r/Marvel 2d ago

What are some quotes/dialogue you would write between two characters in a Marvel fighting game? Games


15 comments sorted by


u/GenioPlaboyeSafadao 1d ago

MvC3 dialogue takes a lot from what was going in the comics at the time, is a very unique game in that sense.

A few years back, thinking about the Zdarsky run on Daredevil, I thought how a Spider-Man-Daredevil intro could work, thinking how the intros in MvC3 are just two lines, one from each character, and they are designed to work with either character speaking first.

So it would be something like :

Intro :

Spider-Man: I told you that if you put that costume back again I would have to take you down!

Daredevil : Sorry, Peter, you are the best of us, but I have no choice!


Spider-Man wins:

I did not want to do that, Matt.

Daredevil wins:

I hope that you learned that a man without hope, is a man without fear.


u/Ashconwell7 1d ago

Thank you! This is exactly what I wanted to see in this comment section. I’m afraid some people might somehow misunderstand the post title


u/Sorrelhas Fantastic Four 2d ago

My only complaint about Marvel 3 is that there are way more quotes for the Marvel side than the Capcom side, and way more interaction between Marvel characters than between Marvel and Capcom characters


u/GenioPlaboyeSafadao 2d ago

Yeah, it is weird how Haggar, for instance, has 3 interactions in the game, one against Shuma, one against Hawkeye and one against Hulk, and that is it, while I think no Marvel character has less than 5.

For Marvel that is great, and it make sense that Marvel characters would have more things to say to each other than Capcom characters from different franchises would have, but is so uneven.


u/Sorrelhas Fantastic Four 1d ago

I remember reading that the dialogue was written by Marvel writers, so I imagine it was easier for them to write for the Marvel characters


u/GenioPlaboyeSafadao 1d ago

Yeah, the shame is that what they wrote for the Capcom rep was good material, just not as much as for the Marvel characters.

MvCI has a more even number of interactions, but in that game the characters talk a lot more with each other in comparasion with MvC3, but they dont say anything, that game is not a quarter as witty.


u/browncharliebrown 1d ago

it's Frank Tieri


u/ImABarbieWhirl 1d ago

Deaths Head: “Wilson, I am greatest mercenary! I am bringing you in, yes?”

Deadpool: “Hey pal, shouldn’t you be out hunting [mumbles] Robots and British guys?”

Spider-Man (when facing another Spider-Man): 😶👉 👈😶

Gwenpool: “You guys really wanted to see this?” [looks directly at the audience and taps the screen]

Deadpool: “I mean, we all know this is non-canon!”


u/pembunuhUpahan 1d ago

Deadpool "Wow, you'e much taller than Josh"

Cable "What are you babling about Wade"


u/Ashconwell7 1d ago

What is this a reference to?


u/pembunuhUpahan 1d ago

Josh Brolin


u/MusiqNFlight 1d ago

Blade: so you’re an alien that needs to feed on human brains to survive?

Venom: Brains or chocolate, we prefer brains

Blade: Close enough to a vampire for me

She Hulk: Why are you trying to stop me from going after this guy?

Daredevil: He’s innocent…trust me..I just know

She Hulk: Let’s hope his lawyer has a better defense than that

Deadpool: Heya! how’s the wife and little Cece and Phillip doin?

Mr Fantastic: My children’s names are Franklin, and Valeria

Deadpool: When will the lies stop Jim?! I saw you out with Emily the other day!!


u/AggressiveMammoth267 1d ago

MVC3 devil hulk if he was in the game: science is the other guy and when you hurt that guy I take it personal.


u/InoueNinja94 1d ago

Wasted opportunity for Spider-Man not making a Karate Kid reference on Ryu or Akuma

"Hey, Karate Kid! The 80s called, they want their stuff back!"


u/grandfunkmc 1d ago

She-Hulk vs Deadpool

Deadpool: You broke the 4th wall before me, but I do it better.

She-Hulk: Frequently doesn't equal better, Wade.

She-Hulk win quote: And stop trying to get Laura and me to recreate Incredible Hulk #181!

Deadpool win quote: Just between us, I enjoyed your Disney+ show.