r/XboxSeriesX Dec 08 '23

Baldur's Gate 3 appears to now be live on Xbox Series S/X. Megathread


485 comments sorted by


u/LinkRazr Founder Dec 08 '23

So weird they wouldn’t mention it lol


u/OwlOxygen Dec 08 '23

I think they forgot lol they were quite nervous


u/TNunca321 Dec 08 '23


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23



u/CasualRead_43 Dec 08 '23

The folks watching this game I assume are pretty plugged into Xbox social media I’m sure over the next few days the heavy hitters will announce it


u/RiggityRow Dec 08 '23

They won game of the year, the sales will come on their own. Knowing the culture at Larian, I doubt their too pressed about it.


u/culminacio Dec 08 '23

Not Larian, but this person will be - obviously!


u/Unfortunatewombat Dec 08 '23

Swen’s both the founder and CEO.

He basically is Larian.

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u/Glup-Shitto69 Dec 08 '23

I joined the stream later and when I didn't see the announcement I thought they did it at the beginning.


u/Meanteenbirder Dec 08 '23

They prob were gonna announce it on stage. The whole acceptance was very brief.


u/Conflict_NZ Dec 08 '23

They ran a trailer for it right before that with no mention of Xbox lol


u/JoshDeGreat Dec 08 '23

The trailer showed the physical packages for Xbox and Playstation at the end, but no date

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u/Autarch_Kade Founder Dec 08 '23

They had a trailer that made me think that was the announcement trailer. Talking about finally joining the fight, etc. Then it just... ended with nothing? Like a random trailer for BG3 that felt so out of place. I think something went wrong there lol


u/Sjgolf891 Founder Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

An Xbox disc was shown in that trailer at the end but yeah, seems like they were supposed to say ‘it’s out on Xbox now!’ and then roll that trailer


u/CDR57 Dec 08 '23

I’m convinced that is when they made it available, not outright saying “go get it now” and detracting from people watching the awards, but instead just hinting “NOW it’s time to join the fight;)”

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u/zrkillerbush Founder Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

I think they were told to hurry up

The whole show was like that, people accepting awards and then having to rush their speech so Geoff could shoehorn more adverts down our throats


u/ThatsJoeCool Founder Dec 08 '23

I found it a bit silly how they rushed the speeches but then some of the celeb presenters just went on and on (looking at you Anthony Mackie)


u/Ordinary_Lemon Dec 08 '23

Was he high? He seemed like he was rolling balls or something.


u/ThatsJoeCool Founder Dec 08 '23

I would absolutely not doubt it. High on something or tipsy. That bit of calling out to the audience was fine once or twice — I think he did a dozen times? Maybe more? Crazy.


u/MAJ_Starman Dec 08 '23

Dude was just trying to Keanu Reeves it.

He Keanu do it.


u/nohumanape Dec 08 '23

Probably hoping to start a meme.


u/pookachu83 Dec 08 '23

It was definitely cringe. One of those "look how much people love me" moments.


u/caninehere Doom Slayer Dec 08 '23

For what it's worth, even if it was cringe from what I've heard Anthony Mackie is a really nice dude. And he also supposedly loves to party, so it's entirely possible he was tipsy.

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u/skyrim-salt-pile Dec 08 '23

That's the vibe I got, and what a terrible vibe lmao. It was so obnoxious


u/CactusCustard Dec 08 '23

I was yelling at the screen before he FINALLY just read the fucking card


u/FKDotFitzgerald Dec 08 '23

I thought he was trying to be funny and have a quotable audience interaction like Keanu. Definitely a bit much lmao


u/Neversoft4long Dec 08 '23

Mackie and Hideo Kojime. Respect the both of them but they had way too much time on stage.


u/Redisigh Dec 08 '23

At the same time though that Hideo Kojima reveal was godly


u/Beard_McPerson Dec 08 '23

Well Geoff is pretty much in love with Kojima. He'd probably let Kojima go on for hours if he could.


u/Kaythar Dec 08 '23

Not really, an interesting trailer, and was fun hearing about the new project, and then it went on and on and on for basically learning nothing more.

