r/TheHandmaidsTale 2d ago

Binged the first season lastnight. I felt rage and disgust after watching the first episode Other

I can totally see something similar to this happening in the USA and even worldwide due to "declining population."


27 comments sorted by


u/littlecubspirit 2d ago

Good! The show did its job then. The Handmaid’s Tale is a WARNING.


u/Calm-Maintenance-878 1d ago

Anticipate more rage and disgust. I started the show after it was a few seasons in, so I saw 1-3 pretty quickly. Rare show that actually made me mad and irked.


u/Inevitable_Nerve_925 1d ago

I’m surprised that so many of you concede the loss to these fascists! Mayday fought back and should you read both novels that is exactly what happened; the Gilead fascists lose. I will fight Trump and his fascists till the day I die. Never surrender!


u/Neither_Juggernaut71 1d ago

The left have no one to blame but themselves, with their tantrums over candidates not passing purity tests. The one thing the right has on us is they they vote. Even if they hold their noses while doing so. People on the left will vote third party to "send a message", or stay home in a snit.


u/darkness_is_great 1d ago

The left has a major problem with always wanting to take the high road too.

No. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. The left is just as much to blame for it because of this beggars/choosers shit they're pulling.


u/Neither_Juggernaut71 23h ago

The beggars/choosers shit will get Trump elected.


u/darkness_is_great 23h ago

Yes, Biden is old. Get over it. And they bitch about Palestine. As opposed to Trump who just LOVES Palestine and will call Israel out?! That's sarcasm.


u/mmohaje 1d ago

Man, I hated the first few episodes and that first season. The writing and acting was impeccable but it felt so gross watching it. Precisely what you're meant to feel, so incredibly effective but I hated watching it nonetheless.


u/m0use2 3h ago

Wait til you see the rest.


u/Inevitable_Nerve_925 2d ago

I felt the same way but then I stepped back and realized that all of the good people in our country wouldn’t stand for this and fight against such a thing.


u/Aggravating-Ad-4238 1d ago

You’re aware of project ‘25 yeah?


u/wicccaa 1d ago

Like the people stood against abortion rights being taken away? Cmon now.


u/Inevitable_Nerve_925 1d ago

You’re wrong. The courts ruled on the abortion issue and even in Ohio the courts overturned the anti-abortion law,


u/Cathousechicken 1d ago

Look at how many people voted for Trump. This country is filled with terrible people.


u/Florida1974 1d ago

I don’t think they are terrible. They are tired. Disgusted. Fed up,easily swayed by a man acting like he’s one of them, when he isn’t. They don’t want to hear or see cold hard facts. Trump is excellent at playing the victim and these ppl feel like victims. We are taught to work hard and you will be ok. Totally not true. People say get a better job. Well someone has to do the shitty jobs, just how it is.

I am not pro Trump but I kind of get it at times. No I don’t think he’s the right guy. He is not doing anything to help anyone except himself. But he’s convinced them he is. They can’t see past that. He will come for them too, his own supporters, the non rich ones. He needs a vote, after that no use for any of them. This time will be worse bc it’s his last chance. He will go scorched earth if he wins bc he won’t ever run again, bc of term limits. (Doesn’t mean he won’t try to run again tho.)

Let’s see if the SCOTUS hands him a huge win today . I will literally be sick if they do, as they run off on their 2 month paid break.

Imo, 3 sets of law and justice . One for the regular people of the country. Low class, middle class. Second is for the wealthy folks, celebs, or simply very rich ppl. Last is political people, like Trump. They usually are wealthy too but I still see a special justice system just for them.

Our justice system is NOT unilateral. It all depends on who you are and how much power and money you have.


u/Strange_Swimming_800 1d ago

This. He's a great conman, and his follows have been conned. They just don't know it yet.

He's in it for himself, and this time, he desperately needs to win to evade justice and pardon himself. As of now, he should be found guilty in his upcoming trials.

Mar-A-Lago Classified Documents

2020 Georgia Election Fraud

2020 Federal Election Fraud

Let’s see if the SCOTUS hands him a huge win today . I will literally be sick if they do, as they run off on their 2 month paid break.

If this happens, it will be a sad day for our country. No one is above the law. If a president is granted absolute immunity our country won't have a president anymore. We'll be ruled be unchecked dictators.

The fact the SCOTUS deliberately delayed this ruling to help Trump punt his trials down the road until after the election is destructive of our democratic process. They've been bought and are corrupt, but there's nothing we can do about.

Project 25 and The Heritage Foundation have won when it comes to stacking fsr-right justices and judges across the nation.

If he becomes president before his trials he'll try to pardon himself of all crimes eventhough self-pardons are or at least should be unconstututional. I'm sure he'll try to spin his way around it. That's truly frightening and pretty much the end of democracy.


u/SuccessWise9593 5h ago

What pisses me off even more is that all the Justices were asked the question and they each answered "No man is above the law," "No president is above the law." Yet, here we are.


u/Cathousechicken 1d ago

If they aren't terrible, they are morons because it's pretty clear who he is and what he'll do.


u/IsThatBlueSoup 1d ago

Are you interested in joining the Pro Guillotine Party? Our motto is OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

And Eat the Rich


u/AssumptionAnnual5245 1d ago

At this point I’m just so tired of dealing with people that are more than happy being lied to because it’s easier than challenging their current belief system. Willfully ignorant people are exhausting. Especially when you’re doing the work to inform yourself and grow so you can make an educated decision. It must be nice to just stick your head in the sand and pretend like these politicians aren’t burning the world down all around us.


u/GenericRedditor7 2d ago


Wait you were being serious?


u/GrizzKarizz 2d ago

Install Trump again and the Handmaid's Tale might look like a Disney movie by comparison.


u/SuccessWise9593 5h ago

Read Project2025, one chapter at a time. Vote! This will be implemented on day 1 if Trump wins election. Biden administration already blocked one of the key points in Project2025, by signing into law that federal employees are protected. If Biden wins this election, it becomes Project2029 for the next Republican president to enact and so on. In it, single parents would have their children taken away, department of education eliminated, LGBT Q+ ppl will cease to exist, the 3 branches of government gone, and the next Republican president would be the next dictator and elections would be gone. Gilead is coming.


u/SuccessWise9593 5h ago

Here's the link to the online 'mandate for leadership' for Project2025. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


u/Inevitable_Nerve_925 2d ago

Absolutely 👍🏻


u/Call_Me_Sasshole 9h ago

What good people?? The people (us) sure, the people who can make this kind of change? Absolutely not. I can absolutely see this happening and the next decade with the whack jobs in office. And that will never change until we get rid of this 2 party system that does nothing but divide the country in to having to choose between 2 evils.


u/SuccessWise9593 5h ago

Here's the link to Project2025, this is where we're headed. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf