r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 3d ago

1980 Minimum Wage vs 2024 College Graduate Wait a damn minute!

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u/icecoldcoke319 3d ago

Don’t forget a masters degree will not get you an interview after 400+ applications


u/BoredTrauko 2d ago

When everyone has a master's degree....no one has one.


u/MeltedChocolate24 3d ago

Depends what the degree was that sounds like bs


u/Pitiful-Score-9035 3d ago

A lot of the issue is the ai screening software, "ghost" listings, etc.


u/Mignolia 3d ago

I have a degree in software engineering, currently at 300+ applications and climbing every day.


u/ReluctantAvenger 3d ago edited 2d ago

Try being a laid-off software engineer today. I have friends who were recently laid off. People with master's degrees in STEM fields who are having a tough time finding work when they're competing with tens of thousands of other laid-off engineers for a relative handful of jobs.

I'd be surprised if ten years from now, more than 10% of new college graduates IN ANY FIELD can find work that pays even reasonably well. AI automation is going to make practically everyone redundant.


u/disabilidy 2d ago

It’s already made over half education practicum redundant


u/XiMaoJingPing 3d ago

yeah, getting the average earnings for a college graduate is very misleading. You include the people who got useless degrees bringing down the average


u/rinnakan 2d ago

This post made me realize how different europe is, because when education is largely free, there is no useless degree. We use to joke about our friends doctorate in philosophy being a taxi driver license, but it has no sting in it, only admiration. Things like art, philosophy or history have a high value for society, but when you have to go bankrupt for something that is economically useless we end up at your conclusion


u/XiMaoJingPing 2d ago

yeah if education is free, then I agree with you that there are no useless degrees


u/TrekStarWars 2d ago

Then you have very slim chances. Depending on the field and are you are applying to even a „normal“ degree in science/technology might not even get you to an interview after about 300+ applications…


u/-Shasho- 3d ago

What do you mean? Just walk in there and introduce yourself and say you're looking for a job. How can they say no when you show that kind of moxy? That's what I did. They hired me on the spot. I worked there for 35 years before retiring filthy rich, and I never did learn how to read. You're just too much of a whiner, son. You've got everything going for you if you'd just go out and get it.


u/AtkinsCatkins 2d ago

I dont think people picked up on your sarcasm.

which is demented, as its obvious as fuck.


u/McDudeston 2d ago

If you're getting a master's degree and it's not because you are getting a PhD, that's your problem. It's napkin math that'll show a master's degree does not have a positive ROI when compared to a bachelor's degree as baseline.


u/Steff_164 2d ago

Batchlors degree has the same issue. I couldn’t even get a part time job at the grocery store I worked at in highschool when I got back home from collage while hunting for jobs. Only got a full time maintenance job because I knew someone


u/-Shasho- 2d ago

They sure ain't learned you to spell there.


u/Ok_Button3151 3d ago

At that point the issue is probably your resume.


u/icecoldcoke319 2d ago

I’ve had two different revisions done by a network admin and a recruiter and made multiple versions for each job I was specificity targeting. It’s just really hard to compete on LinkedIn where 90% of the jobs already have 100+ applicants within a few hours of the job listing and not being able to communicate with the companies you’re applying to. Indeed is pretty good now with the skill assessments but 25+ submissions in the past week on there and haven’t heard back yet.


u/Senor_Satan 2d ago

Linkedin is a shitshow for popular jobs, I would say try emailing them your CV directly or applying through their website


u/Ok_Button3151 2d ago

I absolutely despise linkedin. I’ve never heard back from a single application on there. I would use indeed more than linkedin as I’ve had some success there, but ultimately using your connections will be far and away the best way to find something.


u/AddisonH 2d ago

Took me 200+ applications (only started tracking in January) to find a job in tech this year, and this is with a number of years in FAANG and successful startups. It’s a little bit unfair to blame the victims of capitalism/predatory hiring practices/lack of workers’ rights.