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u/OwlOxygen Dec 08 '23

It was absolutely awful and cynical. But his best buddy Kojima gets to talk 15 minutes about his new project and says basically nothing. Meanwhile devs who win awards get chased of the stage after 30 seconds. And dont even get me started on Hollywood celebs with weird jokes and being drunk on stage


u/Connor123x Dec 08 '23

The show needs to end. Its just so bad.

Announce winners online and leave it at that.

Geoff is on a whole other level of cringe and when he talks about Kojima its creepy


u/TwizzledAndSizzled Founder Dec 08 '23

I think the show is great, especially with E3 fading away. There were some good announcements here and it’s nice to have devs recognized. They just need to tone down some of the presenter shenanigans and yeah, limit some of the on stage presentations that didn’t actually say anything.


u/No_Chilly_bill Dec 08 '23

No werider than kojima fans.


u/ArchDucky Dec 08 '23

Interrupting Sam Lake during his victory lap over a game he wanted to make for 13 years was just fucking horseshit.


u/Loli_Master Founder Dec 08 '23

Yes it was


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

And Sam Lake said “fuck you I’m gonna say what I want to say. You decide if you want to play loud music over it”


u/gumpythegreat Dec 08 '23

There was a giant sign that said "please hurry up" or something that would start after 30 seconds, apparently. Then after another 20 it would start flashing.

Kinda lame. That, and the fact that the Best Indie game winners didn't get a moment to say anything really irk me. Some years "best Indie" and "best debut indie" go to the same game, at which point it's fine if they don't both get a moment, but this time they were different. Give them a minute of spotlight FFS.

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u/gblandro Ambassador Dec 08 '23

Xbox as always, look at the Blade announcement, weird


u/altcastle Dec 08 '23

You mean not talking about Blade until the trailer? Because the Blade game won’t be out for quite awhile, yeah? Sorry just trying to clarify if I missed something as I love both Blade and Arkane (usually).


u/NfinityBL Dec 08 '23

I think they mean a lack of any actual Xbox logo at all during the Blade announcement.


u/montgomerygk Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

They had the Xbox Game Studios logo before the teaser

Edit no they didn't I was mistaken


u/NfinityBL Dec 08 '23

No they didn’t. They only showed Bethesda.


u/montgomerygk Dec 08 '23

You're right I just rewatched it my bad


u/ShortNefariousness2 Dec 08 '23

Well maybe Bethesda is owned by Microsoft so there's that lol

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u/Hump-Daddy Dec 08 '23

Did Swen just…..forget to announce it?


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

You’re being watched by Millions of people and in armor.

Nerves will get to you


u/AtomicVGZ Dec 08 '23

The whole show went 40ish minutes over, likely not their choice.


u/uses_irony_correctly Dec 08 '23

on the steamdeck giveaway site you could only play while the show was on, and there was a countdown to the end. The countdown ended at 5AM my local time, and the game awards ended at like 5:07AM. So I don't think they ran much longer than they had planned.


u/Kaythar Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

They finished about at the same time as last year. Not sure why the one for the GOTY awards, it should the one to be celebrating the most

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u/mtarascio Dec 08 '23

He didn't have the extra support axe.

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u/Masskid Dec 08 '23

Actually yes, he was suppose to announce it during the award speech but I think the 30 second + "wrap it up blinking" startled him and he forgot to mention it. (You can confirm on his Twitter)

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u/Tbhjr Ambassador Dec 08 '23

The prompter said to wrap it up, he had no time.

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u/xaldub Dec 08 '23

He rolled a critical failure on his TGA saving throw.


u/GrossWeather_ Dec 08 '23

I think he was befuddled by Paul Atreides.


u/cavalier_54 Dec 08 '23

They just shadow dropped the GOTY lol. What a day

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u/SaintCreamPie Dec 08 '23

Can’t believe they didn’t put the release anywhere. Was genuinely worried they weren’t releasing it tonight

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u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

Larian: Wow we won game of the year. So awesome, are we forgetting to announce anything?

Also Larian: Nah, if we forgot it probably wasn’t that important.

Larian: You are so right!

Millions of gamers seeing the GOTY is now available on their platform


u/Insectshelf3 Dec 08 '23

that felt like the fastest GOTY acceptance speech of all time


u/Persies Dec 08 '23

The show was running almost an hour over, I'm sure people were being told not to give long speeches. Still a shame, would have been nice is Swen had a little more time.


u/KotakPain Dec 08 '23

The director of Tears of the Kingdom got told to "wrap it up", no joke that's what it said on the prompter, when he was saying his speech.

