r/Marvel 3d ago

Whose the best hunter/tracker in Marvel? Comics


268 comments sorted by


u/Captain_Saftey 3d ago

Sabertooth is your man if you want to track down 1 Canadian in particular


u/Annaryx 2d ago

or his girlfriends and kids/clones.


u/BigDadEShaxx 2d ago

Especially during that particular Canadians birth day


u/nightclaw96 2d ago

I loved when he kicked the shit outta old man Logan in Weapon X because of that insane text he sent Logan first


u/Future-Try-1908 2d ago

On his birthday


u/Smaptastic 2d ago

Or Thanos if you’re specifically looking for David on his birthday.


u/Tyrs_righthand Spider-Man 3d ago

Surprised Warpath isn’t an option at least


u/hmd_ch 2d ago

His brother Thunderbird also has tracking abilities


u/BrilliantBen 2d ago

Isn't he ded though?


u/slicwilli Apocalypse 2d ago

He got better.


u/Ok-Turnip-477 Wolverine 2d ago

If you hang around another 5 minutes he’ll be dead then


u/Meme_Theory 2d ago

I think he was one of, if not the, first mutants who got the Resurrection Protocol performed.


u/ThisMomentsSilence 2d ago

No he did get resurrected but he wasn’t one of the first because he died before Cerebro went online. He was resurrected after the Scarlet Witch created the Waiting Room, AKA mutant heaven


u/xreddawgx 2d ago

I've always wondered do they actually bring back the "soul" of the mutant in the procese. Or is it strictly a body/memory thing akin to mauler twins /Rudolph Conners situation.


u/bjeebus 2d ago

In regards to Thunderbird it's much more genuinely a soul than the original resurrection protocols. Wanda basically tapped into the mutant afterlife and allowed the five to bring dead souls back.


u/Guff95 3d ago

I didn't think of him


u/NK1337 2d ago

Nobody does 😔


u/ThisMomentsSilence 2d ago

I love Warpath he’s one of my top 5 faves


u/Justice502 2d ago

As a tracker/assassin that probably means he's the best lmao

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u/cathartis 2d ago

He's not the most glaring omission. Kazar should definitely be in contention. Another great option is the Predators.


u/kwexrrat 3d ago



u/_Vard_ 3d ago

Kids: “Heimdall can see everything in the Nine Realms! But can he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch!?!”

Heimdall: “it’s because there’s cinnamon sugar swirls in every bite!”

Kids: “No! It’s beca- oh wow… he really CAN see everything!”


u/bigsteven34 2d ago

I read his line in Idris Elba’s voice…and it made it 5x funnier for some reason.


u/alwaysneverquite 2d ago

And now I’m seeing him doing it as Luther…


u/fuck_you_and_fuck_U2 2d ago

Let's roll it back and do it one more time as Charles Minor.


u/The_Pug 3d ago

Reminds me of the MCU meme. Thor: I know a guy that can see anyone anywhere. Cap: I've been searching for Bucky for 2 years, Thor...


u/Useful-Perspective 2d ago

Ach, tell Heimdall not to be looking between four and five. That's Willy's time!


u/atlhawk8357 2d ago

"Don't look at Willie." Good advice.


u/GrimmSmiIes 2d ago

I understood that reference


u/SpideyFan914 1d ago

I somehow read this in Willy's voice before realizing that was the intention. I don't even remember the reference, it's just apparently living in my subconscious.


u/Mr_Pombastic 3d ago

See also: Lactuca the Knower.

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u/parker9832 2d ago

That’s not hunting is you can see everything in the 9 realms. That’s called “looking”.

