r/NoSodiumStarfield Dec 03 '23

Latest Patch is extremely underrated. I’m on Series X and game went from like an 8.5 to 9.5 imo

Hard to say exactly what’s all improved but I definitely notice improved visuals, a lot less stuttering, more randomness with POIs and POIs I haven’t seen — I also picked Adoring Fan this time and he is just something else 🤣

Honestly it’s a shame the game didn’t launch in this state because it probably would have made a big difference. I know a lot of the complaints haven’t been addressed but mostly that’s just players with near impossible standards.

Edit: I meant the first major update that released Nov 21st (1.8.86) and those improvements carried over to the most recent “patch” that addressed the clinger asteroid thing


101 comments sorted by

u/ChesnaughtZ Dec 04 '23

Reminder to report bad behavior instead of engaging in arguments.

Side note: Feel free to join r/TheGoblinHub for no sodium general gaming discussions


u/tha_salami_lid Dec 03 '23

They seem to have fixed the Cutter Stutter™ which is major for me


u/thegryphonator Dec 03 '23

Oh absolutely it was nearly unbearable before, switching between scanner and weapons while exploring planets. I’m definitely very happy about that


u/Obi_is_not_Dead Dec 04 '23

What was the Cutter Stutter?


u/tha_salami_lid Dec 04 '23

On Xbox, when you’d switch to scanner with a regular weapon in your hands (which pulls out your cutter), it would cause this jarring stutter/lag for a second


u/madTerminator Constellation Dec 03 '23 edited Dec 03 '23

Confirm. Looks slightly better on Xbox x. Bethesda should list all minor changes not just big one to shut mouth some complainers .

I’m glad they launched as it was. I had a lot of fun. And it’s good they wait year to polish that game. Year before it would be tragedy and many major issues.


u/grubas Dec 04 '23

You can go recalibrate HDR and find some good tweaks too. I redid the entire graphics setup.


u/madTerminator Constellation Dec 04 '23

I don’t have 4k screen for my Xbox 😔


u/HamMcStarfield Bounty Hunter Dec 04 '23

I'm glad they launched as it was, too. So many people just can't understand a game that was conceived for long-term development.


u/Smart_Pig_86 Dec 04 '23

A year from now, ten years form now, Starfield will hold up


u/RS_Hoonigan Dec 04 '23

I haven't seen anyone mention this. After the patch, creatures and humans get bullet holes and some blood on them after being shot. Wasn't visible before.


u/AtaracticGoat Dec 04 '23

I just noticed this too. I shot a pirate in the head at distance with a sniper rifle, when I approached the body there was blood on the inside of the helmet visor. Thank you for confirming I'm not crazy and I just never noticed that before lol


u/AceTheRed_ Dec 04 '23

Yo that’s fucking awesome


u/grubas Dec 04 '23

I need to go shoot some people now. Brb.


u/thegryphonator Dec 04 '23

I’ll have to look for this, though I am not one to really care about gore elements in anything, I did notice a lot players wanting more of it.


u/RS_Hoonigan Dec 04 '23

Its not that I particularly wanted more. It is fine the way it is imo. It was just an immersion breaker for me for the game to have blood splatter on walls and the ground but nothing on the bodies.


u/MoebabF Constellation Dec 04 '23

it’s the same. you just noticed it


u/malaphortmanteau Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 04 '23

I feel like this effect did exist previously, but it was limited to a higher (maybe the highest?) graphics quality setting for me - I might be misremembering but I thought it was one of the details I noticed in the brief time I tried running it above what was functional for me to play at regularly.

Maybe the patch lowered the threshold for this particular element to be rendered? Or maybe it's a PC vs XBOX thing?

ETA: I just realized that since the OP mentioned Series X, everyone else is probably specifically speaking in the context of XBOX. I've never owned one, so it didn't immediately translate for me.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23



u/Witty_Interaction_77 Dec 04 '23

There was blood splatter. However, shooting bodies left zero marks that persisted past the initial impact of rounds.


u/NxTbrolin Bounty Hunter Dec 04 '23

Ahh gotcha gotcha. On PC we get those bullet impact marks but they disappear pretty quickly, and usually no more than 1-2 holes visible.


u/KillyShoot Dec 04 '23


u/hstormsteph Dec 04 '23

Just give me 60fps please. I hate that it bugs me like it does and I’ve been spoiled by series x but the 30fps lock really messes with me for some reason. Made the mistake of watching my buddy play on his gaming laptop (mid grade at best) and it looked like a completely different experience. No mods or anything. He hadn’t even gotten past “Into the Unknown”.


u/Friendly-Ad8925 Dec 04 '23

Lmfao that adoring fan dude......he LOVES you


u/JimR521 Dec 04 '23

Not love. Adoration. 😂😂


u/tbenterF Constellation Dec 04 '23

Every mfk molecule, bro.