u/Timah158 2d ago

Doubtful. If it were that easy, they shouldn't have to do much more than list their education. But the reality is that companies have braindead expectations and are looking for unicorns. If they genuinely needed to hire someone, they wouldn't be wasting everyone's time with lengthy applications, multiple interviews, and pointless assessments. The job market is an absolute joke right now, and getting a decent job is like hitting the lottery.


u/artsyca 3d ago

I hate to say this but by getting a masters degree you’re basically proving you’re a sucker. It either means that you couldn’t see through academic bullshit in four years or you really had no prospects and you just had to go back. Go ahead and downvote as much as you want.


u/BirdsbirdsBURDS 3d ago

Not really. Getting a masters and then trying to go into the workforce more or less proves they don’t know what they’re doing, not that they’re a sucker.

Master/PHD path is the path to academia and is pretty much separate from the corporate path save for some narrow fields such as finance, where having a masters/PHD in math or finance basically writes your own salary.

Going and getting a masters is cool, and if you want to, go ahead. But it doesn’t open many more doors in terms of career viability


u/artsyca 3d ago

Man I really appreciate that you interpreted my silly hot take in the correct light. 💡🧑🏻‍🎓✨


u/C6Centenial 3d ago edited 3d ago

We need to raise the minimum wage and prohibit corporations from owning private homes.


u/sweetLew2 3d ago

There’s so much noise in my life lately. This is one sentence I’m 100% ready to get behind.

I want this on a shirt, a hat, and a mug.


u/Prime_Marci 3d ago

Just ban equity loans using real estate as collateral and now let’s see the market correction afterwards.


u/Altruistic_Pear7646 3d ago

Haha, can't hurt those wealthy elites accounts. Silly goose.


u/PhthaloVonLangborste 3d ago

I want it on a bill


u/MoParNoCaR23 3d ago

Companies just raise prices to cancel out the increase. nobody wins.


u/iamwearingashirt 2d ago

You didn't notice that they raised prices anyway?


u/PaulblankPF 3d ago

Need a limit put on how much prices are allowed to increase in a year like how a lot of states have rent hike limits and put it so that number can never outpace however much wages go up so that it never inverts like it has these days. It’s not that hard to come up with a way for that to work and this took me one minute with no pre-thought.


u/ADFormer 2d ago

I always thought there should be a ceiling of like "something can't cost more than x10 what it cost to produce" or something


u/Ladiesman_2117 3d ago

Nobody ever thinks that far ahead, just ask California! More specifically, the McDonald's in San Francisco that just closed their doors for good because they can't afford the recent hike in minimum wage.


u/toasted_cracker 2d ago

Oh please. McDonald’s absolutely can afford it. They let their stores close to put out the illusion of not being able to afford it. This way they get people to take their side and they can continue to reap the benefits of having underpaid employees. It’s a win win for them.


u/Strange_Purchase3263 1d ago

Absolute bullshit. It was a publicity stunt at the expense of the employees to try shit in the eye of minimum wage proponents.


u/SpellFit7018 2d ago

A rational company would understand that the cost of labor is only a portion of the cost of the product, so while they might adjust the cost to account for the increase in wage, a 25% increase in wages would not lead to a 25% increase in the cost of goods produced, so real income would go up.

Of course, firms are NOT rational, and extremely dumb executives will make terrible business decisions, even to the point of losing money. Have you seen CVS putting all the candy behind locked screens? You can't impulse buy candy if you have to find an employee to unlock it for you, and you can't even find an employee because they keep the stores incredibly understaffed to cut labor costs. And then, because it is annoying to shop there, the store becomes unprofitable and they close it all together. Fucking brain geniuses. The incentives are entirely fucked at the c-level, and no one who knows a business is in charge anymore, it's all marketers and finance guys.


u/Verbose_Code 3d ago

This isn’t really true. While raising the minimum wage will increase prices slightly, you will still be earning more purchasing power. We live in a global economy and that has a very important impact on the purchasing power of the dollar


u/Prism43_ 3d ago

Raising minimum wage won’t fix the core issue, which is corporate speculation on housing driving up costs.


u/Cranktique 3d ago

Ok, so because a solution only alleviates part of the problem and not all of it it’s not worth doing?

