r/WhitePeopleTwitter 2d ago


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u/this_name_not_that 2d ago

If a 78-year-old convicted felon and adjudicated rapist applied for a job at your company like Trump is, would they even be granted an interview?


u/Alternative-View5997 2d ago

It's weird how people are looking for excuses to not vote for Biden, but ignore everything Trump is doing.


u/007meow 2d ago

It’s a weird double standard.

Democrats have to be perfect while republicans just need to not shit themselves while fucking an underaged boy on stage to have unwavering support.


u/Regular_Fix_2552 2d ago

And even if they did shit themselves their followers would just put on a golden diaper and pretend like only real men shit themselves!


u/Crush-N-It 1d ago

Shit their pants, you say? here you go


u/Regular_Fix_2552 1d ago

Lmfao ty I needed that!!!


u/Temporary-Party5806 6h ago

The brief pause as he realizes he just shit himself (between "it's" and "tremendous") is hilarious.


u/Electrical-Film-2511 7h ago

But do they shit in their diapers as well?? and that’s a big question. Big shitty one.😂😂😁😂😁


u/The-Defenestr8tor 1d ago

Welcome to America, where conservatives can do whatever the fuck they want, but if a progressive so much as sneezes, the whole country wants their head on a pike. Then, conservatives have the gall to claim that “the media,” this amorphous blob on whom all failures can and will be blamed, is somehow biased against them.

Lol: as if!!!


u/insertwittynamethere 1d ago

It's disgustingly infuriating. Dems can't be two or three parties in and of itself every single time, because Republicans rally regardless before the Age of Trump, and in the Age of Trump they have become a rather large, active cult. People who care and fear the policies of Project 2025, Trump and the MAGA GOP of today need to get their shit together and act accordingly.

3rd party ain't going to do it.


u/Temporary-Party5806 6h ago

For added irony, "the media" is almost exclusively Conservative owned now. Eg. Sinclair Group.


u/Squid9966 4h ago

This is the reason for all of it.


u/thatHecklerOverThere 1d ago edited 1d ago

But if they do shit themselves while fucking an underaged boy, it's now fine for some reason. Then the next guy just has to make sure the underaged boy is alive while they're fucking them while shitting themselves on stage to avoid trouble.

And then when the next guy does that, it too will be fine, and on and on and on.


u/teosocrates 1d ago

I think he did shit himself, allegedly?


u/threaddew 1d ago

Sure sounds like it


u/Neon_Ani 1d ago

that's slightly too high a standard, considering trump literally did shit himself on stage


u/Lilmemito 1d ago

How else are you going to “make America great again”? /s


u/notfeelany 1d ago

It's Murc's Law = "the widespread assumption that only Democrats have any agency or causal influence over American politics"


u/billyboyf30 15h ago

But it's perfectly fine now to shit your yourself while fucking an underaged boy as long as you aren't in drag.


u/Matticus1975 1d ago

That stage being in the basement of a pizza parlor amirite


u/Snoo_63187 1d ago

That is one hell of an analogy.


u/HombreSinNombre93 2d ago

It’s not weird, it’s Fox and Friends et al.


u/Alternative-View5997 2d ago

I just feel like I'm hearing this bullshit from more than Fox and Friends. I'm hearing it from people that should be sane. Anxiety is a bitch.


u/1984isAMidlifeCrisis 2d ago

If they were really honest with themselves they admit that they're hoping one day he let slip with the n-word because then they would claim they are allowed to use it, too.


u/Dr_Middlefinger 1d ago

Exactly. These people need to go ahead and admit why they align with this cretin.

It’s because they are racist, xenophobic bigots and he gives them an excuse to be the worst versions of themselves. They still cannot accept President Obama’s two terms as a reality, and the waspy degenerate gives them the outlet they need to show who they really are inside.

I have moved beyond disappointment to anger and disgust because of it. To them, the ‘institution’ of the Executive Branch should always have been white, male, and rich.