u/emerald-rabbit Dec 03 '23

I’m having a blast, but I haven’t seen as much improvement on S series. That’s my bad, maybe. It looks great and I have no problems as long as I restart once an hour.


u/grubas Dec 04 '23

Unfortunately I think part of the issue is that the game gets slower as it goes even on X.


u/emerald-rabbit Dec 04 '23

Yeah, I responded to another comment that I was restarting as a precaution. They didn’t like that either. I’m enjoying the game very much, and for me restarting once an hour prevents a lot of what people are complaining about. Should in need to, maybe no? But I am willing to do that because I love the game.


u/grubas Dec 05 '23

It's fine it's just an unfortunate issue that the S is basically gonna get beaten around due to the processing power.


u/emerald-rabbit Dec 05 '23

It’s true, my S was a gift and I can’t complain. I love this game and I’ll deal with whatever I have to on S.


u/thegryphonator Dec 04 '23

Interesting I actually play on series S as well, and I haven’t crashed much at all since the patch. Not like before, where it would happen once every hour or so


u/emerald-rabbit Dec 04 '23

It’s definitely less often, and from what I’ve seen from others is that NG+ kind of cleans things and I haven’t gone to the unity since the update. Also, like I said, when textures stop loading, or the pause menu takes a second, I just restart to avoid crashing. I might be doing it sooner than necessary, but for me that’s about once an hour. It’s much better than before. I used to be nervous every loading screen. I also didn’t pass the unity until about level 75 and I took my time. It seems that saves get complicated as it needs to save more and more information. No complaints. I’m having a blast. This is just works for me and keeps me from being frustrated.


u/MeowiWaui Dec 04 '23

that’s odd tbh, I’ve played on series s since release and it’s never crashed on me


u/5-in-1Bleach Dec 04 '23

For me the crash is auto save related. I’ve disabled on pause and wait, which helps. And overtime i need to keep reducing the number of save files that I have.

I’m level 78 focusing on surveying all planets and haven’t completed too many quests.

So I guess planet data adds up.

But yeah I have to quit out of the game about every hour to remain stable. I guess the ‘good news’ is that I can see when it starts to become unstable with how long it takes for an auto save to complete. So I know then it’s time to reset.

I’ve only surveyed ~300 planets so I hope they’re able to address before I have 1,000 planets surveyed and start questing again.


u/Arentanji Dec 04 '23

Getting crashes at times on pc as well.


u/wesuah442 Dec 04 '23

I think you're right about them tweaking a few extra things, even on PC. I have noticed a lot more in-orbit encounters and system map signals after that patch dropped.


u/Hoppikinz Dec 04 '23

I’m on series X as well and noticed drastic visual improvements since last week’s (I think) update.. to clarify are you talking about that main patch or did I miss a more recent one that took it up even another notch/patched other things? I haven’t had the chance to play the past couple nights. Thanks and take care!


u/Unfortunate_moron Dec 04 '23

Same on PC. The game looks much better. Colors are much more vibrant. It's a different game now.

I think OP was referring to the prior patch, not the latest one. (I am too.)


u/Hoppikinz Dec 04 '23

Yep, me as well now all things considered. Happy it got better for you too, such an great experience happy to see any and all improvements on top of that. ✌🏻


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

Honestly it’s a shame the game didn’t launch in this state

I agree - but then again, it can still happen, because Cyberpunk 2077 and No Mans Sky took years to go from public burning to canonisation.


u/Botosi5150 Bounty Hunter Dec 03 '23

I'm really loving the game, but I do wish they would focus more on bug fixes first. Stuff like the ship shield glitch and the no crew on enemy ships glitch are still present. I haven't run into it again yet, but I have not seen a fix in the patch notes either for the no inventory/can't safe bug that seems to happen quite often in the unique NG+ universes.


u/butterbutts317 Dec 04 '23

The ecs constant still out there missing for me, plus no crew on ships and ships not opening when they land.


u/MoebabF Constellation Dec 04 '23

I’m pretty sure it’s personal, they saw your username and decided to fuck with you


u/butterbutts317 Dec 04 '23

Probably right


u/MoebabF Constellation Dec 04 '23

I would


u/SaraRainmaker L.I.S.T. Dec 03 '23

Some bug fixes are more complicated than others, and while I am sure they have a triage system that prioritizes different bugs, some of them will take longer to fix than others.

