r/ThatsInsane 2d ago

Jefferson County, Colorado will pay former inmate $500,000 after deputies slammed him face-first on concrete, breaking his jaw and causing brain injury

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u/Slumph 2d ago

A brain injury… that should be a few mil, enough to retire and live off the interest after what they’ve done to him.


u/MrRizzley 2d ago

a mild concussion is also a brain injury...


u/BLoDo7 2d ago

That shouldnt have happened. They said what they said.


u/dream-smasher 2d ago

He suffered a TBI.

Fucks sake. You have no clue the brain damage that can result from a TBI.


u/wacco-zaco-tobacco 2d ago

It's tricky, because a concussion is considered TBI, even a mild one. It's hard to measure the severity of a concussion without brain surgery. he landed hard, so it's definately not mild. I'm on the side that he should have been paid out more, as that money will probably go to medical bills and he won't get a cent. But my main point is that, it's hard to find out how debilitating a TBI is immediately after injury as symptoms can occur months after the event


u/Greedy_Moonlight 2d ago

I had a mild concussion but was unlucky with having post concussion syndrome that lasted for a year. A whole year of daily dizziness, headaches, balance issues, and barely being able to eat because of constant nausea. All from just a mild concussion, head injuries affect everyone differently.


u/wacco-zaco-tobacco 1d ago

Exactly, I had a mild concussion too when I was a teenager and I just felt dizzy and nauseas the next day. There's been studies on sports players who have suffered concussions of varying degrees, and some of them have symptoms for years, while others have none.

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u/dillwb 2d ago

And still worth more than he was given. Especially at the hands of "professional" city employees.


u/hypotheticalhalf 2d ago

You're not wrong. You're just an asshole.


u/FecalMatterCowsTasty 2d ago

a mild concussion is also a brain injury.

Should be simple.

Since healthcare isn't free in the US.

All future health problems related to the injuries should be 100% paid for by Colorado.

I don't know how to work that, but this shit should be covered for life by the State of Colorado.

Don't start no shit there won't be 8001 people covered by your state for life even if they sneeze. That's possibly related to this head injury. Who knows? Gonna have a politician play doctor?... oh they already do, but still. Point stands.

Stop letting cops suck tax payers dry saying "inadequate training". No, fucking jail the psychopaths.


u/Intelligent_Cook_667 1d ago

Personal liability seems like the only answer to this problem that we see over and over again.

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u/ThoughtShes18 2d ago

What’s your point?


u/sadfaceofthenorm 1d ago

So what… he got hurt when he shouldn’t have


u/Dogleather 1d ago

So that excuses everything?


u/BabyMakR1 1d ago

TBI is concussion now. What universe do you live in?

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u/davidhe90 2d ago

Let's not forget that's also TAXPAYER MONEY. These POS's aren't required to carry any sort of liability insurance, so nor only are they not held accountable, we the people pay for their crimes, quite literally


u/CrimsonBolt33 1d ago

Considering how insurance works and how everything is required to have insurance in this country...this baffles me.

Guess they know it would just cost too much.

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u/DreadSeverin 1d ago

So like the presidency now! Very fucking cool /s

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u/PayAttractively 2d ago

Except you have to consider the value of his brain...


u/Intelligent_Cook_667 1d ago

Bad lawyering from his attorney

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u/Dra_goony 2d ago

That last statement that attorney made was so incredibly accurate as to why people don't trust and don't like cops, there's no accountability, there's no equal judgment under the law, cops can do whatever they want and the government just throws money at the problem till it goes away.


u/inksaywhat 2d ago

That particular court building is specifically shaped to look like handcuffs from above. That’s where they spend their money.


u/ozzy_thedog 2d ago

What in the fuck? I can’t believe someone thought that was a good idea


u/FamilyForce5ever 2d ago

...Have you seen it? Can you provide any source that agrees with you?

