r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/glenninator Dec 04 '23

It needs more content. It’s simple. It’s in space, show us aliens. Sci fi experiments and goop. Picture fallout but in space. Bring us that. Game is too tame, just fighting humans in space is boring.


u/BadTreeLiving Dec 04 '23

To be clear, everyone in this thread is talking about humanoid-speaking aliens?

Because there's certainly a fuckton of aliens in this game...


u/azsnaz Dec 04 '23

Intelligent aliens, or alien animals?


u/CzarTyr Dec 04 '23

Aliens that talk shit, fuck bitches and kill good guys. Duke nukem but in fucken space god damn it


u/camerongeno Dec 04 '23

Give me a mod for space marine power armour too while we're at it. I want to bring holy retribution to the galaxy


u/CzarTyr Dec 04 '23

I’ll be playing rogue trader in a few days. The emperor protects


u/camerongeno Dec 04 '23

Hell ya, so will I. For the Emperor


u/Bobthemurderer Dec 04 '23

So just Garrus then?


u/CzarTyr Dec 04 '23

Good comment lol


u/Otomo-Yuki Dec 05 '23

That comes after the calibrations.


u/Banjo-Oz Dec 04 '23

Now I want a Duke Nukem crossover DLC. :(


u/GreatQuantum Dec 05 '23

I swear I saw bugs doing almost Samoan battle dances last night. All in unison and everything.


u/CzarTyr Dec 05 '23

lol what the fuck haha


u/GreatQuantum Dec 05 '23

They would all turn the same direction and then jab jab with their claws and then turn the other direction and then jab jab that way.


u/alexdotfm Dec 04 '23

I want an alien named M'aiq and I want him to lie to me on random planets


u/saltybuttrot Dec 04 '23

Those might as well just be animals. We want actual intelligent life that’s not human.


u/DisabledFatChik Dec 04 '23

Those aliens are boring tho.


u/KleitosD06 Dec 04 '23

Hold on, am I reading this right?

Starfield doesn't have any intelligent aliens?


u/EMateos Dec 04 '23

Honestly, I think going “hard sci-fi” was a mistake. Specially since they gave us powers and many fantasy things.


u/captainvideoblaster Dec 04 '23

Problem is that they took worst of soft and hard sci-fi and abandoned things that make those work. This made combination that really does not have any legs to stand on.


u/shaolinspunk Dec 04 '23

One foot in The Expanse one foot in the most boring parts of Mass Effect.


u/despitegirls Dec 04 '23

There's a colony of people without suits on Venus.

Starfield is not hard sci-fi.


u/TorrBorr Dec 04 '23

That's because the game has weird flags for scripts with airlocks. A lot of places have broken airlock scripts that weirdly reversed O2 settings. Some places will run the wrong script and thinks your in breathable air when you activate the airlock leaving a hab and then walking around on the planet but the game thinks now you inside the hab. That's why you will go to oxygen less areas but people outside of suits. It's a massive bug.


u/despitegirls Dec 04 '23

This isn't a script bug. When I landed on Venus it had vegetation and just looked like a habitable planet. The actual surface of Venus is barren and extremely hot with immense pressure. I wish Bethesda had modeled the Sol system closer to reality, but whatever. I've been enjoying the game since launch.


u/TheeRuckus Dec 05 '23

Feels like The hard sci-fi is like meant to inconvenience your gaming lol.


u/TorrBorr Dec 05 '23

I mean I play a shit ton of Elite:Dangerous and Star Citizen. Those both a pretty hard hard sci Fi, and if you want to talk about inconvenience, hop onto Elite and set your course to Hutton Orbital. Make yourself a sandwich.


u/EMateos Dec 04 '23

That’s part of the problem. It wanted to be a hard sci-fi game, or at least rely heavily on it, but there’s many things that just don’t fit that, and overall it ends up being very messy and the game doesn’t have a well defined personality.


u/despitegirls Dec 05 '23

I would love that game, and maybe mods get us closer, but the moment I saw that landing and launching were automated, I knew what kind of game it would be. Not that that's bad, but it was one of a number of decisions they made to make the game more approachable.