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u/breck164 3d ago



u/BigTimStiles 3d ago

Can't he only track mutants?


u/breck164 3d ago

As well as fear in humans and his abilities increase that fear making them easier to track.


u/BigTimStiles 3d ago

Ah okay. I didn't know he had those abilities too. That makes a bit more sense 😀


u/breck164 3d ago

His psionic tracking ability is unrivaled. The ultimate hound in the marvel universe.


u/Kander_Thomas9516 2d ago

Don't start with that. Nobody said anything about Sentinels!! 😄


u/cosmoboy 3d ago

Is love to see Kraven hunt Wolvy.


u/grownassedgamer 3d ago

No idea why this hasn't happened yet.


u/drstu3000 3d ago

Didn't it just happen in X-force 33?


u/Lbolt187 3d ago

Happened during the AXE Judgement Day mess


u/Acus21 2d ago

Old man Logan was hunted by Kraven too


u/Lbolt187 2d ago

I did not know that. Makes sense Kraven would try to hunt Wolverine though. Apex hunters (at least on earth)


u/Traditional-Tax-5291 Beta Ray Bill 2d ago

Correct. It started with a hunt for Krakoan Mutants in general, but after being dissatisfied with what the average Krakoan had to offer, he decided to set his focus onto Wolverine after determining he was the greatest adversary.


u/olddadenergy 3d ago

Wolvy hunts you right back.


u/Ok-Guidance-1328 2d ago

It would be over quickly. Logan would sniff him out but probably wouldn’t do nothing and go along with it out of boredom


u/grownassedgamer 2d ago

I dunno.. Kraven is one of those guys who can definitely punch above his weight class and will have figured out how to hide himself from animals with enhanced senses. In the hands of the right writer, it could be a great story.


u/Ok-Guidance-1328 2d ago

Well yeah but the thing is if writers were accurate then him landing a punch on Logan would just break his bones because of the Adamantium skeleton


u/grownassedgamer 2d ago

A good writer will account for that. Who says Kraven would even fight Wolverine with his fists? He's a hunter. He'd use whatever means he had at his disposal to subdue his prey."Punching above his weight class" is a figure of speech. I didn't mean literally punch him lol. Frankly the more I think about it, the more intriguing I find the idea because if Kraven is characterized properly, he could give Wolverine all kinds of problems. Not saying he would win, but he could take advantage of Logan's more animalistic, berserker side and present a realy challenge to him. Would be interesting to see.

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u/spooky-frek 2d ago

Because that's a Hunt he can't win


u/bertboxer 2d ago

yeah tracking/stalking doesn't help when wolverine just murderizes him


u/tsunomat 1d ago

Kraven has been a foe of Spider-Man for his entire existence. And wins a fair amount of time. Spider-Man effortlessly beats Wolverine in hand to hand combat. To say that Kraven wouldn't be able to plan for Wolverine's powerful, though limited, skill set is preposterous.

Wolverine has metal bones and claws, enhanced senses, and a very potent healing factor.

Kraven has superhuman strength, endurance, and senses.

It is nowhere near as one sided as you seem to think.

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u/thelonetext 2d ago

As interesting as that sounds, I doubt Kraven would walk away on two feet messing with Logan

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u/Liar_tuck 2d ago

I love this idea. Aside from maybe the Hulk Wolvie is the most dangerous game.

But I suspect he would just have fun with it and fuck with Kraven.


u/LaVerdadEsMuyCatoli 2d ago

What if they were not hunting each other??? Pretty cool, huh? And saber tooth was also hunting Wolverine and maybe Spider-Man was investigating Kraven … then … a crazy fight amongst them 😀

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u/-CanisLupusLycaon- 2d ago

I think it would be a great storyline for sure. However, Wolverine has outsmarted the Predator, so I am fairly certain he would eventually take Kraven out.


u/AJjalol 3d ago


He always finds Wolverine on his birthday. Always.

Plus, Unlike Logan, Victor embraces his animalistic nature, so I would imagine he is better.


u/Kander_Thomas9516 2d ago

Which is why Logan should make a point of spending all of his future birthdays off world in Space. "Find me out here Sucker!!"😛


u/AJjalol 2d ago

100 percent, but I feel like Victor will still find him lmao.


u/Kander_Thomas9516 2d ago

Knowing the possibility he might be coming, Wolverine will no doubt be ready to blast him out of Space. Wonder how long Victor's healing factor will work floating in the vacuum of Space.🤔


u/YeetMasterChroma 2d ago

I remember watching a black widow short with her having the symbiote. Literally the coolest way and creepiest way to track people. Still going with Wolverine tho.