Actors getting more time to announce awards and say shitty jokes but the actual recipients of the awards getting ushered off stage without being able to thank their loved ones is pretty shitty


u/mindpainters Dec 08 '23

Agreed. These awards are about the nominees. Like I give a fuck what Mathew mconahay has to say


u/Kaldricus Dec 08 '23

Tbf, they also spent a bunch of time jerking off Kojima just to show off basically nothing


u/RHFilm Dec 08 '23

I just assumed it was scheduled to go on till 11. If that was the case, then they did a pretty good job. I don’t understand how they could go almost an hour over, they kept the speeches pretty lean.


u/Conflict_NZ Dec 08 '23

They didn't mention it at all lol


u/Eglwyswrw Dec 08 '23

Shadow drop, nice.


u/Mr8BitX Dec 08 '23

The shadowiest of shadow drops.


u/Broken_Noah Dec 08 '23

Shadowheart approves of the shadow drop


u/MoistToweletteLover Dec 08 '23

I was SO sad when they didn’t drop a date and then I went to the store and there it was.

What a rollercoaster lol


u/sungsam89 Dec 08 '23

I restarted my console and I still don't see it listed in the store.


u/muad_dibs Dec 08 '23

Download through the mobile app.


u/sungsam89 Dec 08 '23

Didn't need to. Microsoft Store on Xbox just listed it. Downloading now:)

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u/reevoknows Arbiter Dec 08 '23

I see it in the store right now, in Canada


u/Budget-Football6806 Dec 08 '23



u/Fickle_Heart1042 Dec 08 '23

same here, literally the first game ive bought at launch in years lol


u/Conflict_NZ Dec 08 '23

Yep I only buy games in my favourite series of all time list at launch, that amounts to about three in the last two years lol (more of a free time issue than anything), making an exception for this for sure.


u/ZeeDarkSoul Dec 08 '23

I mean honestly no reason to not buy it launch, Its technically past launch and has gotten patches, so it should be more polished then the PS and PC release


u/bibear54 Founder Dec 08 '23

Feel silly to ask, but what kind of game is it?


u/Kreason95 Dec 08 '23

If you’ve ever played D&D this is a nearly identical experience. I’m personally not normally into the turn based thing in most video games but I’ve really been enjoying BG3 because it really does capture D&D well.


u/Snow_2040 Dec 08 '23

It is an old school style RPG (cRPG) that is based on the 5th edition of the table top game Dungeons and Dragons. It has really good turn based combat, really good story, and great player choice and freedom.


u/ArkhamCitizen298 Dec 08 '23

Turn based but you don’t feel limited at all, lots of interacting with the environment, game is full of choice like 5 choices for you to make every 5 second.


u/L3onskii Kazooie Dec 08 '23

5 choices every 5 seconds sounds overwhelming tbh


u/Flat-Butterfly8907 Dec 08 '23

From my experience, I think there are so so so many choices that are integrated into the game that it actually bypassed overwhelming for me and ended up being super freeing and refreshing. I ended up not worrying about making the wrong decision (except for a few climactic moments), and was able to just enjoy the experience. The sheer number of micro variabilities in the game is something I never thought I would ever see in a video game.

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u/twatingham Dec 08 '23

It's an rpg that tries to get you to have sex with every character


u/3nigmax Dec 08 '23

Did you ever play dragon age 1 or 2?


u/RGstarrd Dec 08 '23

One meant for PC /s

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u/baladreams Dec 08 '23

Why did they not even mention this? That is baffling.


u/grephantom Dec 08 '23

That space is full of ads, time there is costing money now. They wouldnt free market the GOTY for MS...

btw, downloading my copy right now :1574:


u/-Gh0st96- Dec 08 '23

It has nothing to do with MS, stop being such a victim. The game is published by Larian themselves. He simply forgot because the prompter said to wrap it up, they only gave 30 seconds for the acceptance speakers

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u/F0REM4N Dec 08 '23

This is the one, get stickied.

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u/breakwater Dec 08 '23

It is now listed as release date of 12/7 and buyable from the website. The ad at the game awards didn't clarify what was happening at all, but at least we now know


u/Meanteenbirder Dec 08 '23

There was apparently an interview where someone at Larian said that more info would be revealed at TGA.

