r/XboxSeriesX Nov 15 '22

Xbox hasn't had an exclusive game nominated to the Game Awards for 10 years now. :Discussion: Discussion

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u/NZafe Scorned Nov 15 '22

If you want to play the PS games, get a PS. A console is only as strong as the games you can play on it. That’s why I own a switch too, I want to play the Nintendo games and there’s only one way to do that.


u/rubber_hedgehog Nov 15 '22

Really have to hand it to the Switch for those 2017 releases.

There was barely anything worth getting on the Wii U outside of Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8. Then Nintendo makes a new console and immediately drops 10/10 Mario and Zelda games. Real big "not fuckin around with this one" move.


u/pink_volvo Nov 16 '22

While the Wii U didn't have very many good games, a hacked Wii U can emulate a ton of Nintendo games. Over the past few years, I've played it more than my Switch.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '22



u/Phaze_Change Nov 15 '22

Are they playable? I used to keep up with them via BSODGaming YouTube. But that guy seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.

I’m hoping they’re in a good enough spot to play BOTW2 when it releases.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '22



u/Phaze_Change Nov 15 '22

I’m surprised it’s running on entry level hardware. It definitely must have come a long way. That’s good to hear.

I’ll probably still wait for ultrawide hacks and what not. But it’s good that it’ll be playable at some point.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '22



u/NZafe Scorned Nov 16 '22

Playstation has some great games, being a “loyal Xbox user” shouldn’t prevent you from playing the games you want to play.


u/CookiePl4net Nov 16 '22

whats your point? Doesn't change the fact that xbox is an obsolete console


u/canufeelthelove Nov 16 '22

LOL how is it obsolete? Xbox has had a phenomenal Game Pass year. The "exclusive" argument is beyond pointless outside of PS fanb0ys in this thread.


u/CookiePl4net Nov 16 '22

game pass hass mostly shovelware games, id take god of war ragnarok any day over a whole library of outdated game pass titles


u/canufeelthelove Nov 16 '22

That's great. Myself and others find Sony's incredibly repetitive third-person action-adventure games painfully boring. GoW already has pretty lukewarm user and streamer reviews, despite still being in the honeymoon phase.

At the end of the day is a matter of preference, and I'll take the great variety Game Pass gives me every month. For those wanting big exclusives, the next years look stellar.


u/CookiePl4net Nov 16 '22

sure, agree to disagree


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '22

One legal way


u/pandaSmore Nov 16 '22

There's also PC end emulation. You can even run switch emulators on steam deck.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_STEAM_ID Nov 16 '22

That's exactly what Sony wants people do to. Buy their expensive console so they can get you to buy their expensive retail priced games.

This is why Sony is trying so hard to stop Gamepass from becoming a success.


u/Phone_User_1044 Nov 16 '22

In conclusion, Sony are making good games so that… people buy their good games? That’s literally been how every company has aimed to sell consoles since the Atari.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_STEAM_ID Nov 16 '22

That’s literally been how every company has aimed to sell consoles since the Atari.

Except it isn't. Just look at gamepass.

In part Microsoft wants to put great games on gamepass to increase value. But the value and draw of gamepass is primarily low cost to access tons of games. It's a value proposition.