r/XboxSeriesX Apr 20 '24

This generation has been underwhelming Discussion

I bought a Series X at launch, and can’t think of a single game that has impressed me this gen. I’m a big Halo fan, and Halo Infinite felt like a letdown. I’m a Forza fan, and Forza Motorsport felt like a massive disappointment. I was exited for Starfield, but was underwhelmed after playing it.

It just feels like we’ve had no heavy hitters this gen, even 3rd party AAA games have been average at best. I guess the only hope I have left is with Gears 6, but aside from that, Microsoft needs to get their act together and start releasing some new games. It feels like games are taking way too long to make these days, we used to get bangers every year in the 360 gen. Even the Xbox One had more compelling games than what we have now


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u/gorgeous_bastard Apr 21 '24

Came here to say the same thing, it’s been a great generation for ps5, my Xbox has been sitting collecting dust since I got one.


u/stuckintheinbetween Apr 21 '24

I have both, as well as a Switch, and I've played a lot less games this generation than in prior generations. PS4 was better than PS5.


u/doughaway421 Apr 23 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

Yeah I have all 3 as well. When I first got the Xbox I was amazed by Gamepass and it became my main console for a few months. It was like being a kid in a candy store. Even thought about selling the PS5 because I basically stopped using it. But as time has gone on I find less stuff brings me back to it, none of the exclusive games are really ones I can't live without. The main use for it now is Gamepass games either saving me from buying a game I want on PS5, or using it to play lots of kid friendly games with my son that I wouldn't want to be buying.

Other than that the PS5 is getting most of my time again, Sony and Nintendo both do a better job of having "must haves" on their platform, its their only way of surviving against Microsoft really. Even when it comes to the subscription, PS+ Game Catalog has a lot more that I am interested in outside of the big day 1 stuff on GPU.

Microsoft started off this generation looking like they were going to stomp Sony, buying all those studios via Bethesda and Activision... but so far the results have not been mindblowing. Redfall was junk, Starfield was ok (I have about 50 hours in) but probably Bethesda's most mediocre big RPG (especially compared to the hype). I feel like that and the entire legal battle took some wind out of their sails. I hope these buyouts pay off in some way.

I sunk a lot of time into Forza Horizon 5 and Flight Simulator which were probably the two biggest exclusives I personally liked. I was really excited for Forza Motorsport, after hearing about how great it is for years when I was a PS guy, ended up not feeling that great to me (I much prefer GT7). Halo was another I always heard was amazing before I had an Xbox. I started Infinite but dropped it not too far in.

I am still glad I have my Series X and it won't be going anywhere soon. If Bethesda puts out a game as good as Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal and it ends up being exclusive to Xbox that will definitely be something that pulls me back to it.