It looks like two back-to-back Cs with a circle in the middle. If I search google for "jefferson county courthouse colorado shape from above looks like handcuffs" there are only 12 results including your post, and yours is the only relevant one. No one else thinks this.


u/-NotEnoughMinerals 1d ago


I mean, If any quarter circle object looks like handcuffs, then I guess so...but that dude is stretching it for sure.


u/PelicanFrostyNips 1d ago

They say court building but I think they are referring to the jail

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u/mr_Crossdude 2d ago

Locals call it the “Taj Mahal”


u/monkey6 1d ago

I’ve heard it referred to as the R2-D2 building


u/ariphron 2d ago

You say the government, but “we just paid 500k in a settlement and all the officers pay in taxes”


u/Fazo1 2d ago

True, but instead of just settled for the money, those attorneys should push for more 🤷🏻‍♂️ just saying...


u/polo61965 1d ago

I mean, yeah, he's trying his best to get justice for his client, but let's not be so naive to think that if the judge made the lawyer choose between the officers getting charges or the client getting a settlement that he'd be so righteous to pick the former. It's hypocritical of him to act like it's a travesty they gave a settlement when he was part of that negotiation.

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u/Dare-or-Dare 2d ago

Whose money are they using?


u/CrimsonBolt33 1d ago

most likely comes out of a special fund set aside for "legal costs to the city"


u/CitizenKing1001 2d ago

Terrifying to have your Life in the hands of a pack of low IQ primates.

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u/mndsm79 2d ago

What the actual fuck was he doing that determined he needed THAT?


u/man_of_moose 2d ago

Well as you can see, he was doing nothing. So this was definitely justified.


u/ExtensionTruth4 2d ago

No no no. See the man was breathing their airs!


u/VeNTNeV 2d ago

Resisting. It's always resisting

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u/Ill-Organization-719 2d ago

Cops are blood thirsty lunatics.


u/NotASellout 2d ago

cops tend to react violently when you tell them no


u/not-my-other-alt 1d ago

Cops are trained to believe that if they are not in total control of the situation, they are in danger.

They are also trained to respond with overwhelming, and even lethal, force to any danger (real or percieved)

ergo: Talk back to a cop? lethal force justified.

Don't jump to obey every command? lethal force justified.

Filming when they don't want to be filmed? Standing up for your own rights? Behave in any way other than how the cop wants you to behave? Well, now he's not in control anymore, and he's allowed to use violence to fix that, no matter how many of your rights he violates.


u/buzzardgut 2d ago

That man and his family should each be given baseball bats in a room with those three officers chained to chairs

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u/SpankyMcFlych 2d ago

And the tax payer gets to pay again while the cops get paid leave. This sort of thing will never stop because there are no consequences for the police, just the taxpayer who has to foot the bill.

Police misconduct payouts should come out of the police forces pension fund.


u/bkgn 2d ago

There are consequences in Colorado. Colorado removed qualified immunity for police a few years ago and police can be held personally liable. Why the county is paying in this instance, I don't know.


u/intense_in_tents 2d ago edited 1d ago

Because they got rid of qualified immunity which means that the family can go after the cop personally after this (in a civil court). But that opens up the victim and/or their family to a lifetime of harassment or worse from the gang member (aka cop) that they are going after. Much less risk for the victim this way.


u/NotNufffCents 1d ago

But that opens up the victim and/or their family to a lifetime of harassment or worse from the gang member (aka cop) that they are going after.

So nothing has changed...

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u/Cashmoney-carson 2d ago

Guys he obviously deserved it. He’s clearly not walking forward when they tell him to. Plus there’s no audio, who knows what mean things he said to hurt their feelings. They needed the 3 of them to slam him head first into the ground because what other options were there? Use the power of three men to push him forward? Pick him up? Try to talk to him? Nah, piledrive was the clear door #1 here. No other options


u/Millkstake 2d ago

It was clearly self-defense


u/Cashmoney-carson 2d ago

Might have tried to pinch their legs with his hands cuffed behind him, gotta protect themselves at all times.


u/darkrood 2d ago edited 1d ago

500k is not enough to pay for the long term treatment of brain injury


u/ozzy_thedog 2d ago

How long would that even last in the US? Like a year or two?


u/darkrood 2d ago edited 1d ago

Nope, that's just enough for a complete scan with one surgery and a follow up visit if you're lucky.