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u/EugeneKrabs_ Dec 08 '23

Does it have keyboard support?


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

Done. Bought. 137.6 gigs on Series X.


u/otterbottertrotter Craig Dec 08 '23

Jesus. I picked the absolute worst time to also get Cyberpunk. That’s gotta go for a while

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u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Fickle_Heart1042 Dec 08 '23

divinity 2 is such a great game, one of my fav rpgs


u/NotLordFrey Dec 08 '23

Yeah, it’s phenomenal!


u/PM_ME_YOUR_STEAM_ID Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

I'm on PC, but having a heck of a time progressing. I keep getting killed, and can't revive, so my party is getting smaller and smaller and the fights are basically impossible now.

I'm barely into the first act too. I've been playing RPG's for my entire life...for some reason I suck at Divinity Original Sin 2.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

Hey, I was going through the same stuff. Try to focus your party on the same damage type (magic/physical) to take advantage of that. Keep going, it will get easier with progress.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Dec 08 '23

I just got into Kingdom Come less than a week ago, and it's really good. Feel like I should finish before getting swept up by BG3... plus I'm broke lol


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23



u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

I should clarify it's on Series X.

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u/xEternal408x Dec 08 '23

Ofc when I’m broke the game ive been waiting for forever comes out. Have fun everyone!


u/FlyRobot Dec 08 '23

Good thing Xmas is mere weeks away!

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u/No-Strike-2015 Dec 08 '23

I'm so happy Xbox players get this now. I think I'll play all day tomorrow as well. I'm nearing Act 3 and already know I'll play again.


u/PyroBeavis Dec 08 '23

Downloading it now. My wife is giddy lol


u/NimecShady Dec 08 '23

I don't like the new standard of games being $89.99 CDN + Tax = $103.49. I paid that for Diablo 4 and feel I really didn't get my moneys worth.

For all the hype this game is getting it should hopefully be worth it. Going to wait a week or so to make sure there aren't any xbox specific issues.


u/Nightsong Dec 08 '23

Baldur's Gate 3 is more than worth the cost. You can easily spend 50 or so hours on just Act 1 if you explore everything and talk to everyone. And Act 1 is only 1/3 of the game.


u/Jesh3023 Dec 08 '23

It’s definitely worth the price as the other comment says. I legit spent about 65ish hours in just act 1. There’s so many little secrets to just stumble across, the characters are fantastic as is the story.


u/Conflict_NZ Dec 08 '23

It’s weirdly cheap in New Zealand, only $100 when most USD $70 games are $130+ here.


u/IAmDotorg Dec 08 '23

If games stay at $60 or $70, you're just not going to get anything but small indie games.

Adjusted for inflation, they're cheaper than 360 and XB1 games, about the same as original Xbox games, and far cheaper than cartridge-based games of the 80's and 90's.

And they're thousands of times bigger. You can't make a game for $150mm, sell it for $60, make only $40 a copy and risk not selling five or ten million copies. You'll never get investors to pony up the cash because the risk is just too high.

I mean, I don't know about up there, but the $70 it costs in the US is about what it costs to go out to Taco Bell three times.


u/FishToaster Dec 08 '23

I went straight from Diablo 4 to Baldur's Gate 3. Never have I had such whiplash between disappointment and amazement. I'd been waiting eagerly for D4 for years, and it was such a let down. Then I got BG3 (a game I'd only kinda heard of) on a friend's heartfelt recommendation and damn. I'm 200 hours into it and I can't recall the last game I enjoyed this much.

I highly recommend it. I'm re-buying it just so I can convince my wife (who only plays on consoles) to play it with me. :)

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u/S4ntos19 Dec 08 '23

They announced it on X after they won


u/SpookyCarnage Dec 08 '23

Anyone know if its crossplay? I remember swenn mentioning they were working on it. Dont really wanna buy it again to play with a friend if I can avoid it


u/twistytit Dec 08 '23

ps5 has cross-save with pc, i assume this will as well. they’ve said crossplay will eventually come

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u/Upbeat_Farm_5442 Dec 08 '23

Cross save is there I think. You need to login with the Larian account.


u/tapo default Dec 08 '23

No crossplay. I think it'll happen eventually.

