r/clevercomebacks 4d ago

Crazy how that works!

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u/HobbieK 4d ago

The difference between now and then is that there wasn’t an army of internet grifters making money off of griping about it


u/Cultural_Adeptness86 3d ago

Yeah you'd just listen to your dad's drunk friend bitch and moan in the kitchen about how the reason all the little girls growing up these days not knowing their place in the world is because they watch that "[chinese racial slur] disney movie movie with the lady soldier" and they're going off to college which is dumb because what does a girl need an education for if she's just gonna spend her life washing dishes, and your dad would have to be like "alright buddy lets get you home, you've had enough to drink." That guy died of liver cirrhosis before podcasts were invented, so his hatred of Mulan never left our small town. These days he'd have a large social media following recording his rants


u/Full_Time_Mad_Bastrd 3d ago

Shoutout to liver cirrhosis! (/s)


u/a_trane13 3d ago

There was an army of TV, radio, and newspaper grifters making money griping about it


u/HobbieK 3d ago

Yeah but that was mostly contained to the right-wing ecosystem. Now YouTube and Twitter and twitch feed you hate. Fox News blasts it across America.

It wasn’t just some random quack like it was in the 90s. It’s a coordinated effort on a massive scale.


u/elbenji 3d ago

the thing was if you avoided AM radio and certain editorials/channels you could absolutely ignore them


u/Truethrowawaychest1 3d ago

And people keep giving them attention with hate watching so they'll keep making them


u/inm808 3d ago

Are you suggesting that there are not grifters making money on it itself?


u/abys93 3d ago

Disney is destroying themselves and you still defend them.


u/HobbieK 3d ago

lol Inside Out 2 is about to be the highest grossing animated film of all time


u/erydayimredditing 3d ago

Or the movies were... good? The writing now is terrible in so many movies.


u/HobbieK 3d ago

No Disney movies are actually still pretty great.