Did you know a seatbelt won’t guarantee you’re protected in a car crash? Why even wear it?

^ this is how stupid your point was.

Many complex problems require complex and multifaceted solutions. In literally everything. Bunch of morons like you think that implementing something that doesn’t fix everything isn’t worth doing. Funny thing is this is the GOP stance on everything. It’s just obstructionist bullshit.


u/Prism43_ 2d ago

Raising minimum wage will only exacerbate the problem, you can’t legislate prosperity by artificially forcing wages higher without also increasing the cost of goods and services comparatively.

You should really try researching how minimum wage increases damage economic function before calling other people morons.


u/Key_Respond_16 3d ago

The private homes part is huge. But people will still buy tons of homes under their own name. The same people still have the same money. They would just buy it with their name instead.


u/Shillandorbot 3d ago

Not to start a whole thing, but those two actions would make little to no difference. As the video pointed out, very very few Americans actually make minimum wage. Corporate ownership of single family residences is a tiny fraction of all homes. More importantly, the only reason it’s profitable for them is that the price of housing has gotten so high and keeps climbing — in other words, saying ‘Blackrocks buying houses is causing the market to spike’ has cause and effect backwards.

So yeah, do those two things, fine, but it won’t fix the problem.

The fundamental issue here is that we’ve made it almost impossible to build housing in most of the places Americans want to live. The only places in the US that are making any progress addressing the cost of housing are those like Austin that have made big structural changes to make it easier to build new homes.

It’s not a popular or catchy answer like ‘private equity did it!’ but fundamentally the reality is that landowners who don’t want their property values to ever stop rising have gotten incredibly good at blocking new housing construction, driving up their own values. Until we fix that everything else is a sideshow.


u/Competitive-Tie-7338 3d ago

My mother and I debate how retail/food service jobs aren't specifically made for teenagers so they need to find a way to increase average pay. She claims that those jobs have always been for teenagers.

I was just looking through the "yearbook" pictures of an old department store , no less than 80% of the hundred+ staff looked like they were above the age of 50.

Something clearly went wrong somewhere.


u/iamwearingashirt 2d ago

The thing is, I wouldn't even care if teenagers were paid a lot. That just means they'd spend a lot right back into the economy.


u/rockthe40__oz 2d ago

Ask her who works the store overnight and In the morning when teenagers are sleeping or at school


u/Mooscowsky 2d ago

Aye, to one billion dollars per hour! 


u/Mister_Black117 2d ago

We need to ban corporations from doing a lot of things. Too bad they make the laws


u/usriusclark 2d ago

AND TAX THE RICH. CEO pay is pure greed and the cost of everything else is the result of corporate greed and corporate welfare.


u/BOT_Frasier 1d ago

It's not possible to just raise minimum wage, why the hell would corpo pay you x3 the amount illegal migrants are ready to do the work for. Local politics are not oblivious to that, they won't raise minimum wage to find that (legal) employment drops 10%, it obviously look bad on their management. Think Mark, think


u/GrandJuif 2d ago

Dude, each time they raise minimum wage, every companies raise prices of everything. Force them to have fair prices instead.


u/C6Centenial 2d ago

Ideally, that would be great. I’m not sure how you would implement that. Congress has never been able to pass any kind of “windfall profits” tax - and then, how do you define “windfall”.

I would love to tie some kind of massive tax based on the disparity between the lowest paid employee and the CEO to discourage these ridiculous compensation packages. And do it in a way that prevents any loopholes.


u/WazaPlaz 3d ago

+student loans


u/MisoClean 3d ago

Exactly. Let’s deduct the average amount of student debt payments each month from that 3840 and see where we land. A Quick Look up says about $500. Let’s be generous and say $400. 3840 is not 3440. So actually it’s 50%. So it’s still higher.


u/atomandyves 3d ago

Uhh it gets worse if you don't base your argument on gross income.


u/PetrolHeadF 2d ago

They call it gross income because it's disgusting how much you actually take home.


u/PacifistPapy 3d ago edited 2d ago

1.7k? yikes. I was looking for apartments recently and most the ones i found in Germany in a big city were 500-700€ rent+heating

As an extra: taking the minimum wage there with 160 work hours, it would end up being 35.2% of your income


u/gammongaming11 2d ago

it depends on the area of the country you live in.

some area's are hyper expensive, some are hyper cheap.

a bit like how renting a home in berlin is probably much more expensive then renting a home in some other smaller German city.


u/nole_life 3d ago

Yeah it’s a tough time for the US. Hopefully we get the leadership to pull us out of this.


u/Fatsmile33 3d ago

Yeah if a revolution happen


u/SG_87 2d ago

Don't say it... Don't say it... They'll get mad... Aw fuck it! You guys need communism! runs away


u/Illustrious_Sock 2d ago

€500 for an apartment in a big german city? What German city is that? In Lisbon good luck finding a room with that money lol.


u/PacifistPapy 2d ago

Leipzig, last time I checked 8th biggest city in Germany


u/ACharaMoChara 2d ago

Tell that to Munich 😭


u/dawizard2579 2d ago

That was the point of the video that seemed off to me. Like, anyone who’s lived anywhere in the US can tell you that the places that have $1700 rent don’t have $7 minimum wage. Those are just different places.

California and New York have enormously high rent, but also have enormously high minimum wages.

You can’t just take the averages, because there’s only 50 minimum wages, and the number of apartments does not proportionally scale to the size of each state. If you took the average of the cost of apartments divided by their state’s minimum wage, it would still be high but not insane.

Minimum wage in the city I live in is $7.50, and most people live in apartments less than $1000.


u/PacifistPapy 2d ago

NY only has a 16$ minimum wage according to quick google search, still a huge issue conpared to housing prices


u/dawizard2579 2d ago


Brother that’s more than double most of the country. Rents gotta come down, not minimum wage up to meet it.


u/Schowzy 2d ago

Really depends on the area. The US is so huge that outliers make for a really strange average. In my neck of the woods a 1 bedroom apartment is about half of that 1700 number.


u/PacifistPapy 2d ago

thats still much higher than what i pay for in a big city here tho...?


u/Irish618 2d ago

Yea, that's insane here too. Southwest Ohio, you can get a one bedroom for about $700. Studio for $500.


u/ABookOfEli 1d ago

I don’t know where this guy got 1700 from but I’m currently paying 1400 for a two bedroom so it’s entirely state dependent.


u/weasel286 3d ago

I’ve always said: “college is the best high school education you can pay for.” This is the mathematical proof of the laws of supply and demand. A Bachelor’s degree used to have a value employers were willing to pay for. Now that “everyone” is a baccalaureate, the supply is higher and demand is lower, therefore value is lower. I’d also argue as to the quality of education, in its ever declining state, that a Bachelor’s degree in the 1980s is worth a Master’s (maybe even two) in 2024.

It’s not just about the wage, it’s about the value of the skills and knowledge (and their availability) required for the job.


u/--ThirdCultureKid-- 2d ago

While you’re not wrong, it’s not the whole picture, as even people with PhDs are living in relative poverty compared to the 1980’s. I know several who can barely afford rent for a basic 1-br apartment.

The question you have to ask yourself is what world do you want to live in. One where nobody can afford anything because they are all owned by oligarchs and the rest of us have to slave away for scraps, or one where everyone gets at least a basic lifestyle provided to them and then we compete for going higher from there?

