r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/Cluelesswolfkin Craig Dec 04 '23

Lmfao thank you for admitting defeat


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

Defeat? Do you think this is a fight? Surely you aren't that stupid?

How did you come to that conclusion?

Not being able to prove or disprove little green men isn't the "victory" you think it is. It just means even the basic concept of your sentient aliens that are somehow like us is as fictional as Harry Potter or God.

I've noticed you even capitalize the word "Aliens" like you're talking about God.


u/Cluelesswolfkin Craig Dec 04 '23

I won't deny that idk they exist but to say that the chances of them existing right now are low is a little far fetched. Especially from someone who just said/understood how vast space is.


If you can't prove they exist and you never will in a billion years because space is too big for you or them to ever reach each other does it even matter even if they were to exist?

I already answered you question lol plus the fact that you can understand how vast space is means that you can also understand that they may or may not exist, we both dk and obviously can't say for certain they don't exist right now because we can't see it via person/satellite etc.

Henceforth you're just walking back on understanding how space is otherwise if you do understand how vast is, you would also understand you cannot make certain conclusions such as they don't exist right now simply because we can't see them lol very childlike logic


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

So tell me the odds of another sentient species like us existing right now close enough that we will ever actually make contact in a galaxy that is so large it's unfathomable yet of the thousands if not millions of stars and planets we can see none has any life on it, much less sentient.

I'll wait while you figure out the math.

Just because the answer will be more than 0 doesn't mean you or any other human will ever actually meet a capital A alien 👽, sorry.


u/Cluelesswolfkin Craig Dec 04 '23

Never have I said I will meet them

You're just tossing words into my made up mouth lmfao

I was simply stating time and time again that you can't make statements such as they don't exist right now simply because you don't see them

The fact of that matter was that if you understand and make declarations on how vast space is, you would also know that there is a possibility of them existing right now but we obviously don't know because of how vast space is

That is all, I said it time and time again and even took some of your quotes for you to understand lol but somethings not clicking there


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23

If you had actually read my posts you would know that even in my first comment to you I didn't rule their existence out entirely.

I simply said that the odds of them existing at the same time as us, sentient like us, close enough to us to ever make contact is so close to zero it's practically zero, even if it isn't theoretically zero.

Yet you kept arguing, and you capitalize the letter A in alien like we're talking about the fictional gray/green little men alien more than actual theoretical sentient life.

Why do you do that if you don't believe in little green men that we will eventually meet?

Because if you don't believe that you're actually just repeating my argument.