r/americandad 2d ago

TIL that the guy who did the voice of Cilantro in the Roy Rogers McFreely episode, Dan Navarro, co-wrote the Pat Benatar song "We Belong" Detail


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u/tkevros LeVar Crush 2d ago

They are the music makers. They are the dreamers of dreams.


u/grunt527 2d ago

There has been a spanish song that got pretty popular recently, called "Me mustas tu" by Manu Chao. I swear to you, it has the same spirit as Cilantro's El Perro.

It just the singer singing about non sensical things in spanish. I even thought Manu could have been inspired by cilantro IF I hadnt looked it up and it turned out that Me gustas tu was originally release in 2001.

Anyway, this is weird shower thought I had just last week while listening to Me gustas tu for first time.

Both are catchy as hell though.