r/NOLAPelicans 2d ago

Sign Thomas Bryant as our Great Value starting 5 for this upcoming season.

I was listening to Locked On Pelicans and heard Jake Madison make this suggestion. I thought it was an interesting suggestion. 🤔🧐




25 comments sorted by


u/TrusttheProcess13 2d ago

I honestly don’t think the starting center needs to be anyone special. Just sign two guys that play hard and rebound at this point. If anyone can stretch the floor then great but the options are slim at this point and BI trade doesn’t yield you an awesome big guy rn


u/rustyspoonman Naji Fucks 2d ago

I just want a dude that can screen an switch a little. One of rim protection or 3 point shooting would obviously be nice too


u/TrusttheProcess13 2d ago

Same I would like that too. I do think Yves will crack the rotation at least a bit during the year but the options at this point are really not great lol


u/Razor-Ramon-Sessions Zanos 2d ago

What you're describing is the actual center we would like lol

All jokes aside we are likely going to end up with a stop gap center until we trade BI


u/David_Griffin_ 2d ago

The problem there is that he’s not good


u/BlackScienceJesus #LetsDance 2d ago

Starting Thomas Bryant would be an absolute disaster. He’s unplayable in any serious game.


u/SquintGrisslefoot 1d ago

Why does it matter? We're not running the offense through him and his defense can be made up for by Missi. He's just a placeholder for 20 minutes a game. I think y'all are looking too deep into this. The center position doesn't matter anymore with the current roster


u/BlackScienceJesus #LetsDance 1d ago

His defense can be made up for by a rookie who went #21 in the worst draft in a decade? Y’all are actually insane. There’s a reason no one wants Thomas Bryant. It’s because he stinks. We would absolutely bleed points with him on the court.


u/ekayent222 2d ago

I'm not against this signing 


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 2d ago

He or Theis would be fine.


u/DirkaDirkaTeamUSA 2d ago

I would take Theis as well. Preferably over T.Bryant. I didn’t even know Theis was a FA.


u/NotOnHerb05 2d ago

Paul Reed. Might get dumped by PHI.


u/DirkaDirkaTeamUSA 1d ago

Also, would be a decent addition. 💯


u/SquintGrisslefoot 1d ago

I don't think many ppl in this fanbase understand that the center doesn't matter at this point when the rest of the roster is this stacked. Bryant is a good move because he is an experienced player who can also rebound. That's it. Doesn't matter how good he is


u/DirkaDirkaTeamUSA 1d ago

Exactly, lol.


u/jgman22 2d ago



u/Danishes724 #5 Herb Jones 2d ago

Thomas Bryant is not a starting level center, or even close. He's like JV but an even worse rebounder, even worse defender, and a similarly inconsistent offensive game. Bryant will give you some good regular season games but is unplayable in the playoffs. At best he should be a 3rd center for depth. No thanks.


u/ToothEducational7795 2d ago

Robert Williams should be the main target imo


u/predw 💙💛❤ 2d ago

What about the other 60 games a year?


u/Eventide718 2d ago

More like 70


u/ToothEducational7795 2d ago

Yeah he has the injury problem but as a player he would fit nice with this team. Injury is a big problem tho. I was thinking of him and Kessler.


u/_Wado3000 Herb Jones 2d ago

The pain of the truth of this statement 😭 I want a local boy to hoop down here so bad


u/Fuzzy-Green-9636 2d ago

Nice joke. He's absolutely terrible defender.


u/DirkaDirkaTeamUSA 2d ago

It's not mine. Credit goes to Jake Madison of Locked On Pelicans.


u/RUJONKING 2d ago

I’m sure Jose will love having Thomas Bryant around