r/facepalm 4d ago

What even is this? 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/PsiNorm 4d ago

I think that's the point. People are fine with big guys and skinny girls because we're all OK with skinny girls.

The problem people have with this relationship portrayal is that it's the girl that larger.

I'm not sure why people can't observe a separate relationship without being like, "I'm not attracted to one of them, so the other shouldn't either". Just let the story be about two people that aren't you and enjoy it.


u/Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrple 4d ago

Thank you, this thread is full of people wildly missing the point here.

There’s another aspect to this where in the book she loses weight before they end up together; it’s a change from the original story line that she stays fat. Some people don’t like any deviation from the source material.


u/quangtran 3d ago

If the double standard was the point if the Forbes article, why not just write that as the headline? coining the term mixed weight is a giant fail because 1) it makes it sound like people ready for fat girl/ skinny guy and fat guy/skinny girl, which isn’t the case for the latter and 2) people are generally tired of all the new labels because they just think it’s something new they want us to get mad about 3) the click bait heading is turning people off the whole discussion outright.


u/DoctorsAreTerrible 4d ago

Media is fine with thin girls and overweight guys because media is mostly designed for male viewers. Most guys in media are shown as the average male so that the average male viewer can relate and see themselves as that guy on tv. Being thin in media is typically seen as ideal for women, so making women portrayed as thin shows the average male viewer that an average guy can be with an ideal woman.

On the flip side, women don’t often see actors that represent a lot of their own characteristics, which can create a lot of mental health issues (depression, EDs, etc.)

I think most of this stems from before women worked. Men were the ones buying the media, therefore, there was no reason to market to women initially


u/011_0108_180 4d ago

I don’t know where you’re from, but where I’m from women have always worked. The stay at home housewife was something only the middle class and up could do.


u/Pinball_and_Proust 4d ago

Not short big guys. In All in the Family, Michael and Gloria were accepted, because Michael (Rob Reiner) is 6' 2". Does any Jack Black character get the girl?


u/TeamHope4 4d ago

Jack Black gets Kate Winslet in "The Holiday," a romantic comedy.


u/Pinball_and_Proust 4d ago

Hmm. Ok. Hmm. I'm not attracted to Kate Winslet, but I guess other people are. I do like her acting.

But I guess that example works. I've never seen the movie.