There were a great many bug fixes in this last update and they are already working on more in the new beta branch. I am sure eventually they'll be able to figure out what the issue is with the bugs that are specifically hitting you, but you have to understand that in development, knowing a bug should be a priority and being able to determine what the issue is and repair it are two very different things.


u/Botosi5150 Bounty Hunter Dec 03 '23

I definitely understand that. I just feel like time would be much better spent on figuring things like that out instead of adding stuff like letting us eat food directly.


u/SaraRainmaker L.I.S.T. Dec 03 '23

There are a lot of people working on the game - something like 250 at the moment. I am sure that they are doing both.


u/insane_contin Dec 04 '23

There's something like 250 people working on the game still. fixing the shield glitch is going to require different people then adding a option to eat food directly. The minor bugs are gonna go a lot faster and are probably being handled by interns and junior developers/artists, while the major bugs are being handled by the more senior teams. Its not like if they stop working on every other bug and focus on the really big ones they'll be fixed quicker.


u/PanzerWatts Dec 04 '23

This is the classic case of 9 women can't make a baby in 1 month. Some problems take time and throwing extra manpower on it has rapid diminishing returns. So, you spread the people out fixing different and some big bug take a bit longer, but bugs in general get fixed faster.


u/Derkastan77-2 Dec 04 '23

Yeah, the ghost ship bug is annoying. Every single time I load the game, i have it, and need ti enter 2 condole commands every login to re-fix it.


u/e22big Dec 03 '23

Honestly, I want the opposite. Bugs needed to be fixed but I want them to actually focus on content and mechanic rather than bug fixing. There will always be bugs in Bethesda game, I don't want them to spend years chasing goose and end up like Cyberpunk with a single expansion (no matter how fantastic the expansion was, we can deal with bugs in Bethesda game, it's much harder to create expansion size contents to the same Bethesda standard, many from Skyrim took years, or still wasn't out even after a decade even with arguably the best mod making software suite ever.)


u/Botosi5150 Bounty Hunter Dec 03 '23

I certainly want new stuff as well, but game breaking bugs and more serious stuff like skills not working correctly should be addressed asap. The small bugs that can be avoided by keeping backup saves don't bother me that much but running into a major bug and having to go into NG+ and hope you don't run into it again can get frustrating and could really ruin someone's experience. FO4, with its constant crashing downtown, is a great example. The game is fun overall, but having to deal with such a major issue makes it more difficult for many to have a positive experience with it.


u/Next_Interview8662 Dec 04 '23

I’m loving all the new space POIs, derelict ships with stories of what happened on board, more satellites and traders


u/jasonmoyer Dec 03 '23

The latest patch that keeps asteroids from following your ship?


u/thegryphonator Dec 03 '23

lol um I think I mean the one before, technically.


u/AniBotFounder Dec 04 '23

Wait wait wait... are we SURE that's fixed? Because I wanna get to blastin'. Been holding off for weeks.


u/jasonmoyer Dec 04 '23

No idea, never experienced that bug, but it's basically the only thing fixed in the current beta patch on Steam.


u/randomHiker19 Dec 04 '23

That’s the small patch in beta not on XBOX yet. I had at least six before entering NG+ but was careful not to jump near asteroids in my current playthrough. This worked for a while but I just recently picked up a good size one that appears in my outposts. Hopefully that patch rolls to XBOX soon.


u/HamMcStarfield Bounty Hunter Dec 04 '23

You mean the update with the gun case patch?


u/thegryphonator Dec 04 '23

I’m not sure was that an exploit of some kind?


u/HamMcStarfield Bounty Hunter Dec 04 '23

Yes. It was the patch that just came out to Steam beta a couple days ago. Your post seems more about the bigger patch that came out a couple weeks ago. I thought it would be odd that a patch came out of beta this quickly, so was making sure.


u/Nocuadra66 Dec 04 '23

Hopefully this next patch comes out this coming week.


u/tvnguska Dec 04 '23

Can confirm. I had around 12 days on a single play through. Took a few weeks off and decided to speedrun 10 NG+ for the suit. Well just finished today and the game feels so smooth and just way more stable. No crashes, no stuttering, no frame drops and yeah the game looks better.


u/Aonswitch Dec 04 '23

I just wish it fixed the glitch I’m having in the guilty parties mission. Had about two hundred hours in the game and was loving it but dropped it immediately since I couldn’t progress. I went back to check and still, no damn slate.


u/haggisaddict Dec 04 '23

Is this the patch that is fixing the outpost weapon case glitch?


u/humanmanhumanguyman Dec 04 '23

I can actually play at 60fps at 1440p now on my 2060 with dlss, had to run it at 1080p before and on a 43inch monitor it looked like garbage. Much more passable now.


u/Potential-Ad5470 Dec 04 '23

What are your settings? I’m getting 45-50 at 1440p 60fps with my 2060s


u/humanmanhumanguyman Dec 04 '23

Everything as low as it goes, dlss at ultra performance. Its still pretty terrible but its at least playable now


u/Dean_38 Dec 04 '23

The games was a 10/10 for me on launch already and now it’s just improving. If only sfse would work I could add some of the great new mods I found.