Which is ironic, because most of the radicals in this group are poor conservatives their “leader” would burn and discard at the drop of a hat.



u/ArnieismyDMname 1d ago

Or they're scared and stupid. I have a coworker that wants Trump back in because he could afford rent then and he can't now. There are lots of people who think the worst thing he did was mean tweets. Yes, they aren't paying attention. No, it doesn't make them Nazis.


u/Temporary-Party5806 6h ago

That excuse didn't work for Germans then, and it doesn't work for MAGAs now.


u/MoistLeakingPustule 2d ago

Not only what trump is doing, but has done, and said he will do.


u/vericlas 1d ago

It's because they're buying into the disinformation campaign from outside actors to get the GOP back into total power. And if they're not buying into it they're one of the active actors spreading it. Things like blue checks on Twitter have no bearing anymore since every propagandist can just buy one for perceived legitimacy.

And we're seeing so many of these 'but Biden old' posts since the debate ended while they all ignore Trumps debate issues and his out of debate issues.


u/delicious_fanta 1d ago

“Orange is a convicted felon and a civilly liable rapist, here’s why that’s bad for Biden”. I’m actually sick of what we call “media”.


u/Moppermonster 1d ago

Especially the age thing.
Biden was "way too old" last time he was a candidate. Ok, fair.
Trump is now older than Biden was back then - but now it is not an issue?


u/Alternative-View5997 1d ago

My parents are Trumpers. I've asked them this and they believe the lies from his doctor that he's healthy as a horse and mentally fit. So basically the usual sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling "lalalalala!" That MAGA does.


u/Electrical-Film-2511 7h ago

I am so glad that my father wised up, and I’m so sorry about your parents 💜


u/ABenevolentDespot 1d ago

That's the exact model being put forward by The New York Times and The Washington Post.

The pathetic performance of the CNN 'moderators' was despicably slanted, an echo of that slimy prime time lovefest CNN put together for The Orange Convicted Criminal with that 'town hall' loaded with MAGA people a couple of months ago.

When I heard The Orange Buttplug say "Democrats are advocating post-birth abortions" just as his time ran out, and Jake Tapper say "Thank you." I was done.

CNN, run by a right wing asshat, is dead to me now.

Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are a disgrace to journalism, should slink off to some small market Sinclair outlet in shame.


u/TheRiverNiles 1d ago



u/Clickar 2d ago

I think more people are upset they have to choose Biden. It's not about them ignoring Trump. They know Trump is a fucking lunatic and they will do what they can to not let Trump win. Trump very well could win this election and that is insane.



If throwing it open for the convention to decide like the NY Times opines to do was a great idea, it is news to me. Before Kennedy and the primary route evolved that was it; presidential candidate decisions were made in a smoke-filled room by party bigwigs and big-time players. This more making the USA over again to the 1950s is so Felon Trump. He misses his Roy Cohn so much.

Folks do everything to get Biden elected. So Joe is old, get over it. The fact this country could even consider Felon Trump is the horror story.


u/MVRKHNTR 1d ago

Yeah, I'm kore upset that the party's awful handling of what candidate to back is going to lose them what should be another easy election.


u/Smooth-Ad-6936 1d ago

I didn't get the entire debate. I just caught the last question to which tRump gave a non-answer, and then their closing statements, and I have to say, Joe didn't look good. He reminded me of my father who had dementia, but...


I will still vote for him over that criminal sociopath any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


u/NuglirAnilushun 1d ago

Similar to the vitriol for Manchin when all 49 republicans are notably worse.


u/WittySwan5457 1d ago

That's how it went with Hillary. They took the most qualified candidate we'd had in decades, a woman, and belittled her every mistake and misstep while taking the least qualified and most dangerous candidate we've ever had and ignored everything he ever said and did. The double standards are staggering.


u/boo99boo 2d ago

Why can't it be "they both performed horribly at the debate for entirely different reasons". Because that's what happened. One because he used lies and rhetoric to encourage outright bigotry. And the other because he couldn't stay on message or provide coherent, logical answers to questions. 

