r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/Algorhythm74 Dec 04 '23

There are some fundamental issues they likely can’t change.

  • The core characters are uninteresting, bordering on unlikeable.
  • There are no real stakes that drive the narrative, thus very little emotional motivation outside of living your space fantasy.
  • Living a “space fantasy” is wasted by being a load screens simulator.
  • No real choices, you can join any faction, and Sarah Morgan is going to dislike 90% of what you do no matter what.
  • The game and graphics are dated for a 12 year life cycle (sure some vistas a pretty, but the faces and eyes…)

More content can give you more to do in the gameplay loop, but it doesn’t solve for some fundamental design decisions they made early on - which I’m not sure can be changed or undone.


u/indiekid6 Dec 04 '23

How can you say the graphics are dated? Did you not see that detail on the sandwich?


u/Gyro_Zeppeli13 Dec 04 '23

He’s saying that if the game is going to last for 12 years then in the future they will be too dated.


u/indiekid6 Dec 04 '23

Yeah I know mate I was being sarcastic


u/Gyro_Zeppeli13 Dec 04 '23

Got it lol 😂 just woke up and haven’t had my coffee yet. I see the sandwich part now lol 😂


u/indiekid6 Dec 04 '23

Haha enjoy your day!


u/zerovampire311 Dec 05 '23

Stiff personalities and quite literally stiff, everyone looks like they have a broom handle firmly lodged up their asses. Did any of them play Cyberpunk and seriously not notice how lifeless their characters are in comparison?