r/facepalm 4d ago

How can humanity disappoint so much 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Zenki_s14 4d ago

I think heroin-chic levels of skinny might be coming back, seems like lately I see it a lot online. I was hoping with the Y2k/90's/low rise trends returning, that part wouldn't return and we were finally done with body types being trends. But it's looking that way.


u/Botryoid2000 4d ago

Every time women make any gains or get any power, extreme thinness comes into vogue. Gotta keep 'em starving so they don't have any energy to make change.


u/graceful_mango 4d ago

Makes sense that this trend is coming back since gilead is about to rise in 2025


u/Botryoid2000 4d ago

As long as old white men are happy, that's all that matters.


u/SharkDad20 3d ago

Damn, as a young white man, i was born too late


u/Botryoid2000 3d ago

Yes, yes you were.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Well fuck that! Women look good in all shapes and sizes.


u/Queasy-Discount-2038 4d ago

Yes! This person can take SEVERAL SEATS all the way to hell.


u/Cool-Sink8886 4d ago

Not hexagonal, but other than that yes


u/BiCloverly 4d ago

Fuck, I love boobs though!


u/romanticheart 4d ago

Yeah, cause then we can’t use our brains right when we’re starving all the time…


u/Mephidia 4d ago

I don’t think women have made any gains in power since the 90s except maybe #metoo which was really just a sort of unionization.

I think what it really is is the constant see saw of big=beautiful-> no not that big -> small is beautiful-> no not that small

In order to average out to what a healthy woman looks like


u/Queasy-Discount-2038 4d ago

If anything, we’ve lost power with Row v Wade reversal


u/bh1106 4d ago

Ozempic ads are everywhere!


u/kendylou 3d ago

Let’s not pretend we don’t have a say in this. Do we the people not choose the trends?


u/heyjajas 4d ago

The clothes from that time kinda demand that figure. I love the style, but it was only a matter of time that when we chose to show bellies again and have such a fitness/ self-improvement culture. Such a pity. I still think we have a more diverse view on body types nowadays, but when I read this post my hope died a little :/


u/put_a_bird_on_it_ 4d ago

I've been seeing a lot of medium/chubby/fat girls showing their bellies and I'm so here for it. We couldn't do that in the 90s without being roasted to death.

If skinny is one the rise again, I hope it's more of a two steps forward, one step back kinda thing. Progress is slow


u/temps-de-gris 4d ago

Sick when you think about who the arbiters of fashion and image are, a lot of rich old men for the most part...


u/CampDracula 4d ago

It is ;-; I’ve been seeing it mentioned and pop up a lot the past year or two


u/DeltaVZerda 4d ago

Its the filters that make anyone appear skinnier than they are, so the beauty standard isn't even a real body, even on small pages like unpopular instagram posters.


u/Gum_Duster 4d ago

Especially with diet fads starting again (ozempic) I think we are probably going to have another eating disorder trend. Yayyyy……


u/soitheach 4d ago

heroin-chic is 100% coming back, and it's incredibly difficult to watch and try to stay out of


u/philzuppo 4d ago

Done with body types being trends? My friend, that has always occurred as long as there is human civilization, and it will probably continue until civilization becomes unrecognizable to the modern person.


u/Zenki_s14 3d ago

For sure it has, it's just pretty common knowledge now that with social media and especially since tiktok as well as fast fashion, fashion trends cycle so insanely rapidly that the whole trend cycling thing functions a lot different than it ever has in the past before. Days instead of weeks on micro trends, and months instead of years on others. Most people don't bother keeping up with that anymore and just wear the look they like. So, wishful thinking I guess with body types following suit.


u/Queasy-Discount-2038 4d ago

And new weight loss drugs returning people to dreams of the past.


u/No-Advice-6040 4d ago

The ol "suffer for our horniness" never really went away


u/DaisyJane1 4d ago

I hope the razor-thin eyebrows look isn't included in that.


u/jankology 4d ago

I'm hoping tattoos become finally done and old trend