I feel like a crazy person for wondering why both sides are framing it as "winner vs loser", when what I saw was most definitely "two bumbling old men that would annoy me if I was stuck in line behind either of them at the grocery store". 


u/Alternative-View5997 2d ago

Because one is an objectively an evil person. Period,.end of story.


u/boo99boo 2d ago

Again. One is an objectively evil person that performed poorly in the debate. The other is not an objectively evil person, but performed poorly in the debate.  What reality am I living in where this is so complicated? 


u/Alternative-View5997 2d ago

Because talking about how badly the non-evil one did does nothing to help us with defeating the evil one. And all I care about is defeating the evil one. I have no clue what you are getting on about.


u/Dr_Middlefinger 1d ago

Also because there is a natural need to declare a winner in a confrontation like this.


u/jstape 2h ago

Trump literally shit his pants during the interview


u/jlacar 2d ago

In a just world, that 78-year old felon would be applying over Zoom, from prison. I hate this timeline.


u/LucywiththeDiamonds 1d ago

Whose pitch is pretty much to gut and sell out the company. Dont forget that trump literally wants to dismantle democracy.


u/dogfooddippingsauce 2d ago

Not unless the company hoped to be sued all the time.


u/Sagybagy 2d ago

Granted a fuckin restraining order


u/Just_A_Nitemare 2d ago

Especially if they obviously lied about everything they said.


u/buythedipnow 1d ago

Probably would depend on whether or not you own a red hat.


u/Metallivane3 2d ago

NO. This is what drives me crazy, I wouldn't be able to hire that applicant for an entry level position based on his criminal history, alone


u/misterguyyy 1d ago

I voted for “IDK not Trump” twice already, I’m a pro by now let’s goooooooo


u/Wesperado 1d ago

I came here to say this.


u/BornZookeepergame481 1d ago

They wouldn't even be allowed in the f*ckin building.


u/Flashmasterk 1h ago

And 40 out of 44 of their references wouldn't support them?


u/AthasDuneWalker 2d ago

Would a convicted felon even be granted an interview?



A new society where it is a badge of honor is coming.


u/xDaysix 11h ago

You're asking that now, where thanks to policies set since 2020, a rather huge amount of businesses/companies that would've never entertained that idea, are now doing exactly that.


u/awaketochaos 2d ago

Biden is the old guy at the company that is kind of slow and awkward but has been there for years, shows up, does his work, tries to be helpful, and maybe cracks a funny joke now and then. Is he as productive or innovate as the new young folk coming in? Probably not but you know he’s gonna be there, doing the work. And he already knows everyone in the company.

Trump is the old guy that spends all of his time making sexist and racist jokes at the water cooler and turns in subpar work and HR is just waiting for the inevitable sexual harassment lawsuit from one the new interns so they can finally fire him right before retirement.


u/iforgotwhat8wasfor 2d ago

except that he is as productive as the younger staff.
he passed more progressive legislation in 3 years than obama did in 8.
& that’s what is so frustrating for many of us. there is no acknowledgement… remember the collective freak-out over net neutrality a few years back? biden fixed that! …crickets…
remember the post office fiasco? we were running out to buy stamps to save it. biden fixed that.
there are people who made student loan forgiveness their entire personality for the last 5 years, & you would barely know he addressed it.


u/awaketochaos 2d ago

He’s done a good job of putting competent people on his team so that he can get those things done. Unlike the other one that only surrounds himself with absolute garbage or attacks the ones that aren’t.

It is pretty weird that there is so much silence around Biden and what he has done vs. how much noise there was around Obama trying to do anything but we all know why that is.



It ain't that Felon Trump hired the worst, but that those of his left-overs from the first term that he has now are more vicious and evil than he could be. And, they will make sure once having wielded power, they will screw the USA into oblivion and run all institutions into the ground.

With the repeal of the Chevron rule, SCOTUS went off on its own tyranny. For July 4, they will give us an immune Felon Trump. If old Joe Biden is all we can have there is nothing we can do is vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.

The conservative dogs who caught the car know how to chew the occupants' heads off.


u/awaketochaos 2d ago

Very true. It’s not actually about Trump. Trump is just a figurehead. Useful idiot. The people behind it have been at it for decades. They are playing the long game. Project 2025 was long rumored to be a conspiracy theory and now they have announced that it is indeed their plan.

This is going to be a lifelong battle. It’s going to span several generations. It already has.


u/Funny_Alternative_55 1d ago

He’s like a 99 4Runner with 500k on it, not as smooth, fast, or in as good a shape as he once was, and missing the bells and whistles of the newer ones, but still doing an okay job.


u/awaketochaos 21h ago

500k on a 4Runner is just breaking it in.


u/CadenVanV 2d ago

Plus he only has slow moments. Look at the speech he gave today, it was peak Biden form. Last night was shit, but it doesn’t define his performance overall


u/awaketochaos 2d ago

I’ll take occasionally senile over constant raging racist lunatic that jerks off dictators any day.


u/CadenVanV 2d ago

Exactly. Occasionally senile old man vs always senile old man + all the other shit. Even if Trump wasn’t a raving lunatic, bigot, and felon he’d still be the worse choice. Especially after the snake, shark, battery rant


u/JaxJags904 1d ago

If Trump “wasnt a raving lunatic, bigot and felon” you wouldn’t at all recognize him as Trump.

