r/facepalm 13d ago

Now wait a damn minute 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Forsaken-Jump-7594 13d ago

Please tell me this is the stepmom


u/hopseankins 13d ago

Idk the tyke’s got similar eye shape… hella sus


u/Wonder_butt_ 13d ago

Step dad is also a possibility and she was a teen mom with another teen dad.


u/marcaygol 13d ago

That's not outrageous enough for Reddit.

We live for the ✨drama✨


u/31November 13d ago

Idk, the angle kinda makes it weird to tell. Either way tho, that’s a creepy relationship. One has been able to drink since the other was 12



where im from he would have been able to drink since she was 7!!


u/Lamaredia 13d ago

20 and 29 is okay as long as both were adults when they got together. However, if that is both their kids, then that is fucked.


u/AlyM797 13d ago

Somehow that makes it 10x worse.


u/adm1109 13d ago

That’s a dumb litmus test. A 9 year age gap isn’t that big of a deal in all cases. Would you say that about someone who was 60 dating someone 51?

29 and 20 is on the creepy side but it’s still two consenting adults.


u/Ms_Emilys_Picture 13d ago

Not if that kid is hers, because she would have been 15.


u/adm1109 13d ago

My comment and the comment I replied had nothing to do with the situation with the kid


u/Ms_Emilys_Picture 13d ago

The whole post is about the kid. And you can say that their age difference doesn't matter, but it sure as fuck does matter if she was groomed from the age of 15.

There's a reason people look down on men who are in their late 20s or older who date teenagers.


u/31November 13d ago

I don’t tthink it’s illegal rn, and all I said was that it was creepy. Being a consenting adult is the minimum line. A 29 year old and a 20 year old are in fundamentally different stages in life ime, so it seems creepy


u/Thevacation2k 13d ago

Ye down syndrome eyes


u/DopeYeti 13d ago

I wouldn’t miss them na’vi avatar eyes anywhere


u/Brilliant-Spite-850 13d ago

Could also be a step dad


u/300PencilsInMyAss 13d ago

Both the parents have a mile between their eyes so it's not really indicative.


u/tempinator 13d ago

He also has the same far-apart eyes though, so, could have come from him.

Please have come from him...


u/tdfrantz 13d ago

Or he's the step-dad, more likely


u/StonksGoUpApes 13d ago

Look at homie's cheeks, the babies cheeks, and then the mods kid's. One of these things is not like the other.


u/ShittyHotTake 13d ago

Hey, Covid times were lonely....


u/MeatyMagnus 13d ago

That wouldn't be very good either.


u/R-R-Clon 13d ago

Stepmom or stepdad, or they are siblings/cousins, that's not their real age and someone wanted to create some drama for their amusement.


u/Maelkothian 13d ago

He could also be a stepdad to the oldest


u/koochywalla 13d ago

How can you even say stepmom at 20 though…


u/AdultingLikeHell 13d ago

Maybe he is the stepdad


u/SnooLentils84 13d ago

Or it’s the Deep South.


u/QnsConcrete 13d ago

Use some context clues. People don't look like that in the Deep South. It's not even the US.


u/wxnfx 13d ago

I mean where is it?


u/QnsConcrete 13d ago

Reportedly Albania. They look like they could be of Albanian descent, which is not very common in the Deep South. Most of the Albanian American diaspora lives in the Northeast and Midwest (New York, Philly, Worcester MA, Michigan, Chicago area, etc). There is a small community in Jacksonville, FL which you could consider as the Deep South. Maybe it's there - if that turns out to be the case then I'll admit I was wrong. I just don't think it's likely.