r/foshelter 2d ago

just need help with how I should put my rooms Question

I have a feeling it doesn’t really matter but to be able to play confidently I wanna copy somebody who already basically has everything maxed out rooms (pathetic I know) but I feel like I would play better if I just did that so I was wondering if someone could show me where they placed their rooms , thanks.


3 comments sorted by


u/howzmarz 2d ago

I’m new so yeah and I also have alottt of dwellers


u/howzmarz 2d ago

had to send some to waste land


u/Miltroit 1d ago


you can check out the pinned FAQ, specifically 1.5, 1.10 and 1.11. https://github.com/therabidsquirel/The-Fallout-Shelter-FAQ/wiki/Section-1:-Important-Information

Here's a layout I like. https://www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/1czta3a/im_not_sure_my_survival_vault_is_playing_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

main production and training at the top, with elevators on the sides to minimize mole rat attacks, and flexibility of room size in the center. Rooms mostly non-upgraded, and dwellers left unleveled to keep incidents easier. Dirt gap to keep any incidents from spreading between sections, then

med/sci rooms, living quarters and crafting rooms mid vault. Eventually pairs of max dwellers working in the med/sci rooms that are pairs of parents for the vault and just have to run next door to 'dance'. Can also help with crafting if stimpack and radaway storage are full.

bottom of vault, storage and extra med/sci rooms for extra storage. checkerboarded so incidents in one room don't spread.