It’s like me saying “If I was a star quarterback I’d be playing in the NFL.” Well….sure I guess. But I’m clearly not that thing.


u/awaketochaos 2d ago

I will never recover the lost brain cells that the snake, shark, battery subject destroyed. What in the actual fuck and why in the actual fuck are we not putting a stop to this? Even if Trump was a kinder more progressive candidate that aligned with my views and he said something like that, I’d be like yeah no he’s cooked.

The fact that we have to choose between two old senile white men that can barely hold it together is insane. At this point I’m just like why don’t we do a Mortal Kombat tournament and get it over with?


u/CadenVanV 2d ago

To be fair, you vote more for the administration, not the man these days. Biden himself is important, but the 40 something cabinet members and all the political officers he appoints are so much more important than him alone.


u/awaketochaos 2d ago

Aye. This is actually KEY.


u/gajarga 1d ago

...and when the shit hits the fan, Biden has the knowledge and experience to handle it, while Trump is the guy that creates an emergency so that he can steal from petty cash while everyone is distracted.


u/No-Celebration3097 2d ago

Can you imagine interviewing some one like Trump for a job?


u/numbskullerykiller 2d ago

It's not so much the "energy" it's the fact that he got up and faced the blowback. He took the heat. He kept going. He stayed the course. So what if he needs to get to bed early, Hell I need to get to bed early. I'll take sleepy grandpa who believes in this country 8 days a week over felon, sexual assaulter, braggart with pancake makeup who lies about jesus. Trump is like a state college frat guy dressed up like Tammy Faye Baker


u/xDaysix 10h ago

And what happens on the times when he's not allowed to get any rest, which is a many times a week occurrence?


u/numbskullerykiller 9h ago

He's the president, he delegates. He's already been there for 3 years with accusatory maga hyenas combing DC for any hint that he is not doing the job. If there was a hint of a problem they would have known about it and exploited it by now.


u/xDaysix 7h ago

That's an ignorant attempt to make an excuse while not understanding that there are many decisions that ONLY the president CAN make. They DO/DID know there was a problem. They (his staff) even admitted that he's not fit enough mentally to stand trial for anything he's accused of.


u/numbskullerykiller 7h ago

Huh, I did not see anywhere that his "staff" said he was not mentally fit to stand trial. If you're referring to the special counsel's statement that a jury would likely not convict him because they will think he's a nice old man with a faulty memory then you're way off base. That is not a statement that he is not fit to stand trial. It's a statement that in the face of the basic criminal standard of proof: guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, is high enough that a jury will think he just forgot rather than finding "intent." Completely different things. He said he can't convict with this evidence. So, no you're interpretation is totally inaccurate. As for the decisions only a president can make, that might be true, but of course as you know, the aids draft everything, present it, then the president decides. Again, none of the freak Maga's have any evidence that some decision failed because the President was not "able" to make a decision.


u/xDaysix 6h ago

This is funny, because that's not the actual incident that I spoke of, but you found another incident and interpreted it instead of taking it at face value.

The couple of incidents that I mentioned were on CNBC and CNN, white house staffers as guests. They said the words as I stated. The words as they stated cannot honestly be interpreted, in any way, as you stated.


u/numbskullerykiller 6h ago

You have that reversed. Face value: jury will not find intent. The staffers? I cannot verify your claim, but certainly Greene and her crew would have made more hay out of that, so it's doubtful.


u/xDaysix 5h ago

It's ok for people to have an opinion, it's not ok to present them as fact. I'm not here to argue legalities and court proceedings on this thread, because it's largely irrelevant.


u/Aggressive_Sand_3951 1d ago edited 1d ago

Don’t forget the other guy was already fired from the job for shitty performance (and hid things from his past to get the job), threw a hissy fit when notified, had his friends come by and tear up the office and menace the other workers, and is now a convicted felon.


