r/facepalm 4d ago

Yeah they probably should have been charged with treason not just obstruction 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/travers329 4d ago edited 4d ago

This, this christofascist hellhole is what is coming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

They are literally advertising it, and no one is really talking about it. They're so confident in accomplishing it that it is publicly posted. Brought to you by the same people who control the SC.

We are so fucked, and no one is even talking about this. Care about climate change? NOAA and the EPA are gone. Care about health and domestic security? FDA and FBI are gone and that is just the start. Please read this and spread it around.


u/drewskibfd 4d ago

I tell my conservative coworkers about Project 2025. They downplay it as if it's just to scare the libs or something. I'll be laughing my ass off when these guys lose their mind because porn is banned.


u/travers329 4d ago

I forgot about that Chirstofascist part, banning all pornography... Thanks for bringing it up.


u/drewskibfd 4d ago

Those guys don't care about human rights or anything of substance, but losing porn will send them over the edge.


u/Living-Vermicelli-59 4d ago

It’s already banned here and still plenty of sites to use that’s not under the ban.

Porn is the least concerning thing about that though…


u/drewskibfd 4d ago

Oh, so the legit sites follow the rules, and the shady sites remain accessible. Lovely...


u/Living-Vermicelli-59 4d ago

I mean xvideo is well known but they exist outside of the US so they don’t have to follow US law on putting on age verification unlike pornhub which is a US based company.


u/Dr_Stoney-Abalone424 4d ago

That's prohibition for ya


u/Askittishcat 3d ago

The ban on porn is more about cracking down on LGBT people, particularly trans people. They declare being trans to be porn, then ban porn, then codify displaying porn to a child as pedophilia (so if a trans person exists near a child, they can be arrested as a pedophile). Those first three steps are all in the same paragraph, the 4th comes later in the document: make pedophilia punishable by death. 4 steps, all in Project 2025, that lead to making being trans punishable by death.


u/DelirousDoc 4d ago

Honestly worried about healthcare costs with the most recent ruling overturning Chevron precedent and essentially making regulatory bodies weak.

Drug manufacturers were already challenging HRSA & OPA authority and winning more than losing. I have a feeling this ruling will open the flood gates.


u/ScoutRiderVaul 4d ago

I'm not unless Congress is bought out by healthcare insurance companies. Chevron precedent has been abused by some regulatory bodies


u/Notedtoad 4d ago

Oh wont someone think of the poor oligarchs, how will they add that extra billion to their bank account. Those pesky regulatory agencies protecting Americans from the overwhelming power of our corporate overlords, how dare they!


u/ScoutRiderVaul 3d ago

So we agree that the oligarchs bought out congress and we should pretty much hang them all up from trees?


u/Notedtoad 3d ago

Yeah but thats not what you said. You said, “Chevron precedent has been abused by some regulatory bodies” when that isn’t true. Our regulatory bodies before Chevron was overturned were already having issues enforcing just about anything. Now with it overturned they have much less ability to go after corporate law breakers. The red tape grows ever thicker with this ruling.


u/ScoutRiderVaul 3d ago

Except it has been true most, granted the only ones abusing it to any eal extent has been the ATF. We should bring it back imo just ban it from applying to those dipshits.


u/buckyforever 4d ago

Last Week Tonight did a segment on it, so it's starting to get around but not nearly as fast or far as I would like it to.


u/ganggreen651 4d ago

You can always count on Oliver


u/travers329 4d ago

I need to check that out, haven't seen it yet. Thanks! It needs to become a focal point before the election for sure, and not just on real media, on every news outlet.


u/Living-Vermicelli-59 4d ago

Had over a year of this shit being out there and it took them this long? Kinda too late now as it’s just gonna be seen as a ploy to smear. It should have been national news months ago.


u/mrsbundleby 4d ago

It's been out there for many years actually I've seen it years ago


u/bighurb 4d ago

same as Bush Crime Family, their cronies, and Project for a New American Century https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century .. its almost like humanity is a broken record.... i find earplugs useful most days but soon will need a blindfold... been too much


u/travers329 4d ago

It is probably a lot of the same people pulling the strings from the Heritage Foundation, just different days.


u/Psychological-Bid448 4d ago

John Oliver just did a special on it, so hopefully that starts to bring more attention. 


u/Rolandscythe 4d ago

I mean...once they defund the organizations that are in charge of recognizing and handling domestic threats how do they expect to keep said threats from just showing up at their doorsteps?

Also, that project is the same kind of ego stroking fever dream as 'the wall' was. Not even the entire party supports it, it's just the really far right that think it's inevitable.


u/travers329 4d ago

No it absolutely is not. They have plans in place from day 1 of the new administration, hence the "Dictator for a day" comments. They plan to modify schedule F of govt. employee contacts so that anyone can be fired at any time by being deemed insufficiently loyal. They already have plans to replace 50 to 100k government officials at the start.

Yes, getting rid of these organizations is a terrible idea and incredibly dangerous, but it is the only way that create totally unfettered capitalism and the christofascist state these people want.

It is not a wild project, it has been meticulously written and crafted by the same people who control and select SC judges, the heritage foundation and they have loyalists lined up to prop up their terrible decision.


u/Rolandscythe 4d ago

...everyone has grandiose plans until they meet reality.

Like how last time Trump ran they were all about deporting every single minority out of the country and building a wall between the US and Mexico, all of which they had big grandiose plans to enact and put in place, too.

Just how did those ideas turn out again?

And, again, only a portion of the conservative party is even on board with this. Hell, Trump wasn't even talking about that when he said he'd be a 'dictator for a day'....what HE was talking about was pushing through his wall project to finally get built and more oil drilling put in place.

Not to mention it just wouldn't work even if they did try to implement it. Ask former Egyptian president Mubarack what happens when you try to push a state of constant enforcement and freedom suppression on people who formerly had full liberties. People will revolt. And it will succeed....simply because the 'loyalists' that Project 2025 wants to fill the government with will all be super brainwashed barely educated cowards who won't know what to do when an angry mob shows up to drag them into the streets. It's not like they'll know ahead of time, either...they got rid of both the FBI and the Dept of Homeland Security, after all. All they'll have is a bunch of brownnosers who barely have a room temperature IQ. After all, if you're trying to take over a country you don't want to surround yourself with people smart enough to realize how much you're fucking them over, now do you?

Now stop doomposting about the GOP's wet dream and let's focus on the very real problems they actually are capable of causing.


u/smashleyrad 4d ago

They'll just use the army and have them patrolling the streets under Martial law.


u/Rolandscythe 4d ago

You mean the same army they've repeatedly tried to gut healthcare and other benefits for?

Yeah I'm sure those guys will try real hard to protect the people that have been regularly screwing them over at home while also repeatedly sending them to other countries away from their families just to protect some personal investments.


u/BooBootheFool22222 4d ago

Some of them are brainwashed and will support the christofascist state. Most of them join because they believe wholeheartedly in US imperialism and they also want to kill brown people. They'd excuse any affront to them and gleefully step on others' necks.