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u/Radica1Faith Dec 08 '23

Does it have cross play with ps5?


u/KebabHasse Dec 08 '23

Crossplay has been confirmed to be in the works but with no ETA


u/Falmung Dec 08 '23

No, but if its anything like the PS5 version, it has cross-saves.


u/smackythefrog Founder Dec 08 '23

I played earlier versions of the series of Baldur's Gate and Diablo and Starcraft on PC back in the 2000s. Never played on console.

How do these play with a controller, since it seems MK isn't supported for a lot of these games? I remember just frantically clicking around with a mouse but is there a cursor that is moved with the joysticks on console? I feel like that might be a bit cumbersome?


u/Pelwl Dec 08 '23

From what I've read the controller is better than KB/M for movement but worse for inventory management. Movement in particular you can choose to move the characters as in any normal 3rd person game or you can use a cursor to click on where they should move to.


u/smackythefrog Founder Dec 08 '23

Interesting. I have some MS credit I could spend on both Diablo 4 and BG3, but I was just hesitant because I didn't know how the controls were for console. I might just get them both now.



u/Any-Newspaper1922 Dec 08 '23

They play very diffefently. Diablo and to an extent the og baldur's gate games are real time combat. (Bg plays in psudeo realtime called real time pause). The new baldurs gate game is fully turn based while in combat. So there won't be any frantic clicking needed. Also modern diablo games, for all their positives and negatives, play very well on controller.


u/Boomboomciao90 Dec 08 '23

Played through the entire game with a controller on PC, it's super smooth


u/Arpeggiatewithme Dec 09 '23

I’ve played through nearly the whole game with an Xbox controller on PC. Works pretty great other than it being a slightly slower experience since controller inventory management was will never match the speed of mouse and keyboard.


u/bamronn Blessed Mother Dec 08 '23

KbM support? i get the controller ui is amazing or what ever but still


u/SwordOfSparda3 Dec 08 '23

Finally! I was wondering what happened to the release date. I thought it might appear during the physical edition trailer, but nothing. Glad to see it on Xbox!


u/suchascenicworld Dec 08 '23

yes! I am so excited to finally experience this game!


u/Jesh3023 Dec 08 '23

Mate you’re gonna have a blast, the story is so damn good as well as game play etc. hope you enjoy!


u/Dry_Antelope_5411 Dec 08 '23

No sleep for me tonight...


u/d3adbutbl33ding Dec 08 '23

Happy Hanukkah! We get Baldur's Gate 3! Now that is a hefty gigabyte size...


u/RobotPirateGhost Dec 08 '23

I really want to pick it up but can’t justify dropping that much money right now.


u/IQ_Dropper Dec 08 '23

Same, I want to buy it but then I'd struggle to buy Infinite Wealth in January, could've gotten both if Microsoft Reward didn't blow up. I'll probably pick it up in March.

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u/krpiper Dec 08 '23

How does this compare to divinity original sin 2? I didn't love it on switch but I have a few gift cards lying around and it's been hyped up non stop.....


u/CharityDiary Dec 08 '23

Made by the same devs. Same type of game. Uses the Divinity engine. If you didn't like Divinity, I find it hard to believe that you would suddenly like BG3.

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u/plopsaland Dec 08 '23

Quick question, does anyone know if it supports keyboard and mouse? I think it does, as I read that it does on PS5, but don't have a keyboard and mouse laying around right now. Thanks.


u/PlayBey0nd87 Dec 08 '23

Awl. Held out an inkling it would be a GP massive drop but cool - glad it’s finally available


u/caninehere Doom Slayer Dec 08 '23

I never anticipate a GP drop unless the company has already put games on the service before. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think any of the Divinity games have been on GP.

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u/Test88Heavy Dec 08 '23

I've never played D&D or any top down RPGs. Should I still buy this?


u/xBig_Red_Huskerx Dec 08 '23

Dude all I will say, I've never cared for turn based games. I'm 45 I've been gaming since the days of Atari 2800. Baldur's Gate 3 is probably the best game I have ever played.

