r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/APunnyThing Nov 20 '23

Cool, hopefully it gets better over time and Bethesda takes the criticism to heart on whatever project they make next.

Starfield is a fun enough game but it could have been a lot better and a lot less tedious to navigate both in menus and in space.


u/AuthoritarianSex Nov 20 '23 edited Nov 20 '23

Unlikely. Bethesda has carved out a slot for itself as one of the most popular and profitable devs. Starfield sold extremely well, even though the reviews and hype have seemingly crashed down back to earth now. My point being they can get away with mediocrity, unfortunately


u/80sCrackBaby Nov 20 '23

review's for starfield are fantastic?


u/AuthoritarianSex Nov 20 '23

Critic reviews at launch were, user reviews on steam and other platforms are approaching mixed territory


u/UnHoly_One Nov 20 '23

User reviews aren’t worth the bandwidth you use reading them.


u/sittingmongoose Founder Nov 20 '23

Even people in the starfield sub are pretty mixed on it. Nearly every comment is, I liked it at first but now I’m bored. And that’s a sub dedicated to it.


u/UnHoly_One Nov 20 '23

I'm not saying "everyone loves it."

I'm just saying that in general, user reviews are very unreliable.

People give games 1/10 all the time just to bring the score down.

When was the last time you played a game that was legitimately a 1/10?


u/sittingmongoose Founder Nov 20 '23

That I don’t disagree with. But I do think it’s accurate to say reviews are very mixed on Starfield. It’s certainly not a 1, I don’t think many games are even below a 4…that being said starfield is probably a solid 7.


u/BadgerMyBadger_ Nov 20 '23

Well 5 and 6 is bang on average, so there will be plenty of 4s, and 3s, but 2s and 1s are a lot rarer.


u/ksj Nov 21 '23

Yeah, but very few people are actually playing those games. I know I’m not. A game that is average out of the subset of games that I play is still probably in the 90th percentile of all games ever made. It’s probably inaccurate to say “I don’t think many games are even below a 4” (hard to say what the bell curve on this would look like) but it’s probably accurate to say “the vast majority of people aren't playing games below a 4.” It could even be accurate to say that the vast majority of people have never played a game below a 4.


u/GoodApplication Nov 20 '23

It sounds like you simply don’t know how to sift through reviews to get an accurate representation of a game?