We can choose to make either of those worlds true.


u/OffTheDelt 2d ago

I preach this sentiment to a lot of my friends and family, even tho my parents hate it lol. I will continue to do so prolly till I die, cus we do have a choice as a collective. Enough people get fed up, left out to starve, while the oligarchs control all the wealth, some type of revolution will take place. I’m not sure when it will happen, cus the general populace are currently too comfortable to change anything. But those many will soon turn into a few bourgeoisie. I pray once we reach that peak, that on the other side we make good choices that can benefit humanity as a whole. Though history says otherwise, I have hope for the future.


u/Leather-Brother6345 3d ago

In 2022, 1.3 percent of workers in the United States were paid hourly rates at or below the official minimum wage.May 22, 2024


u/xXWickedSmatXx 3d ago

Yes, but let’s go one step further and discuss the stunning number of college graduates with degrees that either do not fit a marketable skill set or worse are in a field that is not seeking employees. A college education is not a ticket to income it is a line of study.


u/HainiteWanted 2d ago

Conservation Biology master left the chat. Went screeming in the pillow


u/AstroNot87 2d ago

It hurts but nothing is gonna change. We’re gonna keep allowing all these shit politicians to take our money while they and their rich friends don’t have to pay their fair share of taxes. This is why depression is so rampant in millennials and older zoomers. We get to witness world atrocities and get raped by our own government until we cannot afford anything anymore. Embarrassing ass country


u/Global-Muscle-8451 2d ago

This guy didn’t factor in bootstraps or avocado toast. Fake news.


u/emzirek 2d ago

My rent in 1980 was not that amount it was almost twice that so your math is wrong and this was in Dallas...


u/Jyil 2d ago

Not only that, inflation would make the price closer to the same it is today


u/idkwutimd0ing 2d ago

Can anyone confirm this is true?


u/Jyil 2d ago edited 2d ago

He stated the price of that apartment he’s in now $243. In today’s value that’s $972. Then he uses average rent, which is $1500 - not $1750. He’s off a few hundred for average rent.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Jyil 2d ago edited 2d ago

His numbers for the average rent cost are off a few hundred. He says “this apartment”, but he’s actually using the numbers for average rent in 1980, but not the actual numbers for it in 2024.


u/Dependent_Ant_8316 2d ago

A while back I ran thru some numbers and the largest increase was very shocking….it was the cost of water (rates) just from 2011-2023 was around 120%


u/urandom123 3d ago

Lots of homes in "economically disadvantaged" areas going for pretty cheap. Just go snag one of those.


u/Anlarb 2d ago

Except that banks only lend money for houses without flaws, so anything run down or needs work is out of your reach unless you can fund it yourself.


u/Vietnugget 3d ago

Here I am in uni with out a job


u/TheAdventOfTruth 3d ago

Yeah, name one company that pays minimum wage. 🙄

Funny thing is, that no one does because free markets work.


u/PretzelOptician 3d ago

Now let’s see what percent of people actually make minimum wage


u/xlnyc 3d ago

save money and live in a REALLY bad neighborhood


u/Swfc-lover 2d ago

It happens america. You will get the same thing happening in china in 50 years time. Economic empires rise n fall. It won’t come back. Look at Europe for your future


u/LovableSidekick 2d ago

But at least you can be comforted knowing landlords are getting a ton of your money just because they already own stuff and you don't, which is really what Freedom is all about, right?


u/AtkinsCatkins 2d ago

The funniest thing about the future, is that not only is your relative spending power lower due to stagnation on the economy and chiefly manufacturing.

Many of you have saddled yourself with crippling debt to study absolute nonsense degrees which have absolutely zero industrial relevance and dont in any way provide you with any increased earning power at all.

The value of most degrees (outside the essential or STEM fields) have never been lower.


u/Ok-Assumption-411 2d ago

Still broke. Explain again….


u/Right_-on-_Man 2d ago

I like how you completed the circle & came back around.😆


u/Wild_Potato_7470 2d ago

Well good luck with that time machine


u/Codex_Absurdum 2d ago

1980 is not even that far


u/lifeisalright12 2d ago

It’s almost half a century


u/Bumble-Fuck-4322 2d ago

My takes for awhile has been that for standard of living, college is the new highschool.

