2000 fc points from the preorder still.


u/mubarakr 1d ago

Oh dude I wouldn't know the names, sorry. Never bought one myself, but they usually clearly mention it in the pack description that it contains seasonal XP


u/naok9688 1d ago

No worries. I appreciate the info for sure. That should be enough. Thanks


u/minivatreni 2d ago

yeah I am also 12k away!


u/Bofers 2d ago

You will


u/Larkin007 2d ago

I think I’m 9k away


u/Imaginary_Dirt5115 1d ago

Me too I’m 9k away will I get puskas?


u/Larkin007 1d ago

Hopefully if ea release a store pack containing couple thousand xp and good objectives it should be do a


u/iMightBeABotAswell 2d ago

I’m like level 24 and not even worrying about xp, at the end of the last few seasons they just throw in some easy objectives for a good amount of xp. You should be more than fine


u/sylvan2606 2d ago

Same here, I just can’t be fucked with the friendly with my shit team people play like it’s champs finals


u/deadtreeroot 2d ago

I literally buy silver players and try to get some wins in and end up getting griddyed on by some kid who’s got a squad of 90+


u/sylvan2606 1d ago

Same with me bro 😂 Infuriates me knowing that i’d smash them with my real team


u/thepieman42 2d ago

I’m a card hoarder so love these friendly modes lol. Finally a chance to have some fun with less meta players


u/naok9688 1d ago

Same. I keep all my promo cards and it has helped a lot in the one nation friendlies. Some people just have all golds since they probably use the promos as fodder


u/Uchihaboy316 1d ago

Exactly this


u/Last-Career7180 2d ago

The one nation friendly objs are surprisingly easy. I always struggle in friendlies until now.


u/DrEckigPlayer 1h ago

Seriously! I stopped playing those. Teams with random countries and every team I’m up against is like half icons and half some other 90+ cards and then me barely golds lol


u/WebNo81 PS5 2d ago

How else are people supposed to play a mode that gives rewards and xp?


u/Erquebrand 2d ago

Have you done all XP related obj?

It all depends on what EA is gonna release. If you do Champs, Rivals, Squad Battles and all xp OBJ, you will be fine 100%


u/H_Glen 2d ago

I have done everything now waiting for rivals rewards and squadbattles


u/Erquebrand 2d ago

That's strange. I haven't done everything and need 600 to get Puskas.
You will be fine, no worries.


u/HowlingPhoenixx 2d ago

You might have played more champs and rivals over the month and got the extra exp from that.


u/Awseomeness_way 2d ago

It’s weird I’ve done all objectives including icon kit and still need 9k xp to get puskus.


u/nifemi_o 2d ago

It's not weird at all, champs and rivals give lots of XP.


u/Awseomeness_way 2d ago

They give that much? I looked at the rewards and I only saw around 700 for div 1 on rivals


u/nifemi_o 2d ago

11 wins this weekend got me something around 1300 XP, and more wins gets you even more. I don't play rivals anymore myself, but it's probably similar and I'm guessing higher divisions get more XP.


u/Electronic_Fan_5321 2d ago

ive done all except icon kits and challenges like the alan shearer one should i be able to make it


u/Madladdieter 2d ago

Easily you fill finish the pass. Thursday ea will drop friendlies cup and Friday they will drop Copa XP objectives. Even if that doesn't cover 4700 XP then they always drop play 3 games 4k XP during the last days, also weekly objective on Thursday or Friday 200 XP for completing daily XP and 200 xo each for play 5 10 and 15 games. Then rivals, squad battles XP.

Even if you miss all these from last season they started dropping XP packs in store.


u/Atomic-_-Mateo 2d ago

I need 10k xp 💀💀💀


u/Elcycle 2d ago

I need 14k 💀 we are cooked


u/Agreeable-Heat-3880 2d ago

21k here


u/1dEkid 2d ago

Also 21k here. Haven't played or done any objectives in 3 weeks


u/therealmvpls11 2d ago

I'm at lvl 19 I'm cooked I think😭😭


u/1dEkid 2d ago

I'm lvl 14.


u/PuzzleheadedSoft5575 2d ago

Me and you brother :(


u/Opening-Swan8426 2d ago

I hope not I'm 8000 away and need Gerard for my p&p


u/Far-Scientist4143 2d ago

Squad battle, div rival upgrade reward and champs get u around like 3k points in one week u should be fine as EA will release more objective with xp


u/KarmiTenchi 2d ago

I’m 11k away and I’m very confident that I’m gonna make it


u/GoroTerror 2d ago edited 2d ago

I am at exactly the same. I have little estimations and some speculations.

