r/classicfallout 2d ago

[Fallout Nevada] Can't go back into Vault City!

At some point in the early game (before ever entering Reno) I went back into Vault City and when I arrived it was just desert. Like I just stopped in the middle of nowhere in a desert environment. I was in the middle and nothing was on the map. I don't know what caused this so I just wandered around it until I found a patrol and asked them to escort me back. But later on they were attacked and took away the overseer. After that there were no more patrols around Vault City which I didn't know at the time. I already put most of my stuff into the personal safe at Reno I had no reason to go back. I used the auto-doc at the City Hall for rads and infection so I didn't even go back to the doctor for that either. Anyways, i kicked the president's tank open, killed the Reaper of Souls, got the emergency signal to back into Vault City and I couldn't because it takes me nowhere.

Could high levels of outdoorsman skip patrols automatically?

I also spoke everybody about everything and at some point it changed the location of Posedion Oil NPP. It was around the time I got the first emergency signal from Vault City so maybe that?

I also saved during combat and loaded back saves when some bullshit happened numerous times. It caused an error pop up message to pop up but then I would load back the one save before that.

I'm also sure I didn't do anything obvious stupid, like I save batteries on my car by always stopping at the edge of a location but, after Vault City became bugged i tried stopping in the middle of the green circle on the map.

It isn't the car either because it has been happening before that. But when I stop at Vault City with my car then it disappears permanently.

I can't find anything in save editor to help this.

I looked up what supposed to happen and it worked for everybody else.

Everything else seems to be working fine, I'd be very happy if some could help because what in the everliving cancerous bullshit is this supposed to be???


3 comments sorted by


u/Mc_Lovin246 2d ago

Hmmm, there are a few different versions of this mod floating around. But I am pretty sure that what you describe, is not intended behavior in any of them. Well it makes sense that there are no more Vault City patrols, but that's about it. Outdoorsman just gives you the option to skip encounters, you are still notified when you get them.

Saving/loading during combat can cause issues, that's why it is disabled by default. Looks like your save game is just properly borked. I would normally recommend to go back to an earlier save, before all of this happened. But sounds like pretty much the whole game lies between the last non-corrupted save.

What happens when you start a new game? Still similar issues?

If it is any consolation: you did not miss out on much. The final stretch of the game in Vault City is pretty short and underwhelming. And you already beat the final boss. The reaper would show up in vault city, if you did not already kill him outside of the government bunker. You could keep playing with the perk, but there is no real post-game content.


u/Doni261 2d ago

I know how outdoorsman works I was just thinking everything.

Yes, I was cycling though 70 savefiles because but it was an issue from early on.

I already looked up the ending, but thanks for trying.

I will test this in my next playthrough, It might just very well the game having some mysterious troubles.

Edit: A new game works fine, but what I meant with the point above is that the game is to blame because I installed it the wrong way the first time or something. I don't know for sure.


u/estusflaskplus5 2d ago

I haven't run into this problem, but I can tell you the game is very buggy. Multiple times I have ended up dying for no apparent reason in the middle of the map while traveling, and the only fix was to load a way earlier save.