If you want to work an “average job” you need college experience to make a living at it.

Not saying it’s right, but this video seems to support that idea…


u/ProtectionContent977 2d ago

How much money does this guy make creating these type of videos?


u/fantafanta_ 2d ago

We're so fucked


u/ElStarPrinceII 2d ago

The problem is housing costs driven by zoning restrictions on housing. NIMBYs ruin everything.


u/flothashow1 2d ago

Nope. U forgot they still have to pay student loans. hashtag impossible


u/nikkinoks 2d ago

I'm crying in $2750 rent in Toronto right now 😭


u/Geoclasm 2d ago

they don't care.

i've had actual discussions with them trying to show them this and their answer was basically 'we don't care, fuck you.'

trying to appeal to reason with logic only works with reasonable individuals. and those who say shit like what this guy is trying to debunk just do not give one single flying fuck about anyone they can't kiss on the mouth in a mirror.


u/Neat-Ostrich7135 2d ago

Yeah, but I-phones, avocado toast, oat milk lates, something something.


u/ODominator 2d ago

Aaaaaaaand 50%+ inflation on essential goods.


u/Lucidcranium042 2d ago

Murrica btchs


u/Lucidcranium042 2d ago

And that some walmart and fast food places are making 14 is highly dependant on area ... I know companies in a couple cities in a particular state that 1by 1 homes already renting for 1100 /month and people are still making 8/hr 2024 apartments some and hard to get apartments are around 900/ mnth at the minimum


u/Stink_Sandwich_2939 2d ago

All they do is talk about it but what can we do about it. Why are not people protesting and rioting in the streets for change?


u/thebreamteam 2d ago

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!


u/lifeisalright12 2d ago

So about that student loan


u/Background-Bee4566 2d ago

Then why do yall support the government


u/Disastrous-Split-512 1d ago

ok, and now the same calculation including mexico because just averaging is always enough..


u/Stign 1d ago

Makes me realise how lucky I am my rent is only 1/4 of my monthly income and I'm able to live by myself without any issues.

But I do realise how many people are struggling out there and how absurd rent has become in most developped countries.


u/Fawkyooo 1d ago

I’m sorry you’re still over qualified to run the fryer. We have an opening in the sign flipping sector tho?


u/Ladiesman_2117 3d ago

If all a person wants to put forward is their minimum, they'll only make minimum wage.

Throughout all of nature, those who adapt, survive, those that pout and cry in a corner usually don't. The times are what they are!

Lastly, I'm sure I wasn't the only person who noticed that an educated tradesman didn't make this Kleenex commercial. That's an education that can be had in half the time of a bachelor's in anything, often in less time than that, for double the wage quoted for a freshly graduated student from college. This is a tired argument that only the most basic people get behind!


u/ACharaMoChara 2d ago

Shocking, a 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' persona whose account activity is primarily Trump subs, covid conspiracy subs, and thirsting in the comments on porn posts lmao


u/Ladiesman_2117 22h ago

Stunning, an, "I have no valid argument so I'll just talk shit," response. You're either part of the problem, or part of the solution, pick one!


u/Anlarb 2d ago

You seem very sheltered, low wage work is also paradoxically some of the most demanding.