u/danimac52 Phil Coulson 3d ago

Gotta be Kraven, though I think it could be Daredevil if he trained for it. He has better abilities for it, it just happens Kraven has prepared completely to be a hunter/tracker, DD hasn't.


u/Logan8795 3d ago

I love the art for Kraven shown here. The mustache seems extra detailed for some reason


u/Jezdak 2d ago

Kravni man Omni Krav


u/novice_warbler 2d ago

That’s so Kraven!


u/Astrokiwi 2d ago

Jungle Daredevil sounds like a pretty solid elseworlds comic


u/danimac52 Phil Coulson 1d ago

Dang I would so read that. Or maybe even something like "What If Kraven trained Daredevil instead of Stick?"


u/SauceFinder- 3d ago

Wolverine. He can track down ANYONE by scent. He can even sense people cloaked to all senses, including telepaths.


u/Alternative_Device71 2d ago

Even if it’s days trail, he’ll find ya


u/SaintAlm 2d ago

So can Sabretooth

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u/MattThePl3b 2d ago

Wolverine is the best mid scale tracker, like if you wanted to run full speed at your target who’s on the other side of a forest

Kraven is the most knowledgeable hunter/tracker who could pick up any track and can determine your location on a global scale

Black Widow is one of the most discreet and clever trackers who could get close to you without you knowing

Daredevil is the most detailed short scale tracker who can instantly determine when you last had a shower based on your scent through the building

Mystique is probably on par with Black Widow in a lot of ways

Sabertooth feels like he’s on par with Wolverine and even almost Kraven in some ways

But I’m also not the most knowledgeable on all of their feats


u/TheRealBingBing 3d ago

Prof X plus cerebro He could literally find just about anyone if he tried


u/mrterrific023 2d ago

Well if we are just pulling anyone then Heimdall, that guy can find anyone in the universe

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u/0bjectivelyCorrect 3d ago

I mean yeah but I don't think this is what OP is talking about.


u/Marik-X-Bakura 2d ago

Only when the plot really needs it


u/cryptolipto 3d ago

This is objectively the best answer


u/TheRealBingBing 2d ago

I also liked someone else's answer of Heimdall he can see every soul in the realms in most cases


u/Blackpanther22five 3d ago

Black Panther


u/grownassedgamer 3d ago

Wolverine out of these.


u/badgerrr42 3d ago



u/ShowBorn 2d ago



u/CloverTeamLeader 2d ago edited 2d ago

In urban environments, it's hard to beat Daredevil's super hearing. He can sit on a building and focus in on different sounds in his general vicinity, so if he has some sort of clue about who he's going after, he can probably find them within minutes.

Although that's a very simplistic approach to tracking, and he's probably not the best option if the search area is very wide, or if the target is overseas. Then you'd need somebody like Widow to do all of the Jason Bourne stuff, like hacking surveillance systems.

And then in the wilderness characters like Kraven and Wolverine start to shine.

So it's kind of situational, in my opinion.

If I wanted to locate the man who just stole my bike, I'd ask Daredevil.

If I wanted to locate a short hairy Canadian loner with a penchant for taking long walks in nature, I'd ask Sabretooth or Kraven. (I wouldn't ask those guys, actually; they'd probably kill me immediately. But you get my meaning.)


u/Lbolt187 3d ago

I think Wolverine and his kids are probably the last squad I want tracking me. Sabertooth isn't going to track someone other than Logan.


u/Verdragon-5 3d ago

Kraven; I feel like if you threw Wolverine or Sabertooth into Manhattan they wouldn't be nearly as effective of hunters, and likewise I don't know how well Natasha or Matt would do on the African Veldt, but Kraven is good in pretty much any environment, probably because unlike these other guys, who all have some reason for hunting people, Kraven's just doing it for the love of the game


u/badgerrr42 3d ago

Wolvie has been doing detective work for 100s of years. Manhattan might fuck up his sense of smell, but I don't think you're giving his experience nearly enough credit. Dude basically ran madripoor for a hot minute. It's not as if he isn't accustomed to cities.


