r/TWDNoMansLand Mar 13 '20

How to get Epic survivors?

The last time i rolled radios, epics were quite easy to come by. Playing this game after a year of inactivity, i can't even get a decent uncommon survivor with useful traits. Did they nerf the 15 and 20 radio call? I remembered the game had a 60 radio call where you could reroll and keep survivors, that was awesome. Don't see that anymore, is it coming or is it long gone?


7 comments sorted by


u/ouchibitmytongue Mar 13 '20

They offer the re-rolling every once in a while, but it’s not a constant feature. I save my radios for these occasional events. There was one such event last weekend.


u/huhwhuh Mar 13 '20

last weekend? i was on, didn't see the reroll radio option


u/A_Filthy_Mind Mar 13 '20

It cost 40. You pulled 3, could reroll each a few times, then keep the three you end up with.


u/huhwhuh Mar 13 '20

i just got it in my game now thanks.. is this option like a once a month event or is it rare


u/A_Filthy_Mind Mar 13 '20

It is up again. The one last weekend was the same, but guaranteed character shards.

Im not sure how often. I see it somewhat frequently. I havnt paid attention, it could be around weekly, or every few weeks. There is usually something for holidays as well, so not sure if the few i notice were regular or part of a holiday thing.


u/123456war Mar 13 '20

You can keep increasing their star level from the character screen.


u/huhwhuh Mar 13 '20

yes but that takes a lot of tokens. imagine spending hundreds of tokens to bring a guy to 5 stars and his last 3 traits are crap