r/XboxSeriesX Apr 21 '24

Phil Spencer on the phone right now to get someone to make a new Fallout game asap. Discussion

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u/CruffTheMagicDragon Apr 21 '24

Feels like a fumble to not have a Fallout game coming out rn


u/maiLManLiam Apr 21 '24

Seems insane that we're likely looking at 10+ years before Fallout 5, too


u/swaggindragon1864 Apr 21 '24

The wait between New Vegas and 4 felt like forever and that was only five years. We are getting close to the nine year anniversary for 4 with a 5th title still nowhere in sight.


u/maiLManLiam Apr 21 '24

And to think that back in 2015 I was complaining about how Fallout 5 wouldn’t release until 2020, and how that was such a long wait. But now we’re looking at a ~20 year gap between titles. How is that even possible?!


u/sweatgod2020 Apr 22 '24

They made 76.. Say what you want, but it was a fallout game and was made in between those dates you mentioned. I’m just stating facts here. I just did a fo4 100% completion and then the show dropped. To get the itch by I didn’t wanna start fo4 again, especially before an update gets launched so I have 76 a try again and wouldn’t you know it, it’s super fun.


u/BlasterPhase Apr 22 '24

Yeah, but 76 isn't 5, as in, a mainline game.


u/Esteth Apr 22 '24

It's got similar gameplay to mainline entries

It's got all new maps and locations

It's got new items

It's got new stories and characters

It adds major new functionality in multiplayer.

I'm not really sure why people don't consider it the sequel to FO4


u/Pomeranian111 Apr 23 '24

Then it's one crappy sequel 😆


u/Esteth Apr 23 '24

Have you played the game now that it's been patched for a few years

This is like saying cyberpunk 2077 is a bad game because it was buggy af at release.