u/brehemerm52 Dec 04 '23

Can anyone confirm they added more variety to the POIs? Honestly my biggest gripe with the game


u/AtaracticGoat Dec 04 '23

There must have been something weird with the POI generator where your game greatly favored certain POIs. I've seen POIs I've never seen before, but I don't think they actually added any new ones.


u/JimR521 Dec 04 '23

Agreed. And I’m seeing less per landing.


u/MagnusGallant23 Ryujin Industries Dec 04 '23

Now, this is something i approve.


u/lakerconvert Dec 04 '23

No I have no idea what OP is talking about


u/SoldierPhoenix Dec 04 '23

Real HDR got implemented and you can turn off film grain.


u/BigBaldGames Constellation Dec 04 '23

Yeah, the HDR support on Xbox Series X is much better and the game looks glorious on my 85" Samsung 4K TV. 😎



u/lakerconvert Dec 04 '23

Literally none of what you mentioned is in the patch notes, so I have no idea where you’re getting this from. Visuals were always great so no problems there for me, but I’m still getting stuttering in major cities and still the same POI’s. I have always loved the game, but no idea what 8.5 to 9.5 to you’re talking about when none of those changes exist


u/thegryphonator Dec 04 '23

Well im comparing the 300 or so hours I’ve played to the near 50 hours I’ve played since the update, and there is a huge difference.


u/Infamous_Campaign687 Dec 04 '23

Improved visuals and less stutter definitely was on the patch notes, and it was a dramatic improvement for many. I had major stuttering with an RTX 4080 in every city in 4K. Now I only have occasional minor stutter in Akila City. Otherwise everything is sharper, contrast is way better and FPS is 15-20 higher without frame gen.

It was a very good patch.


u/lakerconvert Dec 04 '23

OP is talking about Xbox bud. We are all aware that PC users got a big performance boost


u/PDCH Dec 04 '23

Dude, you are way behind.


u/thegryphonator Dec 04 '23

Dude, I didn't realize it was a race. Luckily nobody but you seems to care.


u/tbenterF Constellation Dec 04 '23

Guys prolly poopin


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23



u/tbenterF Constellation Dec 04 '23



u/jch730 Dec 05 '23

Baldur’s Gate 3 had been in beta (and available to the public) for 3 years and their first patch, in their own words, addressed over ONE THOUSAND bugs. They’d better put some “support and love” into those patches…


u/Scandroid99 Dec 04 '23

I wish we’d get an FoV slider


u/Lady_bro_ac Crimson Fleet Dec 04 '23

There is an FoV slider, it’s under accessibility


u/Scandroid99 Dec 04 '23

On Xbox? I’ll have to check. I’m on Series X


u/Lady_bro_ac Crimson Fleet Dec 04 '23

Yup I’m on the series X oddly the game seems to run a little smoother for me with a higher FoV too on the X


u/Coast_watcher Bounty Hunter Dec 04 '23

I use AF for any side missions, then switch to Constellation for any main missions and their personal quests.


u/Svii Dec 04 '23

What? Clingy asteroid is gone?! .. my precious ..


u/sir_swiggity_sam Dec 04 '23

More POIs got added? I've been taking a break after 6 days worth of hours, but getting more POIs will definitely give me more to do


u/PanzerWatts Dec 04 '23

More POIs got added? I've been taking a break after 6 days worth of hours, but getting more POIs will definitely give me more to do

Did they actually add more POIs? Or did they just rebalance them so that you saw more than a handful in the lower areas? They were pretty gated previously (by planet level?) and it seems like I'm seeing a bigger variety. But I don't know if they are actually brand new POI's.


u/lemonprincess23 Dec 04 '23

Oh yeah. Feels way smoother and also crashing WAYYY less so that’s really good!


u/IntergalacticFly Dec 04 '23

Anyones head still stuck looking to the left when running at full speed?


u/BigYonsan Dec 04 '23

Yeah, but cyberpunk just put out a new patch too and I can't play both at the same time so... Let me know when shattered space is out.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

Yea its great. I still have a bug for into the unknown and can't make any progress tho, so I'll give the update a 2 out of 10


u/NovitiateSage Dec 04 '23

I was just in Akila City, and managed to walk around a bit, after finishing Sam’s quest, then leave. No crashing! Some texture derezzing.


u/Peefersteefers Dec 04 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

Sorry, youre not sure what it improved but it jumped a full point in rating?


u/thegryphonator Dec 05 '23

Well, I said the graphics improved, less frame dropping and stuttering, I didn’t say this but less crashing and others have reported that as well - its like the game is in a state that it should’ve been at launch.