Space games are hard. Choosing how deeply you lean into science and realism and then scale dictate a lot about the game. We know that Bethesda at least had a more difficult game at one point but simplified it, and it's clear that fuel had an actual role in the game, so I think we'll see some of the more realistic (but not hard sci-fi) aspects return over time. They expect at least five years of support and mods will change a ton, so I'm optimistic. I am enjoying what they launched and the game has the bones to be better, just needs time.


u/happygreenturtle Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

I was expecting at least some element of sci-fi and/or cosmic horror and besides that 1 Vanguard mission there just... hasn't been any. Terramorphs are basically the only legitimately dangerous alien and you can very easily evade them with a jetpack lol

That was my main disappointment. I took the week off work mainly to binge Starfield. I anticipated an RPG spread across the universe with gradually more spectacular, unusual and downright scary phenomena and aliens the further out you went. That just doesn't exist, at all. Played 30 hours on 2 different characters and spent the rest of my holiday days doing something else. Haven't picked it up since.

It's like Bethesda lost their core identity at some point whilst making Starfield. I have faith in them tbh, maybe foolishly, but I think they can salvage it. I just hope they don't leave it all to community mods

The guy below replying about playing the main story instantly blocked me after commenting so I couldn't reply. What a nutter


u/Eglwyswrw Dec 05 '23

was expecting at least some element of sci-fi and/or cosmic horror and besides that 1 Vanguard mission there just... hasn't been any.

You should really play the main quest before talking all that shit.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23



u/summonerbotone Dec 04 '23

Why would you block them after replying to their comment lol


u/shinikahn Dec 04 '23

Why do you block people who slightly disagree with you


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

I read somewhere « Starfield is Mormon cyberpunk 2077 », and it’s extremely true


u/Chairith_Cutestory Dec 04 '23

Ironically Fallout 4 starts in the year 2077


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

Also the skill tree looks like placeholders and half of it is nonfunctional or incompletely functional.


u/HeyDudeImChill Dec 04 '23

They really fucked up by not doing that. Everything is so uninteresting.


u/velvetshark Dec 04 '23

I like that there's not aliens.


u/Eglwyswrw Dec 04 '23

Same here, every sci-fi setting and their mother nowadays have aliens.


u/Blaze0205 Dec 04 '23

probably because it’s not that likely that we’re the only ones in the entire galaxy?


u/FlatpackFuture Dec 04 '23

Starfield takes place in a very tiny portion of it, and there's tons of alien animals etc


u/Eglwyswrw Dec 04 '23

it’s not that likely that we’re the only ones in the entire galaxy?

Yeah, which is why Starfield's approach is unique. It raises the unusual question of what would humanity do if we are alone in the universe, a question sci-fi settings rarely ask - justifiably or otherwise.


u/AdeptnessAble1992 Dec 12 '23 edited Dec 12 '23

Except sci-fi stories do that constantly. Literally The Outer Worlds did it in 2019. I think honestly it's more rare to have something like Mass Effect where not only are there tons of aliens, humanity is late to the party and shows up drunk & shooting Turians in the face. Edit: Guy blocked me after responding, lol you coward.


u/Eglwyswrw Dec 12 '23

Except sci-fi stories do that constantly.

No they don't, and quoting one example doesn't sustain your point.

Literally The Outer Worlds did it in 2019

The game takes place in a single system, of course it is monoracial. Good luck finding galaxy-spanning settings without aliens, besides Dune you won't find much.


u/Alkono44 Dec 12 '23

Battletech, Dark Matter, Altered Carbon, The Expanse, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly.


u/Eglwyswrw Dec 12 '23


It has the Tetatae, bird-like aliens.

Dark Matter,

It has aliens from another universe...

Altered Carbon,

It has Martians, bird-like aliens...

The Expanse,

It has aliens from another universe...

Battlestar Galactica,

It has Cylons, reptile-like aliens...