u/Giggle_kitty 2d ago

Trump literally said he’d rather be anywhere else right now, he doesn’t want the job.


u/Looieanthony 1d ago

And if number two had thirty lies on his application and tried to blow up the bldg.I would have security kick his ass out the door.


u/LandofForeverSunset 1d ago

Adding to this analogy, he stole company secrets, and regularly colludes with rival corporations.


u/Looieanthony 1d ago



u/Teacherforlife21 1d ago

Don’t forget that he’s a convicted felon.


u/LandofForeverSunset 1d ago

And a rapist.


u/unstoppable_zombie 1d ago

We absolutely aren't hiring the guy with 34 financial felonies 


u/Njabachi 2d ago

That actually makes me feel a bit better.


u/Sensitive-Painting30 2d ago

Americans that follow Trump are broken…and of the same ilk as Trump. I would rather vote for a kind man with empathy than a fascist lying felon rapist that wants to fuck his daughter.


u/bisforbenis 1d ago

This is the thing that drives me wild. We don’t have to speculate on how Biden might perform as president. No I wouldn’t bet on either of them in a triathlon but we’re seeing him currently doing great as a president despite unprecedented opposition from congress openly trying to sabotage his presidency


u/Newwavecybertiger 2d ago

I love how the whole country is emotionally processing this at the same time.


u/DonJuniorsEmails 1d ago

Eh, I don't think anyone is undecided. It's a nice headline for clicks, to make people think there's a race.

We had 4 years of Diaper Don. We've had almost 4 years of Biden. 

Anyone who still can't choose, they weren't ever paying attention and they certainly didn't watch the debate.


u/AmbulanceChaser12 2d ago

…and there was no one else.


u/Clickar 2d ago

This back and forth from both sides is so stupid. 

Yes, I agree Biden is better than Trump. Yes, I will vote for Biden because Trump is that dangerous. That doesn't fucking mean I have to think Biden crushed it or that it was a real great decision for him to run again considering his age. I just want something better than the guy who could possibly lose to the loser in last place on people who should ever be president. He is a children's movie level villian and laughing his way through this.



Ain't nothing to like here except knowing Felon Trump will expire sometime. The problem with that silver lining is that if he gets in, we all are going to our demises before he does.


u/captainloudz 1d ago

Never been a Biden fan. But he’s done a hell of a lot of good within his term. Granted a lot of that was cleaning Trump’s mess. And he’s done it with grace. Sure I think he’s too old, but so is the other guy. Sure I wish he handled Israel way differently. Maybe if he stopped giving them aid it would have been different. Maybe the U.S. would have lost their only solid ally in the Middle East. Who knows. What I do know at least is he’s gonna do the job and he’ll do it well. I also know he’s not a treasonous pig.

So I’m gonna vote for Democracy and not for treasonous pig.


u/Deneweth 2d ago

If the job is mostly based on experience and wisdom and is just delegating and appointing other people to actually do most of the work then yeah I would consider that candidate.

Since his age and thus health is concerned I would create some sort of contingency plan for someone to be a "heartbeat" away from taking over this important job.


u/God-of-Memes2020 2d ago

Warren, I think you were a little hard on the beaver.


u/Mr-MuffinMan 2d ago

So was Eddie Haskell, Wally, and Ms Cleaver


u/KenCosgrove_Accounts 2d ago

Bidens people did him a disservice I believe by overloading him with facts to try and recite. Everything was a percentage or some figure of hundreds of thousands or millions of people. I can’t imagine people care about that. He’s a seasoned statesman with his own kind of charisma and would have definitely done better just speaking broadly on the topics and maybe rebut more. Just say “if elected I’m guarantee I’ll codify roe.” Or as a voter are you swayed by anecdotes of rape and incest?


u/Phallic-Monolith 1d ago

I don’t think this question is necessarily a bad one but I don’t know why it’s phrased like Trump would be worth hiring based on the shit he said either, fucker going to be running around the workplace calling coworkers Palestinians and he can do anything but answer a direct question.


u/Alternative-Fig-6814 1d ago

Logic always wins


u/Future-Operation-869 9h ago

It's weird how no one remembers what a shit show 2017 to 2020 was with that orange turd. I even forget things because it was another horrible thing every other day.


u/[deleted] 2d ago




Yep, but if you want to survive you have to get over it and vote for Biden.


u/Sure_Ad5479 2d ago

Biden only run cause trump run, if the biden can beat him once he can do it again this time no more malaky, take you fking pill(drug) joe and win this already. Jon steward approve this message👍💙💙💙


u/Humans_Suck- 2d ago

So don't hire either of them then.


u/Murky_Excitement_816 1d ago

I would never say Biden is "crushing it"... he's just doing a hell of a lot better than the last guy by steering back to a better path which isn't saying much bc trump's bar is really fucking low.

