r/Marvel 2d ago

Most evil thing each Marvel villain has done, Day 14: Doctor Octopus Comics

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u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 2d ago

Stealing Peter’s body and life for several years


u/RespawnedAlchemist 2d ago

Right! And he almost got away with it. Damn interdimensonal shenanigans with the Inheritors messed up his plan by meeting his future self with Peter back in control.


u/Ruve06 1d ago

When did that happen?


u/RespawnedAlchemist 1d ago

Both happened around 2013-2014. Doc Oc had control over Peter's body in Superior Spider-man. Those came out in 2013-2014. You'll want to read Amazing Spider-Man (1999) before starting Superior Spider-man. I started at 695 and read up to 700 which is the end of the 1999 run. You could start at 698, which is when the Doc Oc swap storyline really picks up but there's a small but highly important thing that happens during a Hobgoblin fight at the end of 697 that completes the story.

Then the Spider-verse storyline from 2014 is when Doc Oc Mets his future self where Peter is back in control of his own body.

Reddit Spider-Verse Reading Order

I enjoyed both storylines and I highly recommend.

Edit: Typo on dates.


u/Personal-Math3196 2d ago

i think bc of how time works in comics he only had it for like 3 months. all of Krakoa was just 1 year technically


u/TheRayGunCowboy 2d ago

Superior spider man was hunting the inheritors outside normal space/time of 616 maybe?? He did have a small squad organized at the start of spider-verse


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 2d ago

Yeah I realized I always think of it as going on for way longer for some reason. It’s absolutely bonkers how condensed Krakoa was supposed to be haha, three galas in a year


u/DirtySoap3D 1d ago

Time will only continue to condense further as long as Marvel refuses to let characters like Spider-Man age and also refuse to abandon continuity.


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 1d ago

Eh, it doesn’t bother me that much as long as we don’t try to pin it down too specifically. Though I wouldn’t mind if they’d let Spider-Man grow as a character lol


u/DirtySoap3D 1d ago

I try to look at it like both everything and nothing is canon. Like, past events are only canon if they are relevant to the current storyline.


u/Hazeri 1d ago

I guess at each solstice and equinox?


u/Electronic-Math-364 1d ago

Dosen't make sense,The Hellfire Gala is an annual event and we had atleast 3


u/vertigo1083 1d ago

In-universe time is arbitrary, and will change at the whim of whoever is writing. It is a constant, ever-changing retcon to allow comics to be modern while not aging.

Peter Parker is canonically just shy of 30 years old in 616, currently. He was a junior in High School in 1962, real time.


u/Personal-Math3196 1d ago

i never said that it makes sense


u/Spectre_195 1d ago

How many Chritsmases have their been in Marvel? Sliding time scale lol


u/-NinjaTurtleHermit- 1d ago

And yet, they had three hellfire galas. Were they supposed to be annual or seasonal?


u/Personal-Math3196 1d ago

by the people who wrote the stories? annuals. by marvel editorial for whatever reason they happened every 4 months


u/zeekertron 2d ago

Several months*


u/Pristine_Animal9474 2d ago

Even in publication time, it was a little more than a year.


u/Macgargan1976 1d ago

December 2012 to April 2014. I worked in a comic shop at the time and had to sell the bloody thing...


u/PunkchildRubes 1d ago

It was a weird time for Peter cause he had also died in Ultimate Spider-man the year before. So Peter was dead across it's two major universes at the same time for a bit


u/apatheticviews 1d ago

I mean Peter was a shishow. Doc actually did a pretty good job balancing S-M/PP


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 1d ago

I don’t think “I improved your life!” really overrides “I stole your life and intended for it to be permanent”


u/apatheticviews 1d ago

“He had it coming” defense


u/MegaDaithi 1d ago

"Your life was in shambles! You should thank me, Dr. Parker!" "It was my li- wait I'm a doctor?!"


u/boy_inna_box 1d ago

Him stealing that little Japanese girls body was even more messed up.


u/HatredInfinite Magneto 1d ago

The whole bit with Peter (in Otto's broken body) crying, confused, and on the verge of death, while Otto gloats over him is infuriating. I don't care how good the arc turned out to be. Fuck the whole arc just for that. Peter's schtick is kind of regularly getting shit on by life, but that was next level.


u/Drayco21 Man-Thing 2d ago

One time he tried to commit mass genocide on Earth's population while explicitly name-checking how he'd kill more people than Hitler and Pol Pot combined.

The fact that like a year later the same writer tried to convince us that actually no he's a changed man and a hero now is absurd for how severe his crimes were at that point.


u/Shacky_Rustleford 1d ago

To be fair, he had been blasted by Peter's origin story by that point. That kind of thing would change anyone.


u/AporiaParadox 1d ago

Yeah, it's kind of weird that any villain is willing to team up with Doc Ock or any hero was willing to give him a second chance after that.


u/Theta-Sigma45 1d ago edited 1d ago

There are two distinct Ottos, the version who has at least some sense of honour and a sympathetic side, and the version who is just a spiteful, petty monster. Slott started by writing the latter, but then switched to the former and acted like he had always written him that way after a while.

(I get that it’s development for him, but there’s really not enough acknowledgement of how evil he previously was, he at very least shouldn’t have ever gotten treated like part of the gang as he was for a while in the second Superior run.)


u/R3luctant 1d ago

I think that is a testament to how powerful spideys morals are, that they can change world ender doc ock



that haircut


u/heygotem93 2d ago

Got em 😂


u/Winged_One_97 1d ago

yee-yee ass haircut.


u/Intelligent-Let5187 1d ago

Is it worse than Osborn’s?



