r/facepalm 2d ago

Somebody must have a last laugh when they was pitching the design for Tesla Truck 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Dansk72 2d ago

Anybody at Tesla that laughed when Elon Musk first showed his idea for a truck, was immediately fired.


u/f0rgetfulfred 2d ago

Both the inside and the outside match.


u/PhatBoy1 2d ago

Trash is trash


u/Kingcol221 2d ago

Pam: They're the same picture.


u/leomonster 1d ago

No, you see: one is a trashcan. The other is a trashcar.


u/EvetheDragon84 2d ago

"Pitching" pun intended.


u/CalendarAggressive11 1d ago

Except the trash can is useful


u/Ok_Philosopher6538 2d ago

Wasn't pitched. Was Decreed by Lord Enron himself.


u/Acceptable-Cow6446 1d ago

I can’t help but laugh every time I see one. They’re SO BAD!


u/SadStory9 1d ago

But look at the similarity for what it is. Those trashcans are made that way because they are easy and cheap to make that way. The Cybertruck is like an adult version of one of those toys you used to make out of the cardboard cutouts on a happy meal box, only less waterproof.


u/Chaosrealm69 1d ago

I still think it was Elon Musk who drew up the design of the shell for the Cybertruck because it is so childish looking and he always thinks he is a genius in whatever he does, yet fucks up everything when he does it.

And because they knew their jobs were on the line, no one at Tesla made any suggestions or gave any negative feedback or criticism about the look of it.

But looking into the history of it, Elon spit in the face of Bladerunner by suggesting it was the inspiration for the Cybertruck.


u/wm_1176 1d ago

Guys enough with the cyber truck face palm posts…

I don’t have enough time to upvote them all


u/wanna_escape_123 1d ago

And people think this 14 y old is cool because he is not afraid to be homophobic publicly


u/hUmaNITY-be-free 1d ago

I thought Elon was just being a general troll when he first released peeks of this and thought he was going to do a grand reveal of the real product later on, I know hes qwerky n all and I can't even draw a stick man to save myself but I'm sure I drew better looking cars or extremely similar ones as a 7year old kid.


u/Murrrvv 2d ago

Cute you think they designed it lol it was 100% a ripped sprite from a retro game


u/Snorlaxolotl 2d ago

Specifically the low-poly version to reduce lag


u/Murrrvv 2d ago

But increase drag


u/JudgeHodorMD 2d ago

Found a sample of PS1 games for comparison:


I don’t think any game has graphics that are that bad.


u/Murrrvv 2d ago

Brother retro doesn’t stop at ps1 you fucking donkey


u/JudgeHodorMD 2d ago

You mean you want to compare against hardware that isn’t designed for 3D models?


u/Ok_Paleontologist974 1d ago

Yes, pull out the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device.


u/NuclearWasteland 2d ago

And here we are, talking about it.


u/BlueRFR3100 1d ago

Lots of horrible things get talked about.


u/NuclearWasteland 1d ago

Sure. I only say that to highlight that their PR stunt worked. As an advertising piece, the thing is great.


u/BlueRFR3100 1d ago

It's great when people are crapping all over your product?


u/Dani5056 shit 2d ago

This car body goes best wtih some pixelated car decals
or am I just the only one who wants an n64/ps1 car?


u/Tulpah 2d ago

problem is anything you put on to decorate the car, Tesla can sue you


u/DandelionOfDeath 1d ago

What, for real? I heard they could sue people for re-selling them, where can I read more about the decoration bullshit clause?

Also I just had a nightmarish vision of Elon Musk geting into real estate.


u/Dani5056 shit 1d ago

Someone tell Elon he ain't running Nintendo


u/Tulpah 1d ago

probably will buy Nintendo for $70 Billion


u/Marquar234 1d ago

Musk will have the last laugh when they remake Back to the Future.


u/everydayasl 1d ago

So that's where it all began!


u/gbroon 1d ago

I always thought it was based off the APC in Aliens.


u/Torino1O 1d ago

Considering it looks like a kitbash between an an Pontiac Aztec, a DeLorean and an Electric shark I'm expecting it to get a starring role in the new movie Breaking Back to the Future Bigly Badly.


u/MiyamotoKnows 1d ago

Same pic, in a Tesla the trash goes in the driver seat.


u/Major_Jeweler_9914 1d ago

Designer had worked previously in the army


u/BlueRFR3100 1d ago

You're fired, but before you go you need to give us your design.


u/obsessivelygrateful 2d ago

I’ve seen no less than 5 in Orlando in the last month. I can’t imagine there are really FIVE (!!!) separate drivers in the area to buy this trash bin, but it’s FL so I guess so.


u/Necromancer_Jaydo 1d ago

Where is the facepalm?

There is none. OP is just another Elon hater.


u/PM_Me_Ur_Clues 2d ago edited 1d ago

I personally think the cybertruck is a visonary product due to it's body's low cost modular construction process but unfortunately, they loaded it down with too many unnecessary features and add-ons that make it a classic boondoggle.

Keep it simple, stupid.