r/classicfallout 2d ago

My boyfriend LOVES Ian

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He's playing it completely blind, zero spoilers or knowledge about the game, so he initially wasn't aware of Ian's reputation for shooting players in the back. After a little while, I mentioned that a lot of people don't like Ian for that reason and he goes,"They're all wrong, Ian is brilliant, he hasn't hit me once and he's doing all the work."

He usually doesn't use companions in other Fallout games so I just found it hilarious that his favourite is the one a fair few people hate. He now takes every opportunity during combat to point out how much of a "Chad" Ian is and how he's carrying every fight - he's also found himself a leather outfit so he can match with him. He sent me this image of them together and said if he ever leaves me, it will be for Ian.


39 comments sorted by


u/Big_Crow2892 2d ago

Ian was my first companion and I would never accept his death and always reload a save if he died


u/Serier_Rialis 2d ago

Soooooo Fallout 2 either in the manual or an in disc text file had a little summary of Fallout 1 and its canon ending for Fallout 2.

The fates of Ian and dogmeat are brutal tbh.


u/Big_Crow2892 2d ago

I know of their fates it is very sad, Ian especially. Sadly the vault dweller lost many friends. In my first play threw all of my companions die at Mariposa. I ended up just no longer reloading saves and I knew in cannon they died anyways, either way It's a dark story. First time I played it was this year


u/xdEckard 2d ago

the classics were pretty brutal indeed, kinda miss the old Fallout. The newer games are pretty childish, specially Fo4


u/Inside_Fly_499 2d ago

I found parts of FO3 to be about as brutal as 1, though 2 and NV are post-post apocalyptic. 4 is a mixed bag, not a good RPG but if you treat it as its own action open world game with Fallout theme it’s pretty good.


u/xdEckard 2d ago

I was mainly speaking of Fo4 and 76, but any Beth Fallout entry lacks rpg in comparison to NV and the classics, specially Fo4 and 76


u/Inside_Fly_499 2d ago

No arguments there. Shame too, because I really love Morrowind. If the same Bethesda that had done Morrowind was the one on FO3, maybe we’d be telling a different story.


u/xdEckard 2d ago

true, unfortunately they shifted towards a broader audience instead of the niche rpg playerbase, simpler and easier to understand stories and mechanics. Fallout was a passion project turned into a product made to milk every last penny possible, which is why I kinda hate Beth


u/Inside_Fly_499 2d ago

Oh after the continued decline of Bethesda’s writing and commitment to the rpg genre, I have no hope for TES6 or any future Fallout. Thankfully theirs other dev teams putting things out there, just sucks that Morrowind and Daggerfall are the old outliers and Skyrim, FO4, and Starfield are the norm from Bethesda.


u/CrowsCrowussy 2d ago

He's currently been trying to fight Garl & the raiders for an hour or so without Ian dying or running off haha


u/MrSmilingDeath 2d ago

I fed him to the Boneyard deathclaws.


u/xdEckard 2d ago edited 2d ago

Ian is the most badass companion in the series, he shreds everything in his line of sight, including you

EDIT: he never shot me either


u/double_bass0rz 2d ago

Ian the GOAT merc. Gets you through the early game with his double shot turns while you level lockpicking and energy weapons like a nerd.


u/G4L3CXYS 2d ago

I started playing today, with no previous experience with the classic fallouts and Oml the amount of times this man shot me in the back is unreal. I’m glad I’m not the only one


u/Juansa1240 2d ago

Ian my beloved! proceeds to drop a full mag on my back


u/porcorosso1 2d ago

Everybody loves Ian, until he equips a burst weapon


u/hambrosia 2d ago

things between Ian and I are getting pretty serious. I just got him a SMG for his birthday :3 <3333


u/MaruhkTheApe 2d ago

had a WILD night, he blew out my back


u/AnonymousAndWhite 2d ago

That’s so funny. I’m about finished with my first ever play through of any fallout game, let alone this one specifically. Started about two weeks ago.

Ian has accompanied me throughout the ENTIRE game. Almost feel like a movie, I lost my gun at the start and he was protecting me n doing most of the fighting. I’m preparing for the final boss now, and I’m letting him go outside of it to go alone. My vault dweller had character growth 😭

Katja was w me too at some point but she sacrificed herself against the super mutants for the win.

Funny how we had similar gameplays, Ian is the goat


u/EASTEDERD 2d ago

Ian is a badass and his willingness to help you out in the beginning is amazing. I like how you don’t have to pay him to get him to join you, just share the loot. That is a solid dude.


u/EpatiKarate 2d ago

Found out recently that canonically Ian was brutally killed by a Super Mutant using a Flamer. Scorched Ian’s ass!


u/Satanicjamnik 2d ago

It's the mullet.


u/ArisePhoenix 2d ago

I haven't been shot by him yet, but I also specifically know not to give him anything that bursts, although I have accidentally shot him a couple times but he's never hit me yet


u/BiggusChimpus 2d ago

25 fucking years and those sprites still look goddamn GORGEOUS. Both male and female chars look so sexy in leather jacket. Metal armor is an absolute kickass. And power armor? A fucking walking tank. What a beautifully made game


u/pyrtyr 2d ago

My playthrough with Ian was very fun! Ian never shot me throughout my gameplay and he was very helpful when we took down Gizmo's scheme. When it was time for to go Mariposa, I decided to leave Ian at the vault because I knew he would not make it. Sadly for dogmeat, he couldn't be ordered to stay and died at Mariposa.


u/SirSirVI 2d ago

I ship it


u/CrowsCrowussy 2d ago

Same tbh


u/CrustyTheKlaus 2d ago

I mean just don't stand in Ians way and he will not hit you. I also don't get why so many people complain about that


u/thisistherevolt 2d ago

Your bf sounds like a nice guy. I feel so bad for him.


u/BabyCalzone99 1d ago

My boyfriend and I just finished fallout 1, and Ian was our only companion from day 1. We loved him and were so sad to have to let him go before the ending 😭❤️ Glad to see some other Ian enjoyers out there


u/Sweaty-Working-3152 1d ago

Assert dominance, Tell him you'll leave him for Marcus


u/BrankyKong 2d ago

Your boyfriend is smart


u/NewLowsSameHighs 2d ago

I couldn't keep him alive til the end of my first playthrough, too much of reloading saves whenever the little bit-- I mean, uh... great companion died.

He was a good pack mule though.


u/Ltnumbnutsthesecond 2d ago

Ian is a cutie, last fo1 playthru, he was my best friend to lover in my HC


u/xczechr 2d ago

Ian is fine so long as he doesn't have a semiautomatic weapon.


u/snow_michael 2d ago

He's fine with anything semiauto

It's full auto, like an SMG, when he becomes a liability


u/ThakoManic 2d ago

so your ok with your boyfriend waifu being ian? good to know you 2 get along fine.


u/ArshiaAghaei 2h ago

The good part about using Et Tu is that Ian shooting you in the back happens a lot less.

But yeah I liked him too, couldn't let him die either so I just always reload a save when he died.