u/Verdragon-5 3d ago

Forgot about Madripoor; still giving it to Kraven for his commitment to the sport, so to speak


u/badgerrr42 3d ago

No, my opinion is correct. /s

To your point it is often the case that whomever wolvie is tracking, they often find him. So often it's a trap. Whereas no one ever wants to find kraven and yet he always finds them. Lol


u/julianx2rl 3d ago


When it comes to Tracking at least.


u/painfool 2d ago

Aren't both Caliban and Rachel Summers like, specifically trained to be trackers? I think they need to be in the conversation at the very least

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u/grownassedgamer 3d ago

Tigra should be added here as well. Being a Hunter is in her nature.


u/Guff95 3d ago

Shit didn't think of her


u/Joe-Stapler 3d ago

Nick Fury.


u/David-Leyrer 2d ago

Wolverine. he got that nose on him. He also recently fought kraven in the comics and won. Unless it’s his birthday. Then sabertooth turns into the fuckin predator


u/0bjectivelyCorrect 3d ago

Logan. He's got better senses than Kraven and more skill than Sabertooth.

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u/AuEXP 2d ago

Sabertooth for the mere fact no matter where Wolverine could be on his birthday he will find him and beat his ass


u/Miserable_Extreme_38 2d ago

I mean, doesn't that seem like his way of wishing Logan a happy birthday? Wolverine loves to fight and these two go way back.

Seems like a real bro thing to do.

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u/StJimmy_815 3d ago

Heimdall easily


u/Aizendickens 2d ago



u/klok_kaos 2d ago

I feel like this has to be Kraven simply because that's his whole deal, tracking and hunting it's literally all he does and what he pours his entire focus into.

Everyone else does tracking as a side thing. That said, each of them is going to be more or less suited to a particular situation due to their unique abilities and powers.

Examples: Black widow will excel at tracking via spy intel while daredevil is going to be better with tracking by sound. Each of those will be more or less useful depending on the situation.

I feel like this should be obvious...


u/Sad_Vast2519 2d ago

Professor X or Jean Grey with Cerebro

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u/suikofan80 Iron Fist 2d ago

Sabretooth has the ability to track any scent so long as it’s on the same continent as him. He can track someone from Chile to Alaska.

It’s utterly ridiculous and why Lobo can track anyone by scent even if they are on the other side of the universe or in hell.


u/tsunomat 1d ago

Lobo FTW.


u/1400Diggg 2d ago

Sabertooth or Kravinoff (Russian voice)


u/UpDownFrontBack 2d ago

Sabertooth by far.


u/Wheres_my_phone 2d ago

Callisto or caliban are up there


u/LordVigo1983 2d ago

Caliban, that's literally like his only power till Apocalypse enhances him.


u/man2mars 2d ago

Squirrel Girl 👧 🐿️ …obviously


u/Null_unicode 2d ago

I think it's either daredevil or kraven


u/Myhtological 2d ago

Ghost Rider


u/BostonBlueDevil 2d ago

“They say once the keeper has heard your heartbeat you're his forever.” I’ll take Earth-295 (Age of Apocalypse) Daredevil who can not only track through sound and scent, but also “see” through any type of visual/scent manipulation via someone’s unique heart rhythm.


u/chinodb 2d ago

I believe Wolverine is the best at what he does.


u/Trenchqoat Mighty Thor 2d ago edited 2d ago

Everyone else may be more professional but if Khonshu ordered Moon Knight to assassinate one of them, he would eventually brutalize a lot of them, he can be cruel, and inhumane. None of them are close to how relentless or mental he is. He wouldn't give you your last words, he'd break you in half and cut you deep with his crescents.

Most of everyone on that list isn't stronger or faster than him, so running away is pointless, he'd catch up in seconds being superhuman. Most can't take as much injuries before they die. Most wouldn't be able to keep up with his faster attacks. So hand-to-hand combat is pretty pointless. Barely any of them can match his speed and strength, they'd be exhausted. If any was to escape via swinging and rope Moon Knight can ram the moon jet into them faster than they can react. Moon Knight would break every bone in their body, one punch would shatter bones.