Squad battle = 700xp

Rivals= 600 xp

Play Champs = 500xp (3-4 wins) to 1500xp(if you win more than 18 wins) (lets consider minimum)

Daily quest play 1 and score 3 = 75 X 8 days left = 600xp

Total = 700+600+500+600=2400xp.

Now we are short of 3300xp. (5700-2400xp =3300xp)

Let's talk about obvious/speculations objectives in my opinion:-

Weekly Quest this thrusday/friday (4th/5th July) = Minimum 800xp.

Some nation's frenzy quest = 2100xp.

So now we stand at 400 xp short.

There would be some bonus quest, that would cover up that.

On a side note, I noticed they give out 25-50xp every game for last two days of season,
you can finish of 400xp from 16 games if you get 25xp per game. 16 is the half of total number of squad battles. You can easily play that.
Maybe now you would feel a little reassured.

So congrats on your Puskas..!!
Good luck, Have fun.


u/WalkersChrisPacket 2d ago

Next week they'll be at least 6k XP, everyone so desperate for a Puskas you'll use for a week before replacing is crazy.


u/deannemmer 2d ago

Then futties comes out and puskad gets nerfed lol


u/Suspicious_Pengu 2d ago

Bro I have more levels to do than you and I'm not even near stressed, we chilling trust.


u/SpecialAd422 2d ago

Easily. Rivals and champs will give you around 2k and you get around 3k from the one nation cup and 2 Nation objective. So you only need a few XP from the weekly XP. I'm pretty sure you can get Puskas on Thursday if you grind the game


u/H_Glen 2d ago

Thank you guys for the help and suggestions


u/Luispetz 2d ago

Im level 28 I have done everything except the spain cup I should be fine right?


u/Ok_Constant_7553 2d ago

There is still like 9 days left. You should at least have 3000 from champs and rivals/ squad battles


u/Roooney877 2d ago

If you are really desperate you could always buy Flashback Icon Kits, that’ll give you 2000xp alone. I’m 10 000xp away, will grind the whole week hoping to make it.


u/Acceptable-Beyond816 2d ago

How do you get xp from buying kits ?


u/Standard_Attention23 2d ago

There’s seasonal objectives for playing/winning while using the kits


u/DriverCritical3832 2d ago

Go to seasonal and go on the bits that say flashback icon kits


u/smoking_the_dragon 2d ago

I need 5 and a half, I'm praying ea sort us out. If I don't get to the end I might honestly take a break, really wanted kroos and puskas


u/MBITS3 2d ago

Nah bro u are fine


u/OkDish3553 2d ago

hope so


u/TryingToNotGetBan_4 2d ago

Absolutely yes


u/da7GR 2d ago

Don't buy the future icons kit until the last week objs are released. They do this every season so nothing to worry about ig. EA always wants you to spend more time on their game, so they'll release objectives for sure as there are tons of people who haven't completed the battle pass.

If they don't, I'd recommend buying both icon kits to get as much XP as possible.


u/bagodonuts6432 2d ago

I hope not I’m about the same spot


u/Ati9321 PS4 2d ago

Im actually level 4, i think I'm cooked🤣


u/trashhunter164 2d ago

Is it still duable in one day? I will probably be only able to play on friday and i need 4000 xp


u/blakezero 2d ago

You are almost exactly where I am. I’m almost positive we’ll be able to get there in 8 days.


u/AONORipco 2d ago

I feel the same.


u/Tutis3 2d ago

I hope it's not impossible because if you can't get there I defo can't!


u/thelasttex 2d ago

I am 21k away lol u should be fine


u/SeniorToxic 2d ago

I am 3.5k away i hope there will be New obj tomorrow or sum


u/Bofers 2d ago

No, if you complete rival Squad battles etc you will be done by end of week or even before after Thursdays content


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u/Independent_Thing139 2d ago

