r/KingOfTheHill 1d ago

Can we appreciate Stephen Root for a second?

I was just rewatching “O Brother, Where Art Thou.”

I’m cracking up because he’s doing the Buck Strickland voice and I’m in tears.

Between KOTH, Barry, Dodgeball, and Idiocracy; an absolute legend.


112 comments sorted by


u/MostlyH2O 1d ago

And don't forget his performance as Milton in office space.

He does really great work. One of my favorite actors with a lot of range.


u/J0hnizaufg8or 1d ago

I believe you have my stapler


u/NooNygooTh 1d ago

I'll... burn this place to the ground


u/Rvtrance ⛽ JOCKEY! WORKS FOR TIPS! 💲 1d ago

Fun fact. Swingline didn’t make a red stapler until after that movie. The prop department painted a black one. Swingline of course eventually made one. Probably in response to people calling and asking, “have you seen my stapler? It’s a red swingline?”


u/bozfm246 15h ago

Imma need you to pack up all your stuff and take it down to the basement. Thaaaaaaannnnnkkkkssss.


u/Eldagustowned 1d ago

That was like his break out role.


u/Boris-_-Badenov 4h ago

Newsradio was years before


u/kurisu7885 1d ago

And Gordon in Dodgeball, and Bud Gleeful in Gravity Falls.


u/Trollzungolo 1d ago

He was the bank manager in Seinfeld


u/monkey_trumpets 1d ago

I believe you have my stapler.


u/alek_hiddel 1d ago edited 1d ago

One of my absolute favorite moments is when he voices the Buddhist monk that declares Bobby is not lama in Won't You Pimai Neighbor?

The line is something like "a difficult choice, but it is mine, and I made it". In that moment it is clearly Stephen Root. But he doesn't play it up into a racist stereotype. He conveys humility, strength, and the absolute conviction of a man speaking the word of god. So much wisdom in that simple little moment that could have easily been overplayed, or exaggerated into "Apu" territory. But no, treated with a delicate nuance far beyond early 2000's television.

Edit: "Tough call, but it's mine, and I made it" The exact line.


u/cityofruin 1d ago

I have also always appreciated that line. Well put!


u/feralfantastic 1d ago

That whole voice of god thing really benefited him in The Empty Man, when he was the mouthpiece for horrible eldritch beings beyond time and space.


u/alek_hiddel 1d ago

I feel like there’s 2 ways to play god in a performance. You can either cast like Alan Rickman and make him elegant as hell, or give him a calm voice with an absolute confidence. Like a voice that knows the universe itself will bend to your command. Root pulled it off here, and similarly you had the chill cell mate/god talking to Brenden Frasier towards the end of Bedazzled.


u/Direct-Status3260 1d ago

“Apu territory” man STFU


u/alek_hiddel 1d ago

I know Apu was never intended to be racist. He was a great character conceived by brilliant writers and lovingly performed by Hank Azaria.

But the truth is that with the maturity of the average world view that we’ve seen come into play the last couple of decades, you can’t help but see that the character is racist. Every stereotype of Indians from the late 80’s, and a voice that is stereotype provided by a non-Indian.

It’s most damning to know that the character wasn’t just killed off in the name of political correctness, but that the voice actor said “fuck that, I’m not doing that character any more”.


u/trentjpruitt97 1d ago

He’s one of the funniest voice actors ever. One of my favorite things is when he gives Bill or even Buck the random squealing sounds. The one for Bill is always like “eee, ahhh!” Well I can’t really describe it lol but you know what I mean. One of the funniest ones is when Bill beats his “diabetes” and looks at his bowling shirt. That sound effect in particular is what I mean haha.


u/AffectionateStreet92 1d ago

Buck: “Hooooo-eeeeeeeeeee!”


u/PurpleDreamer28 1d ago

I was a little surprised to see him in Get Out. He was the blind man who won the "auction."


u/JasonAdderly 1d ago

Never wanted to kill a blind person so bad lol


u/DavidMerrick89 1d ago

I went into that movie blind (fittingly) and was pumping my fist when his name appeared in the main titles.


