r/facepalm 4d ago

What even is this? 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Sweet-Emu6376 3d ago

That's because men's value in society is their earning potential. As long as their weight doesn't get in the way of that, they're welcomed as "one of the guys". Think about any popular TV show. Skinny, conventionally attractive, guy with no job, no car, is often a "loser", or as TLC put it "a scrub". Large guy with no money is usually depicted as some sort of uneducated hillbilly. Large guy with lots of money wears fancy suits and smokes cigars.

Women's value in society is their appearance. The trope of wives "letting themselves go" is as ancient as patriarchal society itself. Once your standing is secure, you don't have to worry about your appearance unless you want to.

The fact that these outdated beliefs are still prevalent today just shows how much work still needs to be done towards a more equal society.


u/Live_Carpenter_1262 3d ago

72% of screen plays are written by guys so maybe this culture shift in ending stereotypes should start with our gender instead of hoisting it upon women


u/NubAutist 2d ago

I'd agree, but I've read too much erotica written by women and shojou manga. Both sexes need a patch update or two.


u/lawlietskyy 3d ago



u/Roberto410 3d ago

If women didn't value men with money, then it wouldn't be a trope.

Unfortunately women are largely Gold diggers taking the most successful men they can get with their looks.


u/Eoine 3d ago



u/Roberto410 3d ago

But actually yes.

You are always trying to get in a relationship with the highest value male that will entertain your shit.


u/Eoine 3d ago

No. And if you're not casually trolling, get your head out of your ass and stop reading incel bullshit.


u/Roberto410 3d ago

So you're actively trying to date men lowering in the socioeconomic hierarchy than yourself? That's very uncommon


u/Eoine 3d ago

No one cares about that kind of bullshit outside of chronically online incels feeding each other hateful lies to keep themselves down and stuck in rabid echo chambers. No one.


u/Roberto410 3d ago

You're denying reality.

Unless you specifically are looking for men that are lower on the socioeconomic hierarchy than you.

But you know this. You just want to pretend you're different.


u/Eoine 3d ago

You sound like someone blaming his relationship misfortunes on everything but himself and his poor personality and social skills, tbh

Insulting 4 billions people and reducing them to gold diggers that only value men for their money will always tell more about you than about women

But you know that. You just want to pretend nothing is ever your fault.


u/Roberto410 3d ago

It's not insulting. It's life.

I never said I have relationship troubles.

I simply stated the fact that people will attempt to date the highest value mate that they can attract.

Do you deny that you attempt to date the best person you can find?

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u/Pantegram 3d ago

If you want women with traditional values who won't work after birthing kids - you really expect her to choose for future father of her kids men with no or almost none income to live in poverty? Or with salary which will be good for 2 ppl, but not for entire multiple kids family?

And if women is career driven why you expect her to be awed by men who isn't able to earn anything more than minimum wage + usually he won't be cooking for her and cleaning more in house "because it's a woman job"?

If you wouldn't have a cock you also wouldn't be interested in guys who aren't able to give, but they have shitload of demands - I ensure you... It's not gold digging to look for a partner who will bring sth to relationship instead of just taking.


u/peachymuni 3d ago

Who’s writing these films