I need 875xp for Gerrard and the Puskas got depay today


u/Independent_Thing139 2d ago

It won’t be impossible for you because on Friday well this Friday it’s the last week and then they will all be gone so you need to have fingers crossed that you can get atleast 5700xp on Friday all I need is 1875xp for Gerrard and Puskas


u/AcanthisittaDue3165 2d ago

you are actually the norm , MOST people are sitting around this level - its weekened league warriors and credit-card users are the ones that have acess to this now

i play pretty steady and complete objectives and we are almost exactly the same

in the last 2 days they will release 1000XP objectives


u/Makaveli1710 2d ago

I have to decide between Gérrard and Kroos, who are most people going for? Other than Liverpool fans who of course will go for Gerrard


u/x_Latch_x 2d ago

I’m 15k away is it worth me trying to complete?


u/Grape_Original 2d ago

I'm level 30 at the moment and I think I will have a happy Puskas! Squad Battles will give 700xp, than 500 from rivals, then this week objectives will give a minimum 2000xp ... I need 3400xp to get there so I'm happy I managed to reach this far. Some people are still at level 16 at this moment.


u/Tangentkoala 2d ago

I'm 375XP away from Bernardo silva

The past 2 days has been weak with xp rewards I haven't really played fifa except sbc. Rivals should cover it


u/Mountain-Ad6294 2d ago

Currently at lvl 19, 15925 away, no shot at getting to lvl 35 right?


u/TopRaise7 2d ago

There should be 10k of xp just from objectives alone next week


u/PuzzleheadedSoft5575 2d ago

I’m at level 19 am I cooked, almost at 20


u/PuzzleheadedSoft5575 2d ago

Don’t care for Puskas just want Raphina, the fodder, clauss, Bernardo and Kroos.


u/Upstairs_Dig1167 2d ago

Yeah it's over for you lil bro.


u/fifahap4r 2d ago

I am even further behind I believe I am still on level 20. Not really bothered if I get the full xp not even played weekend league or rivals for weeks but I’d be happy if I could get that Steven Gerrard though.


u/yonanon 1d ago

I’ve done all the friendlies etc etc but I moved flat a few weeks ago and missed out on one of the cups, just got Raphinha, they’ll put up LOADS of XP objectives at 6pm (UK) tomorrow, so we’ll be fine


u/bobztoise 1d ago

you'll be fine


u/UnitedFC94 1d ago

No. They always release xp challenges with 1000xp rewards


u/Ok-Patience-8564 1d ago

u could have finished it by now


u/naok9688 1d ago edited 1d ago

I hope not. I am about the same as you but as some said. They do release more xp objectives at the end. I always try to avoid buying the xp giving kits unless I really need it at the end. It just sucks they give out a ton of xp to people that are higher up in the game when they don't need any help lol.

I am at Div 5 right now and Champs I never try anymore or don't qualify, so I don't get any xp from that. Just Squad battles and Rivals


u/Uchihaboy316 1d ago

I’m like 6k away but have like 5k of objectives to finish still, I’m sure ea will release some bonus ones too in the last week


u/rapidaufdieeins 1d ago

Me beeing on level 15


u/Zestyclose_Corner141 1d ago

Haven’t even been trying, them halving the exp you get for playing already killed my spirit even as a Liverpool fan that desperately wanted Gerrard, it’s over


u/Isco_Ozil 19h ago

How about if one is 15000 XP behind? What are the chances then?


u/Visible_Weakness_995 2d ago

I’m 6,625 away. Really hope I can get there on both my accounts


u/Sl23232323 2d ago

Touch grass 🐀


u/Visible_Weakness_995 2d ago

Fair 😂 I had pretty much stopped playing for a month and a half but when they released a free pack I decided to make a second account (it’s always fun this time of year). I then immediately packed the road to glory De Paul, i have just been afk doing objectives on squad battles whilst watching the euros. I haven’t bothered with champs and hardly played rivals too. My second account is almost better than what was my main now lol


u/Initial-Air-841 2d ago


u/Grape_Original 2d ago

No way, you will get it. Squad Battles will give 700xp in five days, and tomorrow we get 500 from rivals rewards. This week we will have more objectives , since you play some friendly matches and finish a few more objectives you will be there.


u/DiscoPanda81 1d ago

What Friendly matches give you XP, the ones that come under the Seasonal Objectives?