r/StickofTruth May 17 '24

New player has some questions

So, for context, I am playing for the first time, I'm on day 3 after the gnome bit. I just talked to the girls and was used to expose one as a two faced bitch.

  1. After fighting that gnome under Mom and Dad (shudder), how did we get back into our bed? Also, crushed by Dad's balls. Wtf.

  2. Is there a best companion? At the point in my game, all the enemies have tons of armor and the only way I can beat them is with fire and bleeds.

  3. What is the power the parents say we have? Is it something special, like mind reading, or something goofy that would only be in South Park? Minimal spoilers please.

  4. Call back to 2, is the armor thing how the game ratchets up the difficulty? Is this what I have to deal with for the rest of the game?

  5. Down in the sewers I saw some crab person thing, is it a secret or will I get to him later in the game?

  6. I got Fractured but whole in a bundle with Stick but haven't done anything with it. Do we play the same New Kid in it, too?


2 comments sorted by


u/JustASyncer May 17 '24
  1. Happens off screen, it's just to advance the plot really. Also yes, BALLS!

  2. If you're primarily using fire and bleed to beat enemies (as in that's the build you're aiming for) then you're best off running Cartman. Butters and Kyle are also pretty good though. Jimmy is alright if you use your PP attacks a lot. Wasn't big on Stan and didn't really use Kenny that much so I can't really rank him fairly.

  3. It's a goofy one, one you'd expect from an episode of South Park. You find out in The Fractured But Whole, but if you don't want to play all the way through that and just want to know now, you have the ability to make friends on social media extremely fast, you're given medication to control it and that is what gives you your powerful farts

  4. Yea, it ramps up mostly and forces you to increase your attack power and use heavy attacks. There are some moves though that take away enemy armor, like the Circum-scythe PP attack on the Jew class (imo the best move in the game)

  5. You can get the crab person after you learn the last "magic attack" in Canada, come back to the sewers after you beat the game

  6. You do play as the same new kid in FBW, even if you make them look different it's supposed to be the same one, that game takes place like one day after Stick of Truth ends


u/TheRealMomCow May 23 '24

I love stan