r/facepalm 4d ago

The debate in a nutshell ๐Ÿ‡ฒโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ฎโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ธโ€‹๐Ÿ‡จโ€‹

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Our political system is the facepalm


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u/WailfulJeans44 4d ago

Trump isn't even good at talking. Better than Biden sure, but still pretty bad.


u/shiny_glitter_demon 4d ago

he's good at producing loud sounds

the voice itself is hard to stand and the words make 0 sense


u/lookingForPatchie 4d ago

Stupid people are attracted to loud sounds.


u/thecraftybear 4d ago

Kinda like zombies


u/Neravosa 4d ago

Or strange moths


u/Icyblue_Dragon 4d ago

Maybe itโ€™s the lack of brain?


u/Party-Caregiver4069 4d ago

I mean it makes perfect sense if you actually pay attention and listen instead of watching with an agenda & ignoring everything he said because โ€œOrange Man Badโ€


u/Sudden_Juju 4d ago

He's good at speaking with confidence. That's all that matters to some people


u/tonybpx 4d ago

Until he gets challenged, then he backtracks and contradicts himself like a drunk lemming


u/ClubSundown 4d ago

Trump did better than most expected at this debate. However we need to remind him just one good day is a drop in the ocean compared to everything before this debate, and more importantly in the upcoming months. I'm hoping those who state Biden debated badly will encourage his supporters not to be complacent and make sure they definitely vote in November. Plus Biden's State of the Union speech in March did at least get lots of praise. He also has plenty of opportunities to give other good speeches in the next few months


u/Sauronxx 4d ago

Of course. The election is in November. We are at the end of June. There are god knows how many other occasions to make great speeches or even worst ones for both of them. Iโ€™m not an expert but Elections are not based around one debate. Though this certainly doesnโ€™t help Biden right now, obviously.


u/Wealth_Super 4d ago

I would debate that. Biden words actually meant something and he actually stay on topic much more than trump. He is a bad public speaker though