Total cost is impossible to price with continuous visit to the doctors, rehab facility, and other complication that shows up without warning months or years later.

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u/Affectionate_Fly1413 2d ago

Those 3 should be behind bars... wtf kind of system is thos bs???


u/bt_Roads 2d ago

500k for brain damage? Wow Weeee!


u/Zuckzerburg 1d ago

Not on the side of the deputies at all, but mild concussions are considered brain injuries. News stations want to make it sound more severe so they can fear monger people into watching the news so they can “stay alert” about the few bad things that happen. Not much of a theorist, but how else would news stations stay open unless they reported every major and minor case in sight?


u/imironman2018 2d ago

“The use of force appears to have been due to inexperience not by malice.” They took the guys knees out from him so they could slam him face first into the concrete. Scumbag cops.

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u/Affectionate_Fly1413 2d ago

That amount sound like shit for brain injuries.


u/TJJ030 2d ago

"Equal justice under law" at the Supreme Court huh.....that's laughable.


u/sonicatheist 2d ago

“bUt wHat haPPenEd bEfoRe?!” - bootlickers


u/Relative_Yesterday70 2d ago

I don’t like cops. I see this in so many videos and real life


u/limbodog 2d ago

The cruelty is the point.


u/zilchxzero 2d ago

Bullies gonna bully. Especially when they're paid to do it


u/GBJI 1d ago

And when they don't have to pay for it.


u/In-Ohio 2d ago

Back the blue, until it happens to you

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u/aubaub 2d ago

He didn’t get $500k. How much went to the lawyers?


u/fr4gm0nk3y 2d ago

Average of 45 percent for a civil case like this


u/aubaub 2d ago



u/The_Lucky_WoIf 2d ago

I've said it before but American police are complete and utter cowards, egregious violence against a restrained man is pathetic.


u/Bx1965 2d ago

He needed a better lawyer.


u/doolieuber94 2d ago

We slammed his face into the ground due to “inexperience” not malice. Okay guys case closed it was just a misunderstanding. /s

If the police spokesperson is claiming inexperience then why is nothing being done to increase police training?


u/Doomstik 2d ago

Guy wont move, better take him to the ground so he can keep not moving!


u/okogamashii 2d ago

Say their names!!!


u/Subliminal_Image 2d ago

Should add a fucking zero to that $500k....


u/will_this_1_work 2d ago

Son of a bitch tripped down the stairs. Darnedest thing I ever did see right in the middle of that hallway


u/WorldNewsPoster 2d ago

And.. The. Officers are still getting paid, have no consequences, and are working with full benefits. Justice, right?


u/Chingblinger 2d ago

How are cops not trained to diffuse a situation and trained to be nicer in the line of duty?


u/JROXZ 2d ago

Take it out of their pension or union.


u/lfhdbeuapdndjeo 2d ago

The cruelty and violence is the point


u/ScarMedical 2d ago

This happed due to inexperienced and training via Sheriffs. Fuck no MF they er complete sociopathic assholes who shouldn’t be wearing a badge.

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u/DrColorado1963 2d ago

Dude... this guy was purposefully and violently mishandled. Ok... he's in custody and perhaps not a saint, but he's also in leg chains and hands cuffed behind his back, therefore, completely secure and unable to harm anyone -or- protect himself in case of a fall. The officers... as I understand it... are responsible for his safe handling under such conditions. Instead... he was jack-hammered like a penny nail face first into a concrete floor while totally helpless. I'm just a dumb country boy myself, but it seems to me this man is owed millions in compensation.


u/openminded44 2d ago

When someone is handcuffed they are in your care. Period. Unacceptable


u/CaliKindalife 2d ago

So, taxpayers who do not support these cops. They will never stop doing this until they are held responsible for their actions. End qualified immunity.


u/megabits 2d ago

500K is not enough for a busted jaw and a brain injury.


u/chrisp909 2d ago

It's written in stone above the United States Supreme Court. "Equal justice under law."

