r/facepalm 2d ago

Who needs a tripod when you have granny 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/thieh 2d ago

Who need tripods advice when you have granny

FTFY. He was, after all, looking for advice.


u/wild_eagerness22 2d ago

Hahaha granny will always be his number one fan


u/Captain_Snatchington 2d ago

Granny or is he just a gigolo?


u/imanislandboii 2d ago

This shit is so funny to me 🤣 I understand if she was the only person he could have take the pic or dude didnt have a tripod but why the hell wouldn’t u at least crop the pic 💀


u/CrazyHuntr 2d ago

He did but uploaded the wrong one 💀


u/Ok-Seaworthiness4488 2d ago

Look granny! No hands


u/wild_eagerness22 2d ago

I actually just laughed and spit out my drink. Thank you for that.


u/Gokudomatic 2d ago

I'm so proud of you, Kevin.


u/AMonitorDarkly 2d ago

Granny is standing there looking like she wished his dad had pulled out.


u/DenisJack 2d ago



u/GustavVaz 2d ago

At least it's kind of wholesome granny is willing to help.


u/erichie 2d ago

This has the potential to absolutely be the best picture ever used on dating apps.


u/E-Scooter-CWIS 2d ago

Granny, I need to spread the bloodline for the family with these pics


u/n0shmon 2d ago

I got a tripod when I saw granny. Shwwwiiiing!


u/DMoney159 2d ago

I have some advice for him


u/MuffLover312 2d ago

Why did he have her take it in the mirror? Why didn’t she just point the camera at him?


u/Quicker_Fixer Assumption is the mother of all fuckups 2d ago edited 2d ago

I had a similar body when I was 19. Now I'm a 53 yo fat old basterd. My advice is: don't marry, don't get kids, don't drink, don't stop smoking and don't live beyond 35-40 years of age.

Sorry, forgot the /s


u/Consistent-Photo-535 2d ago

I think you can do without the 35-40 thing lol.

If you stay in shape and eat right, you can easily be like this kid past 40. Terrible, terrible example, but look at Jake Gyllenhaal in the new Fight Club. Obviously an extreme and biased example, but if you want something you can do it.

Also just as a side note, I didn’t have that body at 19 but now do at 33 after changing my lifestyle. And I feel better than when I was 18. Just saying. Never too late to make changes my guy.


u/Dragonfly-Adventurer 2d ago

I am discovering some basic rules - like "do your age in pushups every day" and "eat not the garbage too much" - that help you get better looking naked and healthier every day as you age. 41 and I'm almost to the point of being confident shirtless in public! 20 years after people stopped doing that.


u/Consistent-Photo-535 2d ago

Haha - right on! Lucky for me I live up on a back road in what most people consider cottage country. More socially acceptable to do that.

Sadly I’m the colour of printer paper, so I do worry about blinding people.


u/PositiveLeather327 1d ago

“eat not the garbage too much”


u/Dicios 2d ago

If there is one thing I fear besides aging is getting fat and out of shape. With age its much harder to eat, It feels like the stuff you used to eat piles on you much faster calories wise.


u/PanTsour 2d ago

Thats cool and all, but where did you hide the body? Has it been found yet?


u/RonStopable88 2d ago

I had a nicer body at 19. At 27 finally ditched my active and on my feet job for a desk job. 3 years of being lazy and 3 of covid.

I got a nice dad bod.

A year later after a few small changes and I’m starting to see that young man body again. If I make a few more changes, i’ll be close enough.


u/Quicker_Fixer Assumption is the mother of all fuckups 1d ago

What I noticed, after turning 40, was that keeping your body in shape, you have to work harder and harder and even then it takes much more effort as the years pass. I stopped smoking at 44 and that certainly didn't make things any more easier. Ah well, I don't really mind getting old, it's the increased effort it takes to get things done, that's sometimes frustrating.


u/RonStopable88 1d ago

Well smoking yeah that fucks you up. Yes its harder. Yes it takes longer. Yes i have less energy so its mentally harder.

But i just have to go to the gym twice and either a swim or a hike so im moving.

But diet needs to be in check. Can’t outtrain a bad diet


u/jarsgars 2d ago

Swipe right for Nana’s cooking


u/-_Koga_- 2d ago

Honestly the terrible photo shop skills are worse.


u/canary-in-a-coalmine 1d ago

He almost removed his own kidneys


u/imlittleeric 2d ago

Why did it need to be a mirror shot. Grandma could have just taken his picture for him


u/Worried-Pick4848 2d ago

How the heck is this a facepalm? They're both adorable.


u/lesnortonsfarm 2d ago

Or girlfriend


u/JustAnotherWeirdLoon 2d ago

Grandma just looks so done with this shit


u/Different_Head7751 2d ago

Lol..fuuu8k, my dude...


u/SKssSM08 2d ago

Tell me this isn’t some major American Psycho vibes! I wonder if Phil Collins is playing in the background.


u/Parkyguy 2d ago

Self love?


u/Bigmuscleliker567 2d ago

Thirsty comes to mind ha


u/CKuemper 2d ago

Granny's the reason the bathroom is clean.


u/Lazy_Synth 2d ago

Me when I find a sugar mama


u/Omfoofoo 2d ago

Granny is tired of this and wondering if he’s going to take care of her


u/no_use_your_name 2d ago

Family goals


u/AustralianDude28 2d ago

This his hilarious


u/Jeremyzelinka 2d ago

Bro, nobody cares... I was ripped my entire life. The second I stopped going to the gym so much and started eating cheeseburgers, I was getting ass left and right.


u/bigSTUdazz 2d ago

Here's some advice, try not to use Nana as your cameraman when you take gut-suck photos....IN THE FUCKING MIRROR THAT YOU DON'T NEED BECAUSE OF SAID NANA! You absolute shytenek.


u/Glittering-Wonder576 1d ago

That is actually kind of cute.


u/AutumnTheSoft 1d ago

How is this a fucking facepalm I’m dying of laughter rn man


u/wannabenitian 1d ago

I know this guy, he trolls incels.


u/squish_pillow 1d ago

Like how do you think the conversation went down, though? Do you think she asked why or what, or just did it? And how did he ask? These are things I need to know now


u/StatusOmega 1d ago

Who needs cropping when you have granny


u/Intelligent_Egg6186 1d ago

You have to love grandparents…. There just special in every way… miss ya gran


u/newaggenesis 1d ago

Tell me you spend more time in the gym, than figuring out how a camera timer works...


u/After-Student-9785 1d ago

Could be his mom


u/Ok-Sherbert-3570 1d ago

Obviously you, so you can make the picture of your granny filming you


u/Far-Host7803 1d ago

"Will this get me great-grandchildren?"


u/JazzedSympathy 1d ago

🤦‍♀️ poor grandma lmao


u/Appropriate_Jump_579 1d ago

Granny is disappointed on why he wasn't eating her food.

He also looks like a character out of street fighter.


u/Funny-Meringue-3311 2d ago

they are lovers


u/MasterlessSword 2d ago

I’m like, “He looks like he’s been hitting the weights fairly…. OH SHIT! Check out the GILF!!! Sonny like! Let’s bake some cookies MeeMaw!”