Hell I could give the job to the corpse of jfk and it would still surpass trump because not only is trump incompetent, his cabinet and people he surrounds himself with make the country worse off


u/Quirky-Ring-9279 1d ago

There is literally no way I would hire either of them. I’d probably keep looking for candidates. It’s like going on two Tinder dates and picking the guy that is at least “nice”


u/OkScheme2453 1d ago

"Crushing it" 😂


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 1d ago

That's an outright lie, there's 78 year olds just scooping up jobs meant for teens left right and center!


u/HoboBonobo1909 1d ago

Yeah, no. I'm not trusting anyone named Kaczynsky ☻️


u/Routine-Entrance-430 1d ago

surely youd let the position sit empty a bit to see if theres someone better


u/iforgotwhat8wasfor 1d ago

the position is not empty


u/Dadfart802 1d ago

So where is he crushing it?


u/Dhenn004 1d ago

why are we acting like they are the only people who applied to this 'hypothetical job'. This is what's frustrating.


u/EthanDMatthews 2d ago edited 2d ago

This isn't accurate.

First, Biden's team -- the administration -- is doing well. Biden is mainly just a figurehead at this point.

Second, it's not like Trump just appeared without warning to try and take Biden's job. Everyone knew Trump would run again. And everyone expected Biden to retire. Biden explicitly campaigned on only running for 1 term!

Biden and the Democrats had 4 years to find and talk up a replacement. Four years.

Also, Biden's mental decline was evident even in 2020. Voters let him slide because it was a choice between Biden or Trump, and they just needed to stop Trump once (and they *barely* managed it).

That was the plan.

And they didn't uphold their side of the bargain.

Democrats love to accuse Trump supporters of being in a cult. But they've been denying the clear reality of Biden's mental and physical decline.

All that's changed is that they've been faced with the horrifying consequences of their blind partisan loyalty because debates don't occur exclusively within the safety of one party's echo chamber.

Blind partisanship, on both sides, has brought us to this lowest of low points. But give the Democrats a week, and they'll be back to pretending that Biden is fine. Trump will win, and they'll pretend like it's a surprise.



Nope. There is no pretending unless it is that 1984 is not coming with Felon Trump. No Democrat loved the Biden performance at the debate. But Biden moved up one point in a registered voters poll today.


u/digvbic 1d ago

Crushing it? Nah


u/fbi-surveillance-bot 1d ago

Crushing it?

Record credit card debt. Record number of people taking funds early from their retirement accounts due to hardship. Record increase of funds distribution out retirement accounts for retirees (avg. 2% of total increase yearly). If that is crushing it...


u/youdoitimbusy 1d ago

Look, we can all agree Trump is a twat. It's not debatable. But pretending like Biden is crushing it is an outright lie on all accounts. He wasn't handed some terrible economy like he claimed in the debate. He was handed a healthy economy. One that he subsequently ruined with the covid lock downs and accompanied bailout, that has been the direct cause of inflation today. Likewise, his immigration policy is killing the budget of every major city at minimum. While flooding the job market with cheap labor and suppressing wages.

Record credit card debt. Record homelessness. Record inflation. Record immigration. Record amount of Americans working 2 jobs to survive.

I'm so sick of this, my party causes no harm bullshit from both sides. If this is truly the best we have to offer our country for leadership, we deserve to go the way of the Romans.


u/Snoo_88763 2d ago

This is dumb... companies love to have people re-apply for their jobs to get employees like Biden out. T


u/Sure_Ad5479 2d ago

Companies like that doest care about age, i mean they have started hire children already. Children!!!


u/ignorememe 2d ago

Declining to hire something on the basis of age alone is going to be hard to defend in court. But not hiring the rapist convicted felon who already tried to have your employees killed is a pretty easy argument to make.