r/OrganizationPorn 12d ago

..any advice on how to organize this better?

Post image

It’s art stuff, nerd stuff, jewelry, CDs, and books.


7 comments sorted by


u/gabrieldevue 12d ago

I have these kinds of cupports, too. For me, the most important thing to organize this would be editing: To my eye there are too many different categories cramped together. And all over the Place.

But it's also a choice of taste: The organizing drawers are very helpful, but the stickers and different labels make them "busy" - which is fine and joyful : ) But looks less organized. I personally wouldn't change that. But... keep all the books in the same direction on one shelf. Keep them all sticking out at the "same depth" - all ring binders next to each other, sorted by size. Nothing at an angle.

I really think though, categorizing and finding different places for things like that leather thing on the bottom would be best.

And at least in graphic design, our eyes enjoy "calm spaces" next to more busy places. These don't have to be empty. But for every tetris-fitted shelf, I would aim for a calm shelf that has objects of a similar shape (like books)

Maybe at one point upgrade to a vitrine with more drawers for things like art supplies and those leather things to only keep out the things that you reach for often and give you visual joy : )


u/FluffyPurpleThing 12d ago

To add on to this: If you have a bunch of stuff that belongs together and looks messy on the shelf (like in your top left corner), put it all into a box or basket that will hide the mess inside. This will reduce the look of clutter. If you use several boxes/basket, use the same type so you're not adding more patterns/noise.


u/slackmarket 11d ago

Just fyi it's spelled cupboard, not cupport.


u/Karenbrig 11d ago

I would arrange all books together facing the same direction, CD's the same. Collect all nerd stuff and stow it, rotating out 1-2 pieces as display. Art supplies could be stored in a separate basket, portable and ready to be used anywhere. Jewelry could go in acrylic storage boxes.


u/Lance-pg 12d ago

You need to declutter too there's way too much stuff in there that you probably don't need like the skeletal hand for example. A lot of them just seem to be thrown in there You need to have better categories. If you have a larger category set you can create a big box for it and you can have smaller boxes within if you need to break it down more. It depends how you organize things.


u/Squiddy_at_offical 10d ago

You need to declutter, too much stuff for the space