Well fucking finally... no intelligent aliens show up in Firefly, though there are signs Firefly shares a universe with the Alien universe. Ironic.

Anyway, an alien-less universe is unusual. The allure of writing first contact scenarios is just too much for most sci-fi writers.


u/Alkono44 Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 14 '23

Ah so we have to move the goalposts to prove your point. Got it. Battlestar has 2 different continuities with the cylons being created by humans. Altered Carbon as well, in which there is only a precursor civ. Battletech has 1 novel I never even heard of that has the Tetatae and it is forgotten by the community intentionally now that I'm looking at it. Lets not forget about Starfield's ending and how the artifacts are completely unexplained and knowing Bethesda they probably come from aliens.

also where are the aliens from another universe in dark matter? literally don't remember that and can't find it.

The alien/firefly connection is BS and you know it. Go pal around with Joss Whedon if you want to be with that crowd.

Edit: This guy blocked me as well. He is a coward through and through.

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u/AloysBane Dec 04 '23

We have fallout in space via DLC, why couldn’t they copy that?


u/jawnlerdoe Dec 04 '23

Because they were making an entirely new game.


u/Fresh_Ad_2904 Dec 04 '23

Specifically content that doesn't feel like it was pulled out of an MMO questlog.


u/IamZeebo Dec 04 '23

Not having humanoid aliens in this game. Big big miss imo


u/DookieHoused Dec 04 '23

I personally hope they stay away from aliens. It’s not realistic and there’s lots of stuff they can do without that.


u/SwimmingInCircles_ Dec 04 '23

Multiverse travel and whatever the hell them shouts are is more realistic to you than aliens?


u/DookieHoused Dec 04 '23

Maybe not the multiverse Unity thing but grav drives and such, yes


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

Having lots of alien life on all the planets but no intelligent life is actually unrealistic


u/tvnguska Dec 04 '23

Is it??? Idk man looking at earth alone tells me that that is very realistic.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

The odds of more than 1 race per planet developing to the "intelligent" stage would probably be extremely low, but on planets where there's life in abundance it would make sense to have some of them foster intelligent life. So yeah, I think it's unrealistic.


u/tvnguska Dec 04 '23

Well theres 1.7 million know life forms on earth and only 1 that can fix a spare tire. Most planets in our settled systems are not Goldilocks planets like earth. That with most planets missing key components for what we know as necessary for life.

So if this game covered andromeda too, then yeah maybe that’s realistic. But it covered a small corner of our own galaxy near our earth.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

Well I already think it's a little dumb to have what, 5-15 types of animals per planet but I get that's a game limitation.

I agree with what you are saying, but then they shouldn't have made creatures that abundent (abundent in the way of having them over so many planets/moons)

It just seems weird to me that they clearly want to give the impression the universe is teeming with life, but it's all simple and none of it is intelligent.

Doesn't make sense


u/tvnguska Dec 04 '23

I also see what you’re saying but I don’t think making a game that is more realistic in terms of how life would be like on other planets is a bad thing. Like earth is FILLED with life but only 1 species is intelligent. earth is the best planet around us for 100’s of light years!! Starfield takes place in a space of 50 light years! Does that make starfield good? Not necessarily, it’s just a decision they made.

We have so many games with alien life and intelligent alien life. I think it’s ok to have a space centric game that has more in common with Interstellar than Star Wars.


u/Muha8159 Dec 04 '23

There's lot of intelligent life on earth. What are you talking about.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

How are grav drives that break physics more realistic than alternate biology?


u/DookieHoused Dec 04 '23

I didn’t say that. I said alternate intelligent life within the tiny grain of sand of the milky way galaxy that is featured in the game.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

So literal physics defying grav drives are more possible than something that can literally possible happen?? It's clear you've got some weird notions of the world.


u/DookieHoused Dec 04 '23

Just because humans haven’t been able to work out the physics yet doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Keep in mind in the game it’s given to us by people from another universe. We’re only 140 years past the invention of the automobile.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

No it's literally not possible. Travelling faster than light would blueshift all visible light in the universe to infinity and fry you in less than a second. Even if you built the machine nothing is surviving the journey. But somehow this is more probable for you than other intelligent lifeforms lol? We still find new species on the bottom of earths ocean and yet you think we know for certain the galaxy is empty... The only thing we know for certain is ftl travel is impossible.


u/DookieHoused Dec 04 '23

Youre saying that aliens visiting this tiny portion of the milky way galaxy is probable in the next couple hundred years while also saying the technology they’d have to use to do so is impossible

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u/roox911 Dec 04 '23

Yeah. I always think of Bethesda games when I'm looking for the height of realism.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23



u/JP76 Dec 04 '23

Game has alien life forms, but there aren't intelligent aliens. That's a more realistic scenario than a universe teaming with humanoid style intelligent beings.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23



u/JP76 Dec 04 '23

You didn't explicitly, but you suggested that aliens aren't unrealistic, while answering to a post in which user argued that they didn't want to have aliens added into the game.

Since the game already has non-intelligent alien life forms, it's fair to assume you argued for intelligent life. So, to me, it seemed you were arguing for intelligent alien life to be added to the game. If you didn't, my bad.


u/EMateos Dec 04 '23

It’s a universe with magic powers and “multiverse” shenanigans. Intelligent alien life is more realistic than that.


u/Thorn-of-your-side Dec 04 '23

Yeah, if you add alien species to your sci fi game, alien politics is also a necessity and at that point you're just distracting from the story you're actually telling with a sci fi theme park


u/DookieHoused Dec 04 '23

No, but the play area of Starfield is incredibly small and it’s only like 300 years in the future. The odds of encountering aliens in that time period in a grain of sand size portion of 1 galaxy is small


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23

Wait, do you actually think aliens are real? 🤣👽

Cause if you do I got some very rare and very expensive alien goop to sell you. Hmu.


u/bigtuck54 Dec 04 '23

It’s very selfish to think that mankind are the only intelligent beings in the entire universe lol


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23

It's not selfish, it's a basic understanding of the immense scale of time and space.

Even if other sentient species ever did exist, it wouldn't be simultaneously to us. And even if by some 0.00000 [billion zeroes here] 000000001 chance they did exist simultaneously as us they would be so far away that we would never be able to practically know they existed before we ourselves went extinct as a species.


u/Cluelesswolfkin Craig Dec 04 '23

Even at a basic understanding, the chances of them not existing are extremely low when we consider the "immense scale of time and space". More so the fact that we/earth/people are a little early on the supposed time scale after the big bang


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23

Again, sentient alien life may have existed or may yet exist in the future but the chances of them existing right now are so low I can't even express it in numbers.

And again, even they did we'd never make contact before either of us went extinct because space is just too big.


u/Cluelesswolfkin Craig Dec 04 '23

I mean, idk and you obviously dk but space is so big we/earth could be the last house far off away from the mainland and we could be straight missing some Aliens doing their own thing

I won't deny that idk they exist but to say that the chances of them existing right now are low is a little far fetched. Especially from someone who just said/understood how vast space is.


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23

If you think they exist where are they?

If you can't prove they exist and you never will in a billion years because space is too big for you or them to ever reach each other does it even matter even if they were to exist?

You might as well try to prove god exists next because your chances of doing that might actually be higher.

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u/Arudoblank Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

Their is as much evidence that they are real than their is that they aren't real. The total being zero on both sides.


u/TouchRadiant169 Dec 04 '23

I mean the fact that you can't even write a basic sentence explains so much about your belief in aliens.


u/Arudoblank Dec 04 '23

Ah, you never learned to read, I get you.


u/Own-Success6237 Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

I mean after reading your comment that has grammar on the level of a 3 year old I kind of wish I never learned to read.

"Their"? Instead of there. And the fact that you wrote that there is as much evidence for them existing as there are for them existing? Lol wut? Did you tie a knot on your brain? I see you edited your post now but you still forgot to fix the multiple "their" where there should be there.