Even if Daredevil or Black Widow manage to push him into a vat of acid, they'd be bloodied, and he'd come back, if it means killing their loved ones or torturing others to find them and get the job done, he would. There's a really strong likeliness you won't survive him, he's capable of killing stronger people than other hunters, he's relentless to a degree he's mad.


u/Zaymonay800 3d ago

Punisher is underrated


u/no_skill_psyko 2d ago

I feel like kraven beats all tbh his whole deal is being the ultimate hunter


u/BlackMall83 2d ago

Black Panther


u/Freakychee 3d ago

I feel they all track people or items differently so some people and things are more easily tracked by one character and others will be more easily tracked by another.

If you use metrics suddenly the best tracker is Dr Strange since he can locate people across dimensions.

Unless you count Wolverine and sabertooth only since they are similar in the way they track.


u/Neon_culture79 3d ago

Gray crow


u/Khelthuzaad 2d ago

I know he is not near as good as these guys but an honorable mention to Gambit.

He was able to track Sabertooth and a lot of other mutants.

În my books Kraven would be best


u/UkyoTachibana 2d ago

Where is my guy Cable ?


u/Kingsofsevenseas 2d ago

Kraven is the number one marvel hunter


u/UnoriginalUse 2d ago

Doesn't Juggernaut have some magical 'always know where your target is'-abilities?


u/TheLastAirGender 2d ago

Wasn’t that Caliban’s schtick?


u/TheDarkCreed 2d ago

Professor X


u/dlkslink 2d ago

Morlun if he touches you.


u/camelsgottahump 2d ago

no love for Ahab? but i guess his hounds were the hunters


u/BamaGiJoe13 2d ago

Xavier , esp w cerebro


u/Primate_Nemesis 2d ago

Definitely Kraven Imo, Sabretooth and Caliban mostly just tracking mutants (Logan in particular for sabretooth). Kraven is easily the best hunter and anything related to hunting in Marvel.


u/Dramatic_Parsley_849 2d ago

First, nice list!! I'm going Wolverine slightly over Kraven.


u/Thedirtyhood 2d ago

Frank castle he doesn't fuck up.


u/Least-Cattle1676 Black Panther 2d ago



u/cerebralpaulc 2d ago

I vote Nimrod.


u/normasueandbettytoo 2d ago

The Hunter from Marvel's Midnight Suns.


u/FaradayWatt 2d ago

Lockjaw says Hi (Woof!).


u/RiskAggressive4081 2d ago

Human Torch. A forgotten power of his is he can track someone's body heat.


u/RockHandsomest 2d ago

Silver Surfer can track a mote of dust across a galaxy. Pretty sure that's what I read, almost verbatim.


u/RED_IT_RUM 2d ago

One Above All. Well, it seems I’ve won this debate.


u/LeCheffre 2d ago

Heimdall checking in.


u/Darkhaven Vision 2d ago

This list could use more trackers of all kinds: both Fury's, Blade, Dani Moonstar, Warpath, Shaman, American Eagle, Multiple Man and Sam Wilson.

Back in the day, my original choice would have been Caliban. As it stands today, the top five are probably Wolverine, Kraven, Shaman, and either one of the Fury's.

Then Sabertooth and Warpath. Blade, Daredevil, and Mystique are all matched. Then Natasha and Sam Wilson (I love that his unnerves Nick Fury).


u/SSJCelticGoku 2d ago



u/River46 2d ago



u/fass_mcawesome 2d ago

What about Puma (Thomas Fireheart)?


u/Cadet_MGK 2d ago



u/piplup27 2d ago

Widow’s penchant for subtlety makes her underrated in this regard. I would probably go with Wolverine for #1 though.


u/mrbaffles14 X-Men 2d ago

Warpath or Kraven.

Everyone on this list has tracking ability but a really good tracker has other skills and a certain intelligence about it that people like Wolverine, DD, etc. don’t have. (Not saying they are dumb just lacking the skill set knowledge)


u/OG_RyRyNYC 2d ago

I appreciate the inclusion of Marvel’s two GOAT spies: Black Widow and Mystique!

