r/chuck 3d ago

Saw this on multiple subreddits, thought it would be fun

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Let me start with the very last one: Bryce Larkin. Who else?


22 comments sorted by


u/Dendallin 3d ago

Fan Favorite - Chuck

Made to be Hated - Emmet Milbarge

The Hot One - Captain Awesome / Sarah

The Only Normal Person - Ellie

"Uhhh... what's your name again?" - Skip Johnson

The Gremlin - Jeff Barnes

"Mmmmm ... society" - Roan Montgumery

Just Straight Up Evil - Chevy Chase

No Screen Time. All the Plot Relevance - Professor Fleming.

Argument for Professor Fleming - If he hadn't told Bryce about wanting to recruit Chuck, NONE of the story happens.


u/Narrow-Midnight-7216 1d ago

Your logic is Spock-like. Well done. I would maybe consider Jeff Barnes (?) as the only normal person. He's fuming on monoxide for most of the show, and float through it in a haze, but he made the perfect wedding video for Ellie and Awesome, and then when Dr. W. fixes up his blood chemistry, he becomes normal and actually figures out all the secret stuff going on. If you slo-mo or freeze frame his storyboard, everything is there. Maybe he was a genius? After all, he was the Missile Command champion for nearly 30 years. And it's a coin flip as to whether Roark or Quinn was the supervillain. Quinn stole Sarah from us, but Roark not only was a normal bad guy, but he apparently stole all his best ideas from Steven Bartowski. double evil.


u/davidTNA 3d ago

Fleming only expelled Chuck cause of Bryce planting the tests. The show wouldn't have happened if Bryce wasn't there, not Fleming


u/Just__A__Commenter 3d ago

Fleming knew Bryce planted the tests AND had less screen time. In terms of plot relevance to screen time ratio…


u/Dendallin 3d ago edited 3d ago

Bryce doesn't plant the test if Fleming doesn't tell Bryce he's considering Chuck for the program.

Edit: meant to reply to the above. 100% my reason.


u/Chuck-fan-33 3d ago

Fleming told Bryce the CIA was going to want Chuck for the Omaha Project (the intersect project) regardless of what either said. Both were in on planting the test answers so the CIA would not want Chuck. The CIA would think that Chuck cheated and would not want him.


u/GettingWreckedAllDay 3d ago

Fleming doesn't tell Bryce he's considering Chuck if Bryce is never born


u/SalahK23 Morgan Grimes 3d ago



u/davidTNA 3d ago

Yeah I was thinking of him instead of Bryce but ultimately I went for Bryce. When looking at appearances you could say that he's the one with less screen time. Plus without him the Intersect wouldn't even exist.


u/Chuck-fan-33 3d ago

Fan Favorite - Chuck

Made to be hated - Tang

The Hot One - Sarah

The only normal person - Ellie

Uhh … what’s your name again - Cabbage Patch

The gremlin - Jeff and Lester

Mmm … society - The Turners

Just straight up evil - Decker

No screen time. All the plot relevance - Steve Jobs (No original Mac, no intersect.)


u/MrsCaptain_America Nerd Herd 2d ago

Fan Favorite - Chuck

Made to be hated - Emmet Milbarge

The Hot One - Capt Awesome/Bryce/Sarah

The only normal person - Ellie

Uhh … what’s your name again - Fernando

The gremlin - Jeff

Mmm … society - Roan

Just straight up evil - Shaw


u/NCKBLZ 2d ago

Shaw isn't evil, Quinn was the evil one


u/MrsCaptain_America Nerd Herd 2d ago

Agree that Quinn was evil, but I hated Shaw more.


u/davidTNA 1d ago

It's amazing how this show can make you feel the exact same way Chuck feels. I don't know if it was just me but I felt jealous with him when Sarah was with Shaw, but didn't anymore when he was with Hannah, and then again when he broke up with her.


u/MrsCaptain_America Nerd Herd 1d ago

Season 3 is probably my favorite season, Brandon Routh was awesome as Shaw, so much so that if I see him in something else I still see Shaw and I mutter "fuck Shaw" under my breath.


u/Narrow-Midnight-7216 1d ago

At least Brandon isn't forever typecast as that 'other Superman'


u/davidTNA 1d ago

I've seen him as 'the good guy who turns bad' a couple of times now. Specifically on The Rookie and, well, Chuck. Don't know if that's just pure coincidence or he has indeed been typecast as that type.


u/Chuck-fan-33 12h ago

Brandon did get typecast and is now in Hallmark He🏒🏒.


u/JimmysTheBestCop 3d ago

Thought Bryce was the hot one


u/davidTNA 3d ago

Pfff, not even that hot. Big Mike was the real piece of meat all along.


u/MrNotTooBrightside 3d ago

I think you meant Harry Tang was the Big Potato all along...


u/TheMackD504 3d ago

The general