It doesn't surprise me that dumb people believe in aliens, though.

You and the other guy are so dumb you even started fighting each other even though you're both in on the same delusion 🤣


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23



u/Arudoblank Dec 04 '23

I wasn't disagreeing with you I commented on the guy mocking you for believing they could be.


u/Muha8159 Dec 04 '23

The United States government pretty much said so.


u/Mace_Windu- Dec 04 '23

Lmao bringing up realism in a video game with magic powers you regularly unlock


u/Blatinobae Dec 04 '23

Lmfao aliens aren't realistic? They're everywhere in the game and if you're talking about sentient aliens then in a galaxy with over 100 billion star systems and only human aliens are sentient?!? That's absurd you're living in fantasy world believing that.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

How come all the cool realistic things like binary star systems (which are extremely common in the universe) aren’t in the game, but we get all the shitty realistic things (like no aliens) in a video game where the imagination of the developer is the limit?


u/EMateos Dec 04 '23

Because the magic powers and multiverse stuff is completely realistic. Intelligent alien life is more realistic than those two things.


u/glenninator Dec 04 '23

Fair enough. Personally, I haven’t played the game. Just watched lots of footage to see if I wanna spend my time playing it.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Dec 04 '23

Man, way too many people pass off opinions on games they've only watched others play. It is an interactive medium. The game isn't without criticism, and I've certainly voiced those, but at least play it first.


u/Bj_Hokey_Lange Dec 04 '23

I have never thought to myself that realism is fun. I go play games to have fun



u/Neirchill Dec 04 '23

I think the main problem is the generated content is mixed in with the handcrafted stuff right from the start.

The main game should have been a local cluster of stars where everything is hand crafted - entire planets - which all end up with at least the same amount of game as an elder scrolls game. Then the procedurally generated content can be beyond the local cluster but it also benefits from having more content to pull from for its generation. The game suffers hard from relying on too few assets for generation.


u/JustAcivilian24 Dec 04 '23

Now I wanna replay mass effect


u/ramen_vape Dec 04 '23

Wtf?? There are SO many aliens and non-human hostiles. There is an entire skill tree for science and research. I've seen all kinds of aliens, scanned and collected materials for research. There are 250k lines of dialogue which means... there is content. I'm baffled by comments like this.


u/Rami-961 Dec 04 '23

Give us High on Life.

Loved that game due to how rich the content and limited worlds were.


u/Dizzy_Veterinarian12 Dec 04 '23

Fair but if I’m trying to be optimistic I’d say that the game needs to start relatively tame in order for it to be sustainable for 10+ years. If you look at where Marvel movies started vs what they were at infinity war, or Destiny vanilla vs it’s peak, or any tv show, there’s always a pattern of starting tame so that they can get more and more exciting. Maybe they started a little too tame, but it has a foundation. Let’s hope they planned ahead well.

Inflation or power creep or whatever. As a disclaimer, I haven’t played the game yet. But it seems like it has a solid enough foundation to be amazing with the right attention and expansions.


u/n94able Dec 04 '23

They have the one sci fi mission where you flip flop between universes and its cool.

Its the only one, but more ideas like it.


u/alexdotfm Dec 04 '23

No, this IS fallout in space

It should've been the elder scrolls in space. Humanoid aliens, mystery dungeons, AN ACTUAL GIANT SERPENT BOSS


u/TheMillenniaIFalcon Dec 04 '23

It didn’t fit the canon of the story, as it’s relatively early in Humanity’s quest for the stars.

They certainly set up for Aliens in the future though.


u/61839628 Dec 04 '23

Like outer worlds?


u/freebird023 Dec 04 '23

Not even. If it was just fighting humans, I’d be fine with that, but it’s just fighting cardboard the human-shaped mesh. Enemies in fallout(specifically 4) had great variety, attacks, methods, gore effects, and believable voice lines(“Where’d the little fucker go?!”) in Starfield, it’s so, so taaame.