r/TheFalloutDiaries May 25 '20


This is N C R P R........ Today, The New Californian Senate has voted on a resolution to extend aid to former legion held territory east of the colorado river. Newly elected President Juli, Granddaughter of late president Tandi has expressed hope in rebuilding the eastern tribes. In her closing statement on the matter, President Juli told reporters that "The West was not built in a day, yet through hard work and determination we have built a nation of shining opportunity and now look to do the same for those in the east". Despite opposition from members of the senate who advocate for outright annexation of the former Legion, The President, and her cabinet have expressed the idea of nation-building. As a result, those within legion territory willing to work with NCR officials have begun to organize their territories into a new nation-state. The Flag Staff republic as it has been unofficially named after the legions former capital and founding place for the new republic is working tirelessly to route out any and all remaining Legion Loyalists. Flagstaff has been in constant contact with Shady Sands relaying all information pertaining to the Legion Loyalists and it would seem that within the year we may finally see an end to the fighting.

In other news, Mr. House of The New Vegas Free state has expressed his best wishes for President Juli and her cabinet as Vegas looks to build stronger relations after the failure of NCR's annexation of the region some 20 years ago. Kimbell's Folly as the annexation has been characterized as had left the NCR and New Vegas on the brink of war but the war-weary republic focused all its anger towards President Kimbell who was swiftly removed from office due to his failure on the matter. The following years have been kind to New Vegas as its wealth continues to grow and its industry sectors are beginning to take shape. Although its wealth and prosperity are not evenly shared the New Vegas Free state continues on a track to becoming the wealthiest nation in the wasteland.

And that's the way it is. until next time dear listeners, this is Walt Cronk-kite of New Californian Republic Public Radio keeping Californians informed and giving wastelanders hope.


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