You know, unless you're the POTUS, he's above the law.


u/ElonsOrbitingTesla 2d ago

The fact that they said his medical bills will be covered with the settlement he got pissed me off. Like, he still has to pay the medical bills for the injuries they caused him out of his own pocket. Absolutely disgusting.


u/Whoop_Rhettly 2d ago

Do you know how many jails don’t even have cameras at all? Sheriff’s deputies and corrections officers get away with bullshit all the time because of the fact there is ZERO accountability and ZERO proof. We as a society have let prisons simultaneously become normal and forgotten. We have a problem, and it isn’t crime.


u/GwiffyXI 2d ago

$500k is a complete joke


u/subiegal2013 2d ago

Only 500k?


u/BarrelMaker15 2d ago

His lawyer looks like Bryan Cranston playing LBJ lolz


u/Old11B5G 2d ago

That’s my hometown (Lakewood) I’m sorry to say. Haven’t been there in years. Looks like things are pretty much like any other city with inexperienced police.


u/unclemackkdaddy 2d ago

Need more cheese than 500,000....


u/zomanda 2d ago

Ooooooohh! Very audibly should be the only take on the video.


u/WorldWarRon 2d ago

tax payers the tax payers will be paying for the criminal actions of the law enforcement officers here


u/winstonsmith8236 2d ago

No their taxpayers will foot the bill and citizens will suffer


u/yesi1758 2d ago

We should start a new accountability movement if that includes multiple types of justice then that’s what should happen.


u/radicalrockin 2d ago

Theres no deterrent for these Animals with badges, everyday horrific abuse. Everyday!


u/mrblacklabel71 2d ago

I went to county once and saw something similar, but more violent. The seasoned pro next to me said it was a regular occurrence.


u/austinpower1234 2d ago

They should transport these type of prisoners in wheelchairs like hospitals do. End of story


u/Ill-Organization-719 2d ago

And then life sentences for these cops and everyone involved in the attempted cover up?

No. Surely good cops will revolt and be absolutely outraged?

No? Nothing?

Hey people who think good cops exist. Where the fuck are they?


u/cristobalist 2d ago

The tax payers are paying over 0.5 mil


u/VeNTNeV 2d ago

Another result of the Supreme Court... gave these guys immunity. Now... IF the democrats win the next election, it's time to urge these fckn politicians to fix this shit.. all of it!


u/ThroawayReddit 2d ago

Fucking great, so glad my jeffco taxes are being used to pay for these assholes to get a slap on the wrist.


u/Demented_Saint 2d ago

"Inexperience" lol gtfoh


u/Boston__Massacre 2d ago

Fucking BADASS Rolling Stones shirt on that lawyer tho


u/Ill-Organization-719 2d ago

People who think good cops exist.

How can you justify this?

How can you justify cops not arresting these lunatics?


u/BadKittyRanch 2d ago

They are responsible for the health and safety of those who are in their custody, especially when they are physically restrained and cannot fend for themselves. Bullies with the emotional development of a toddler, damn near every one of them.