You also don't seem to be aware that the median wage is $18/hr while the cost of living is $20/hr.


u/2shack 3d ago

Something something bootstraps.


u/PaulblankPF 3d ago

All we want is the older generation to acknowledge they had it easy as shit compared to what we have now and that the system is broken and only getting worse. But boomers will play the victim till they are gone. We are about 15-20 years out from them being gone and we can actually try to fix the shit they fucked up without them voting for shit.


u/Accurate-Sport8246 3d ago

Comapare the economy 6 years previous to 1980 and 2024.


u/Fridaybird1985 3d ago

1981 my wife and I working minimum wage made about 9k. Our fire trap upstairs studio apartment was $125 a month and in easy walking distance to shopping, movie theater, laundry mat, parks, and banks, utilities, to pay bills. It took our kids moving out and making a life of their own for me to really understand how fortunate we were and how much more difficult it is for young adults.


u/Jyil 2d ago

Thats $32k equivalent in today’s money.


u/Fridaybird1985 2d ago

$1900 a month for a studio apartment in our area.


u/Jyil 2d ago

It’s the same for me here, but where I was before it was $1200


u/Accurate-Sport8246 3d ago

No minimum wage needed. People need to stop accepting low paying jobs?


u/I-Rolled-My-Eyes 3d ago

Sounds like we're screwed being a lazy piece of shit like me. Guess I'll dive into debt trying to "further my education" to make more money that I'm going to owe back anyways. Thank God for temu and other shitty quick-buy apps to make me save a buck. Shout out to Uber and door dash to make the convenience of staying home to get what I want without putting any effort in too.


u/Mevanski77 3d ago

bUT tHE BOot sTRApS!


u/DearApartment5236 3d ago

If you’re a College grad and only making $24/hour, then you got the wrong degree.


u/Anlarb 2d ago

Median wage is $18/hr while the cost of living is $20/hr.

Half the jobs out there don't pay a living. I don't know if you have heard of supply and demand, but rents due at the end of the month and if you don't take whatever job you can find for as little as they'e offering, you go be homeless.


u/clayknightz115 3d ago

Why are y’all living in places where the rent for a one bedroom is $1750 a month? Mines only $1005 and I still live in a nice area.


u/Prime_Marci 3d ago

$1000 rent in the US right now, will land you in an area full of crime, flood susceptible and terrible amenities. I dunno what city you live in but it’s definitely far from reality.


u/clayknightz115 2d ago

I live in the north side of Chicago


u/Riginauldt 2d ago

My dad made $18 or $19 an hour in the early 2000s and was able to comfortably house my mom, my brother, my dogs, and myself, in a 4 bed, two bath, two story house, with a large backyard, and had money put aside for different things.

I make $27 an hour now. I have one child who lives with her mom, a bearded dragon, and a decent sized apartment with a small patio. I'm not necessarily struggling, but I'm not doing nearly as well as my dad was 20 years ago at a significantly lower wage.


u/LuLzWire 3d ago



u/dawg_with_a_blog 3d ago

We 👏are 👏in👏the👏bad👏place👏


u/mienhmario 3d ago

Gross income lol. Net income is more accurate


u/lvl999shaggy 3d ago

It's even worse when you consider net pay. And it gets even worse than that when u factor in the mandatory daily cost of avocado toast


u/Key_Respond_16 3d ago

Should have gotten a job in politics. That way, you can just male your own salary and also accept bribes that aren't really bribes because they give it to you in a way that doesn't count as a bribe to its not illegal what a bunch of fools working at like Walmart and food places, you know, half the jobs in this country. Dum dums


u/Wooden_Associate158 2d ago

nahhh its rather all these young folks just playing on there phones and not working hard


u/Dogfishhead789 2d ago

Dave Ramsey has left the chat room.


u/-Senzar- 2d ago

So glad not to live in that third world country


u/Jyil 2d ago

He completely forgot to account for inflation. $4 then was not $4 now.


u/TopSum 2d ago

That's because todays "college graduates" have the same skills as minimum wage workers back then. Nothing.


u/gasolinedi0n 2d ago

This guy - math, facts, and intact

Boomer - no


u/hip_yak 3d ago

You forgot to add in the cost of education.


u/Supadrumma4411 3d ago

Explaining this shit to boomers is a waste of time. They all have brain damage from lead poisoning they're incapable of accepting new information or learning anything. I've given up with my mom, I don't even bother to argue anymore.