2 people can simultaneously violate the Geneva Convention

that being said, Norman's is at least unique lol


u/PhilosophyOwn2857 2d ago

Being a nightmare fuel to my childhood as Monster Ock (Spider-Man 2000, PS1)


u/DarthVaderIsMyWaifu 2d ago



u/Hilarity2War 2d ago

Lol, my sister's first Spider-Man movie was Spider-Man 2, and she was tod then. She had her eyes half open at the cinema throughout the movie, from the hospital scene until the end.


u/PhilosophyOwn2857 1d ago

Ah, the style of Raimi horror never fails lol


u/DMike82 2d ago

Trying to fry the world as his lasting legacy before dying.


u/zeekertron 2d ago

Held the entire world hostage with global warming


u/Hilarity2War 2d ago

Oh, flip! I remember that. That was right before the Superior Spider-Man series. That was crazy. Great climax, actually.


u/HerEntropicHighness 1d ago

Can't Bobby Drake or Ororo fix that immediately


u/Apprehensive_Mix4658 Colossus 2d ago

On personal level — the whole Superior Spider-man. That level of identity theft is terrifying 

On global level — trying to destroy the world with heat lasers or something like that. 


u/Hilarity2War 2d ago

"Identity theft is no joke, Otto!"


u/nightkraken666 2d ago

Trying to solve the world’s “snow” addiction


u/NotACyclopsHonest 1d ago

His Sinister Six slaughtered over 100,000 extra-dimensional aliens in order to steal their technology.


u/AporiaParadox 1d ago

I don't recall their body count being that high, but yeah they killed a whole bunch of aliens. Definitely the most evil thing Electro, Vulture and Mysterio did.


u/SethNex 2d ago

Switched bodies with Spider-Man, and let Peter die in his dying body.


u/Jrod12155555 2d ago

I can’t remember if it exactly was him but in the ultimate universe he had a big role in the clone saga of Peter and that whole mind fuck that Peter went through with his dad possibly being alive and Gwen coming back and a spider woman clone of himself is enough to mentally break anyone


u/Robot-King56 2d ago

Trying to have the world die with him during the Ends of the Earth comic.


u/kaptaincorn 2d ago

Tried to marry old school aunt may.

Like old grandma aunt may, not the recent silver foxy aunt may, nor big sister aunt may of the mcu


u/Aluminum2099 2d ago

Came here to say this. I think he was after a plutonium mine she inherited or something along those lines…?


u/spider_X_1 1d ago

Yes. Him and Hammerhead somehow survived the nuclear blast when the island with the plutonium mine exploded while being in the center of it. Ock became an amnesiac hobo and Hammerhead became an ectoplasm who later tricked Ock into making him whole again. Wild stuff.


u/Aluminum2099 1d ago

Comics in the 90s were a wild ride for sure! lol


u/spider_X_1 1d ago

That story was from the 70s


u/Aluminum2099 1d ago

Slip of the finger! My bad.


u/PCN24454 1d ago

That sounds wrong simply because it sounds like you’re complaining about her being attractive as though that’s the biggest issue.


u/kaptaincorn 1d ago

Im giving context in the time frame of how aunt may has been depicted.

Only relatively recently, she's been depicted like middle age/younger- before she was like a grandma


u/Aizendickens 2d ago

Damn, I like this look on him!

As for most evil, I'd say stealing Peter's life and letting him die in a gruesome way.


u/Scaredog21 2d ago

Global Warming


u/Macgargan1976 1d ago

Nearly marrying Aunt May...


u/StealthMonkeyDC 1d ago

Keeping someone who can't die in a tiny prison for years.


u/Mad_Scientist_Dave 1d ago

Glueing Peters spider trousers to him his skin qith peters own web fluid


u/Money-Drummer565 1d ago

He could fix global warming. But he didn’t. He actually thought it was best to kill everybody so everybody would remember him … And this guy died before. And then to hell. Straight to Mephisto’s seat. This person knew there is an afterlife in marvel, one that works on the Christian moral axis, and decides to literally kill everybody. Everybody, but burning them alive with solar lents, just because he was dying …


u/baroqueworks 1d ago
  • Injecting Norman Osborn with goblin serum against his will

  • Killing Peter Parker for Kindred during Sinister War

  • Locking Up Supernova in a tiny room for years and forgetting about her

  • Stealing and piloting underage children's minds with his more recent Superior plot

  • Made a deal with Mephisto to defeat a variant Norman Osborn


u/sideways_jack 1d ago

I'm gonna be honest: his most heinous crime is NOT rocking that 90s white suit and snowboarder sunglasses as his default costume. The drip is strong with this one.


u/Verb_Noun_Number Spider-Gwen 1d ago

Trying to accelerate global warming to kill the entire earth. 


u/Lazy-Indication3992 1d ago

When he became the superior Spider-Man and then killed the rest of Peter's brainwaves


u/dimibro71 1d ago

Could he defeat maestro hulk?


u/Reasonable_Equal99 1d ago

Who played the character of Dr.Octopa in Spider-Man?


u/LeggoMahLegolas 1d ago

Nearly married Aunt May


u/FluentHeresy 1d ago

Didn’t he let Reed and Sue Richards’ unborn child die during John Byrne’s run?


u/No-Lock-3477 1d ago

Prolly when he-


u/Adorable_Score_1638 1d ago

Marry Aunt May