r/facepalm 4d ago

What even is this? ๐Ÿ‡ฒโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ฎโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ธโ€‹๐Ÿ‡จโ€‹

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u/cybered_punk 4d ago

It feels new because of established social stereotypes of men and women. Women always go for power and money and men always go for the youth and body. People find it surprising when they learn most people don't fit the stereotype.


u/Earl_Green_ 3d ago

What is so weird about this show, is that they completely miss the opportunity to accurately celebrate different beauty standards.

Iโ€˜ve only seen a couple episodes when my SO was watching it but isnโ€™t she shamed for her weight by society?

Just give her a romantic story and normalize her weight as it was quit common during that time among nobles.


u/backseatwookie 3d ago

Mostly shamed for being introverted and bookish, as well as being clever and wanting more than to be just an object in a marriage. Doesn't find social graces come easily and would rather stay in and read or write. There are some mentions of her not being as attractive as the other women, but they usually come from her. I'm trying to think if I recall another character explicitly making a comment about her weight.


u/Earl_Green_ 3d ago

Either way, the big girl is the introvert.. just found it perplexing in a show that cares so much about inclusion that black people are English noblemen.