Just smile and nod boys, smile and nod. And hope we can fix it when they're gone.


u/genkidin 2d ago

Why do facts hurt ?


u/dj__will 3d ago

One bed one bath apartments in Sioux Falls South Dakota (the largest city in the state) can be found for less than $1000 easily. You can get a job at McDonalds and make $20 an hour. You are bad at decision making if you cannot afford a one bedroom apartment. You can get a roommate and pay 4-500 a month for rent.


u/MostlyMellow123 3d ago

Population of 200k.

Imagine how few people can go to your city without everything going to hell.

Telling a country of 335 million to just flood the 200k cities for cheaper life is absolutely moronic


u/dj__will 3d ago

That’s not what I said.. maybe you should learn to read and more importantly, comprehend, before you go around calling people morons. Then again, the irony is hilarious.

If you want to live in the most expensive cities in the country, be my guest, it will keep you far away from me. If you are tired of taking it up the ass from landlords, then moving somewhere with a lower COL is a valid option. If you are complaining about minimum wage, then you wouldn’t be leaving a career, so what do you have to lose?


u/MostlyMellow123 3d ago

If people moved to your city what do you think happens to housing costs?


u/dj__will 3d ago

You’re not explaining some new concept to me dude, I understand the prices would go up lmao. All I’m saying is that there are solutions to the problem, one of which being moving to a lower COL area


u/MostlyMellow123 3d ago

So you admit your solution of people moving to the cheap cities is short sighted and could only help a limited amount of people before it would make things worse for the majority in that city.


u/dj__will 3d ago

Oh, so you want to play extremes? I never said it is the end all solution. But, if the American population was evenly distributed amongst the major cities, then I think living expenses would be more affordable for those who work minimum wage. Why are you so insufferably persistent on putting words in my mouth?


u/Masturbating-macaque 3d ago

Clinging to anything to ignore reality, nice.


u/dj__will 2d ago

Reality is there is a solution, crying into the internet void is not it. I live comfortably in a low COL area, you could too


u/PrestigiousStable369 3d ago

if the American population was evenly distributed amongst the major cities, then I think living expenses would be more affordable for those who work minimum wage.

I mean, that kind of feeds into his point. What you are stating isn't factually wrong, but it isn't feasible to suddenly achieve in healthy way for local economies.


u/dj__will 2d ago edited 2d ago

Did you even read the comment you replied to? I literally said I don’t think it’s the end all solution. I don’t think everyone who can’t afford rent should move. It is the solution for a subset of the people who have troubles affording rent, namely those that work for minimum wage


u/PrestigiousStable369 2d ago

Oh, I read it. Even where you caveated it not being a grand solution. Your point is that:

"It is the solution for a subset of the people who have troubles affording rent, namely those that find it nearly impossible to find affordable living" to move to another place with affordable living

His point was:

"It would disrupt the local economies and fuck up the housing markets there to implement thus temporary solution, so the answer isn't moving, but fixing the housing issue".

How many transplants does it take EXACTLY to fuck up a local economy? I have no clue

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u/Krazdone 3d ago

Yeah but you forget that people deserve to live in LA, SF, NY. /s

I did exactly that. Couldnt carve out a living in California, moved to Midwest. Now have a house and a career. Ez.


u/Creed_of_War 3d ago

And how many people can the Midwest support doing this? My city has a huge influx of Californians doing exactly this and it has wrecked the housing market. I don't hate them because I understand their decision but many people around me are galvanized them.


u/No-Use-3062 3d ago

Great counter argument I’ve seen in awhile. I’ve heard so many of these fools say we make way more money now than we did back then. Yes a house in the 70’s was like $60000. Now it’s around $500000.


u/Jyil 2d ago

Not really. $60k then would be the purchase power of $500k in 2024


u/No-Use-3062 2d ago

Isn’t that what I just said? My dad bought a 3 bedroom house in the seventies for $65000 we just sold it for $540000.