I think the 6 you highlight each have a different style of tracking down their “prey” and at any given time could be the best in MU. I think I’d give Mystique the edge though due to her power set and age (ie century long experience)

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u/everything_is_stup1d 2d ago

blackwidpw because she can magically appear behind you


u/p00ki3l0uh00 2d ago



u/macho_mandirigma 2d ago

I hope it's kraven. It's in his name! Would suck to call yourself "the hunter" and not even be like the top 3 in your universe jajaja


u/s_arrow24 2d ago

Cyber may be the best even though he’s not on the list because he can track people by brain waves without Cerebro.


u/Themetalenock 2d ago

People are kinda underselling mystique here. She can shapeshift,which is good for tracking/stalking. A good hunter plays mind games on their victims and shapeshifter would create the most paranoid target on the planet, no trust, uncertainty, constantly looking behind their back. Hell you couldn't even trust animals because she's shown to transform into one before. It's one thing that all lack, they can change their appearances sure but they can't completely transform into a opposite being like she can.


u/Pontoffle_Poff 2d ago

I have to agree… shapeshifting is a talent BORN for tracking and stealth missions. Not to mention she would have the ability to lay countless traps spent years in the making because she could be everyone and no one… and vanish into thin air if ever thought she was being followed…


u/One-Statistician-554 2d ago

The 1 who hunt, surprisingly their's No warpath

Also, no Sabertooth ???


u/MaliTNWOK 2d ago

Daredevil is the best.Mans is blind but he still does the stuff the others do and get the same if not better results in some cases.


u/bertboxer 2d ago

my vote is kraven

who among this group would even think of luring out a sentient cosmic cube that thinks it's an 8 year old girl like this (also, this actually worked)


others on there might be better with the literal tracking element but i think kraven has the most experience with getting in the mindset of who he's hunting


u/Jaysweller 2d ago

Poor Callisto


u/GWPtheTrilogy1 2d ago

With Powers probably Sabertooth without, Kraven


u/Biggtrop48 2d ago



u/panatale1 2d ago

Why is Mystique turning into Belle?


u/boytoby 2d ago



u/IndyRook 2d ago

Caribana if you're looking for mutants


u/Constructman2602 2d ago

Kraven. These other guys are good, and superhuman ofc, but Kraven’s on a whole other level


u/Cute_Visual4338 2d ago

Logan tracked down Mystique during "Get Mystique" which was impressive.


u/Peterriordan71 2d ago

Doesn’t immortal hulk have a chance?


u/NoChallenge6095 2d ago

You forgot the best monster hunter in Marvel, Elsa Bloodstone.


u/PraetorGold 2d ago

Sabertooth is probably the best tracker.


u/Level_Cartoon 2d ago

Either Kraven or Daredevil I think, I don’t know much about all the others


u/Ok-Commission6087 2d ago

I prefer wolverine then black widow then kraven daredevil and then mystique sabertooth is dead last . Why isn’t Shanna or kazar on this list they deserve more respect ✊🏿 hopefully in the thunderbolts of next year .


u/KRISP_215 2d ago

Professor X is the best tracker.


u/Fucking_N0 2d ago

I thought it was Elsa Bloodstone, guess she's not even on the table 💀

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u/JaehaerysIVTarg 2d ago

Sabertooth and Wolverine.


u/No_You6540 2d ago

Wolfsbane, Rahne Sinclair. Not only does she have the enhanced senses of a wolf, but she can see ultraviolet and infrared.


u/Argular 2d ago



u/BlackPantherFan7 Black Panther 2d ago

Black Panther or Wolverine


u/JarvisBaileyVO 2d ago

Chameleon is up there for me as well personally.


u/OGcormacv 2d ago

Forgot Caliban, his power is literally tracking mutants.


u/Solo-dreamer 2d ago



u/After_Profit8668 2d ago



u/muk00 2d ago



u/BoomBOOMBerny 2d ago

I'd say Sabertooth cause he can find Logan when Logan doesn't want to be found.


u/spaceguitar X-Men 2d ago

Kraven or Sabertooth.


u/Hypestyles 2d ago

Black Panther


u/deedara 2d ago

If you don’t answer Kraven, he’ll hear you and we don’t want that. Kraven.


u/Diligent-Boss-9392 2d ago

Kraven, especially since he's far older then he appears.