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u/SufficientChoking 2d ago

People act as if cameras aren't everywhere.


u/OasisRush 2d ago

Adj for inflation, 5k


u/MeanSenpai 2d ago

The system is not built to protect the people. It's to protect the people in power. This show exactly this, let me and my buds slam a guys head into concrete WHILE handcuffed. I would be in jail immediately. They do it and get a good job and paid leave.


u/Redditforever12 2d ago

good old tax dollars going to work.


u/meatmyjohnson 2d ago

I sure am getting alot of police brutality in my feeds here latley. Someone trying to incite riots here close to election season or something?


u/AshingiiAshuaa 2d ago

$500k?  Hammurabi had this figured out millennia ago.


u/Logical_Associate632 2d ago

Damn, they got off on the cheap.


u/thadohboy619 2d ago

They spelt tax payers wrong.


u/BlurredSight 2d ago

I like how you can't resist arrest in handcuffs within a station, but they treat them the exact same as someone who is "resisting"


u/The_Space_Janitor 2d ago

The hospital bill is like “That’ll be $1mil for having the preexisting condition of being arrested.”


u/VegasGamer75 2d ago

The TAXPAYERS will pay that $500k, with is nothing for a life-altering injury. Meanwhile, these guys will get put on leave and shuffled somewhere else. The police these days are almost as bad as the Church when it comes to shuffling criminals to another area.


u/BadIdea-21 2d ago

And to think that they could've just like... not done it.


u/Markorific 2d ago

Three Stooges!! Why are the incompetent police officers always older and out of shape? $500k really is too low. The dumbasses would have known they were being recorded.


u/robnug08 2d ago

This is so upsetting unreal


u/Last_Cauliflower1410 2d ago

You gotta he a huge p.o.s, to sweep a guy with his hands behind is back. The guy is already in cuffs


u/redundancy5 2d ago

When can I beat up cops for no reason?


u/wombolishous 2d ago

I really wish they led with "Jefferson county taxpayers. Agree to pay for this dude's screw up"


u/MirageTamer 2d ago

The guy was already restrained and in shackles.

They felt the need to restrain him... to the cube?


u/tmeinke68 2d ago

Thanks dumbasses. We the tax payers pay again.


u/hypotheticalhalf 2d ago

"Inexperience and poor judgement rather than malice".

Get the fuck outta here. This shit is part of their fucking training.


u/Ozzman_925 2d ago

That’s hard to watch


u/jimbodio 2d ago

I wonder how much of that $500k the lawyer got.


u/Front-Combination591 2d ago

😂 Jefferson County will pay…. Sorry friends Jefferson county tax payers will pay $500,000 for this.:. Mental health struggler turned more mental health struggling individual ? Who voted for this ?


u/G3POh 2d ago

Look at the way they do it that's a technique that is taught.


u/Sketchables 2d ago

"They put their lives on the line! There are a few bad apples just like with any other profession!" I've never heard cop lovers actually show any sort of compassion or support for accountability with stuff like this. The police-state mentality is truly fucked up


u/BraveSirRyan 2d ago

Not that insane, just cops copping.


u/Nautimonkey 2d ago

This is why we need to defend the police


u/Beatnik_Soiree 2d ago

That $500,000.00 should come out of the cops pension fund. Why should taxpayers pay when cops can't do their job without breaking the law?


u/Interesting-Gate9813 2d ago

How much more y’all gonna take?


u/Mountain-eagle-xray 2d ago

Sweet, now he can afford a diamond studed drool cup.


u/Maximum_Positive5514 2d ago

Lucky bastard


u/TimothyJim2 2d ago

the fact that Americans remain passive while these people get to run street and government tells you exactly where the hearts of Americans are at. this is normal to them. "unfortunate" they'll say, but nobody will end cop.city. white people don't care about police brutality.


u/kaywarrior 2d ago

why are tax payers still paying off the bad deeds of cops


u/SillyPhillyDilly 2d ago

Here's what I don't understand. What the fuck was their endgame? He refuses to walk, so to make him walk, they sweep his shins from under him? Oh yeah grand fucking idea, take someone down to the ground to get them to move along.


u/DLC_Whomdini 2d ago

Three trained officers against a man not fighting back in handcuffs. Definitely necessary use of force.


u/DarthPizza66 2d ago

Really good coordination, they must get a lot of practice doing this.


u/scrotumseam 2d ago

Thats it? he needed a better lawyer. Where were all the shark colorado lawyers?


u/MrKiller- 2d ago

What is wrong with these cops? =(


u/virus_apparatus 2d ago

The tax payer will pay for this sadly


u/the_gouged_eye 2d ago

Inexperience? They've never fallen down before? They don't know the ground is there? Would they fall that way? Would they let their kid fall that way? No. They knew the consequences of their action before they took it.


u/Hopeful_Amount_3553 1d ago

Thankfully the races were similar so people wouldn't claim racism


u/cheknauss 1d ago

When are we going to replace cops with robots? Preferably with the racism and general assholishness modules left out.


u/jake-event 1d ago

"We do not have proper funding to train these officers. Perhaps more money will help teach our staff common sense, human decency, and temper control."


u/K4leid 1d ago

Blue lives don't matter. They just do not. I don't care about the good ones anymore. Do something useful and shoot the next colleague of yours that does something like this.


u/Pillow_Top_Lover 1d ago

That was a very good interview. And it is 100% correct. I’m living in a GCC nation. These people do not have a sense of accountability, justice or sense of responsibility. People here literally killed then pay the families money and then go back to work as if nothing happened.

United States do not have a real justice system. Police are not held accountable. The police are not responsible. The police do not have a real sense of justice unless one of their own is attacked. And then that’s just flat out revenge.


u/CANYUXEL 1d ago

I'm surprised the recording wasn't deleted and they haven't magically found hard drugs at his house after this.


u/ProbablyCarl 1d ago

With the American medical system that $500,000 probably paid for parking.


u/galaxnordist 1d ago

Good think this money is taken from the offender's pension fund, not from tax money.

Right ?


u/libertyman86 1d ago

They all should be fired and $500,000 isn't close to enough. Go after their pensions and retirement.


u/StevenKatz3 1d ago

Jefferson county did not pay for this.... taxpayers paid for this.

If you are a private citizen and did this to someone at your job, you'd be sued personally.

If you're a cop and do those tax payers will pay for your sociopathic behavior.

Our system is so broken.


u/Fun_Sock_9843 1d ago

Equal justice under law-------HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


u/Skoofer 1d ago

Fuck these thugs costing the taxpayers of their community money for their evil incompetence. End qualified immunity already and this type of shit starts to go away.


u/Pleasant_Tooth_2488 1d ago

None of these fines will make any difference if it doesn't come out of the police's pay or pension fund.


u/Muted-Bath6503 1d ago

Nothing less than 3 executions is justice


u/DreadSeverin 1d ago

So when do the criminals go to jail for this?


u/envoy_ace 1d ago

The value was $800,000 on this post last time I saw it.


u/Zeratrem 2d ago

When I hear my friends complaining about how unjust is our system I just show them a few videos like this one. And they just shut up.

USA really is a third world country.


u/UseOne4211 1d ago

It has been time , these people should be convicted for the crimes they commit while on duty.


u/obadiah24 1d ago

Had this happen to me so we put the guy in a wheelchair got him where he’s supposed to go. No violence, no reports, we go home. Get the job done with at least amount of force necessary to accomplish the mission.


u/Clearlybeerly 1d ago

My job gives me brain injury, just by my being there. Where's my $500K?


u/Insanitykhan 1d ago

It should be the fucking deputies having to pay that out of their pension, not the county, im so sick of our tax money being used so cops can get paid leave and dodge responsibility for their crimes, especially when it’s this blatant


u/Cleercutter 1d ago

I spent about 9 months in that jail before my prison sentence.

The deputies are ruthless. There’s always stories of guys being taken somewhere with no cameras, and beaten. Then thrown in the hole to never be seen by general population ever again.


u/flinderdude 1d ago

There’s no way you would do that to a person if you regarded them as a human being. The only reason this person was slammed to the floor was because he is not respected as a human being, he’s lower than human and consider disposable by the police.


u/Gnosis369 1d ago

Cops are psychopathic criminals


u/undueFungus 11h ago

guys theyre inexperienced it wasnt malicious 🥺👉👈