r/aww 5d ago

I fed this female box tortoise some raspberries at the beginning of the summer. Now, she follows me all over the garden, and visits me almost daily looking for handouts.

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u/BongWaterOnCarpet 5d ago

Hold a soft toothbrush out for them to rub on, they love it!!


u/RadicalLynx 5d ago

Imagine how good it must feel to finally itch that spot you can't reach yourself


u/99RedBalloon 5d ago

i feel like i scratched a good itch just reading this


u/abhitchc 5d ago

Thanks @BongWaterOnCarpet


u/PurpleT0rnado 5d ago

Hey OP are you in Virginia? I ask because that turtle looks like its shell has been scalloped. There is a special 100-year project out of one of the Universities here to count and record sitings of these box turtles.

You could be a citizen scientist volunteer!


u/Alternative_Egg_7382 5d ago

If you fix some soft hairbrushes in place turtles will move back and forth through them like a carwash


u/whoaminow17 4d ago

this was a delight, thank you!! i'm now neck-deep in tortoise/turtle youtube haha