You are doing yourself a disservice by not playing it. Larian studios really care about their game. It's a very finished game with tons of things to try. And it's had 5 major patches that just keep improving an already perfect game


u/Test88Heavy Dec 08 '23

That says alot. I'm about the same age and have also been gaming since Atari. I just finished Elden Ring and that's now my undisputed favorite of all time so it's hard to follow that up, nothing I'm playing is hitting the same. I'm on the fence on whether to buy Cyberpunk, BG3 or Alan Wake.


u/xBig_Red_Huskerx Dec 08 '23

One of the biggest enjoyments is figuring out how to win fights you think are impossible.

Note for leveling up wizards or any magic user. Choose your cantrips to learn on screen. Choose your spells to learn. When done open radial go to spell book and assign the spells you want to slots. Playing a magic user was frustrating because I didn't understand why my spells weren't showing up.

Also wizards will have access to the most spells, slots and cantrips. They can learn spells from scrolls if you ha e the gold. Warlocks not so much.

Also you can multiclass any character but it will reduce your max you can gain for your main role


u/xBig_Red_Huskerx Dec 08 '23

If you do decide to get it. My gamertag is Big Red Husker. I'm usually on 10 pm - 1am central time. I would love to do a coop with someone. I'll have my own single player game going but willing to do a separate coop.

Coop all members have to be present To start.


u/Test88Heavy Dec 08 '23

I might take you up on that. I play around the same time. Do I need Game Pass or another subscription service to access multiplayer/coop?


u/xBig_Red_Huskerx Dec 08 '23

Just Xbox gold or gamepass membership


u/Beautiful_Pianist754 Dec 10 '23

ALL. ALL. ALL. Play all three at your leisure, but play all three. All utterly memorable experiences from someone who has been gaming since C64.

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u/Bigkyfan10 Dec 08 '23

I'm in the same boat as you. I've never played any D&D games or turn based games. I look at the gameplay HUD and I am very intimidated. I loved RPGS like Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Hogwarts Legacy though so I wonder if I will like it.


u/Any-Newspaper1922 Dec 08 '23

Those are barely rpgs. But if you enjoy branching story, interesting characters and building up characters in a class based system then i would reccomend it. Youll get used to any hud anyway.


u/Jesh3023 Dec 08 '23

100%. I started playing this game about a month ago when I upgraded my laptop, I’ve never played the dice rolling turn based type games before this and I’ve had an absolute blast. I spent about 65 hours in the first act alone. The characters are amazing and the story as well as gameplay. You’ll have a great time.


u/Tbhjr Ambassador Dec 08 '23

This is the best D&D experience outside of actually playing. It’s a phenomenal game.

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u/RossaF1 Dec 08 '23

The combat is not really my thing, but the more I see about this game, the more tempted I get by the story/world. Decisions....


u/xBig_Red_Huskerx Dec 08 '23

They could have been nice and let us start the download half way through that terrible awards sbow


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

I went in expecting to hate it but the announcements were pretty solid. It’s hard to be mad as fan of Xbox and gaming in general.


u/caninehere Doom Slayer Dec 08 '23

They sometimes have OK announcements, but the show itself is awful. Which is a real accomplishment because there are even some people I really like involved with it. The problem is Keighley has always pushed it as "the Oscars of video games" but then the awards show just drools over celebrities who just showed up for a paycheck instead of paying real respect to the people who made the nominated games, and then the majority of the show is shoving ads down your throat. It's a marketing vehicle.

Although I like seeing announcements I don't think it is the right place for them bc it just leans into the advertising side of things. Would you think of the Oscars the same way if they showed ads for The Santa Clause 4 during it?

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u/Definite64 Dec 08 '23

Oh fuck. Right after winning GOTY too. I wonder why it wasn’t mentioned but I’m excited to finally be able to play


u/notasmartmanman Founder Dec 08 '23

Downloading now! At 30%!


u/Beasthuntz Dec 08 '23

I have this game on PC but there's no way I'm not going to support them for bringing this to Xbox.


u/RamboBashore Ambassador Dec 08 '23

Is Act 3 still very broken?


u/The_MorningKnight Dec 08 '23

It seems to still be glitchy on PS5. Even after several patches, some of them even adding new issues and crashes.


u/tapo default Dec 08 '23

No. Performance takes a hit to about 45fps in the worst spots but the worst bugs have been fixed in the latest patch.


u/RamboBashore Ambassador Dec 08 '23

So nothing major needs to be fixed? Just wanted my first playthrough to be as smooth as possible.

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u/Upbeat_Farm_5442 Dec 08 '23

Game wards is so shit. So many ads and geof sucking kojima’s dick not letting other take time to finish their speech. Absolutely embarrassing


u/trunglefever Dec 08 '23

I hopped on to the store after the show ended and saw it. Never bought something so fast, lol.


u/OneLessFool Dec 08 '23

Damn I was hoping for a stealth gamepass drop. Well I'll wait to pick up a physical copy, I've waited a long time already.


u/Regret1836 Dec 08 '23

Enjoy, Xbox dudes. It will change you.


u/Square_Saltine Dec 08 '23

We did it guys!!!


u/Blazingscourge Dec 08 '23

I wanna buy it now but imma be responsible and wait for my Christmas bonus to buy it


u/Bigkyfan10 Dec 08 '23

Am I the only person that thinks the gameplay looks way too complicated for me? I'm looking at the gameplay and there's a million different things on the HUD. It look's really confusing and intimidating. I really like Hogwarts Legacy and Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Do you think that I will like this game?

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u/dasherchan Dec 08 '23

Baldurs Gate > Starfield.



u/otterbottertrotter Craig Dec 08 '23

Xbox is allergic to marketing


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '23

The entire night was full of Xbox games and announcements… what are you on about?

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u/Autarch_Kade Founder Dec 08 '23

There was a trailer that sounded like it was meant to announce BG3 available now, but then ended without that key info. So it was a random, weird, BG3 trailer in the middle for no reason.

Then they had Blade without the Xbox logo too.

Not even sure if Phil Spencer was there, kinda surprised they didn't show him in the crowd this time either.

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u/DEEZLE13 Dec 08 '23

Looking for that Black Friday deal


u/Meanteenbirder Dec 08 '23

Just for anyone wondering, this is NOT an error. Larian just tweeted twice that it’s out there.


u/TryThisDickdotCom Dec 08 '23

Redeemed rewards, merry xmas to me.


u/yogabackhand Dec 08 '23

As a PS5 and Steam player of BG3, you’re all in for a helluva ride. Welcome to Faerun! Enjoy!


u/BelieveInRollins Dec 08 '23

god I’m so excited you have no idea i cannot wait to buy it 😌


u/GojoOwns22 Dec 08 '23

Let’s gooooo! Starting the download now!


u/crocapaw Dec 08 '23

Purchased and downloading! So excited to play this finally 😁


u/RolandTwitter Dec 08 '23

How tedious is the turn-based combat? Does it take a long time? Always struggled to get into those


u/xBig_Red_Huskerx Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

Depends on how creative you are. If just doing attacks on easiest difficulty it will go quick. If your paying attention to literally everything, items in inventory, books, spells abilities. You will shine in the harder difficulties.

Act 1 is long and it's also meant to teach you how you can play. Throw any item for damage, throw items at a item you just threw and like a candle on a broken grease jar poof rooms on fire. Step on a booby trap whole party is wiped. Turn your tank into a explosive barrel thrower. Talk with a nmals with your ranger. Options are limitless. Charisma to avoid fights. Play as a dark urge evil character side with goblins and wipe out the grove. Decide who to romance. Every decision affects the game.


u/xBig_Red_Huskerx Dec 08 '23

If I had one complaint it's inventory management. Controller on PC press x send most items to camp or other characters in your party so you don't become overburdened.

I'm hoping it's changed a bit for Xbox.


u/Dorjcal Master Chief Dec 08 '23

Yes, it’s different in the PS5 version


u/SummerGoal Dec 08 '23

Wait like it’s actually live right now without any mention?

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u/BiggethUvDickuth69 Dec 08 '23

137GB …my poor storage. WORTH IT


u/KingdokCAN Dec 08 '23

Anyone know if it's cross platform? I have some friends who have it on PC and we'd love to play it together


u/pokemongotothepolls Dec 08 '23

Anyone know if its a play anywhere title?


u/CruffTheMagicDragon Dec 08 '23

Anyone know if it’s up to date with the PC version? I guess the Mac version is behind

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u/trashmonkeylad Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

Nooiicccee. There's no crossplay yet right?

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u/Eastrider1006 Dec 08 '23

You're getting it just now? God you're in for a fucking ride. I'm on my 4th in PC and I wish I could forget to experience it again from scratch. Enjoy!