u/All_Lightning879 1d ago

Let’s not forget the GOAT NewsRadio


u/LaVidaYokel 1d ago

Jimmy James! The man so nice, they named him twice.


u/skyforgesteel 1d ago

Are you Doobie Keebler!?


u/KieferMcNaughty 1d ago

“Jimmy has fancy plans… and pants to match.”


u/wpotman 1d ago

Donkey donkey donkey donkey.


u/BoysenberryKind5599 1d ago

Jimmy has fear? 1000 times no!


u/Fermifighter 1d ago

Yeah that was about the FCC too.


u/foxontherox 1d ago

Hands down the best voice actor on KotH. Fight me.


u/Wowdavid2002 1d ago

I give Toby Huss the SLIGHT advantage but they are both leagues above everyone else


u/99SoulsUp 1d ago

Leagues in what way? Both are amazing, but Johnny Hardwick absolutely blew me away as Dale. Do you mean in vocal range?


u/JasonAdderly 1d ago

None of any of them would exist without Mike Judge. Truly King of the Hill


u/NooNygooTh 1d ago

Toby is just so versatile, personally I give him the edge because of Cotton and Khan but I understand where you're coming from if we're just keeping it to this show. Dale has so many quotable lines and I love hearing Johnny as the racetrack/rodeo announcer too.

I'd also encourage you to check out Toby's work on the Venture Bros if you'd like to hear more funny characters of his.


u/eltedioso 1d ago

Pam Adlon is next-level too though


u/PerfectlyCromulent89 1d ago

He was also amazing on “Barry.” Plenty of comedic moments, but he also got to showcase his dramatic chops.


u/DavidMerrick89 1d ago

With the most surprising and satisfying arc of any of those characters.


u/Southern_Fan_9335 1d ago

He's perfection in Newsradio. I don't think anyone else could have played that character. 


u/Hobo_Delta 1d ago

“You got a greeting that starts with an H, how’s 20 bucks sound?”


u/BoydCrowders_Smile Get that penguin back here, I'm not done! 1d ago

He also plays a judge in Justified who only wears a Speedo under his judge garments (whatever that robe thing is called). His character on Barry is probably my favorite live action acting he's done, but that in no way diminishes his other roles - all great


u/Biggus-Duckus 1d ago

He also plays a judge on Idiocracy.


u/LainieCat 1d ago

I think it's called a robe.


u/Boris-_-Badenov 4h ago

that robe thing is called a robe


u/Jack_sander 1d ago



u/All_Lightning879 1d ago

I was on the welfare, you know


u/WayneS1980 1d ago

He killed it on Boardwalk Empire… his accent was great and his cadence was spot on for a southerner.


u/Sarah_withanH 1d ago

Gaston Means!


u/elainebenesgothphase 1d ago

What season is he in. I stopped on maybe season 4


u/WayneS1980 1d ago

3 and 4


u/Eldagustowned 1d ago

Dude is underrated and versatile. Gets me everytime watching o brother where art thou.


u/cookpa 1d ago

It is blowing my mind reading this thread and finding out all these legendary characters are the same guy. Mr Root is hereby appreciated


u/thewoodlayer 1d ago



u/dirk_510 1d ago

And a small part in the Ballad of Buster Scruggs


u/BoydCrowders_Smile Get that penguin back here, I'm not done! 1d ago



u/DomerJSimpson 1d ago

No Country For Old Men too.


u/wallsk9r 1d ago

Hes a solid dude in serious movies like Get Out and No Country For Old Men. And then do a full 180 and hes the goofy ass judge from Idocracy. That part never fails to crack me up.


u/rustys_shackled_ford 1d ago

That's some mighty fine a'pickin and a'sangin ol top


u/517634 1d ago

Them Propaniacs play that old timey music real good.


u/SdVeau 1d ago

He was good in True Blood, too. Different type of role, yet he still incorporated a lot of those Bill-like characteristics for it. Actually got hard for me to not just see it as Bill in vampire form lol


u/pugnifacent 1d ago

He is also in Man in the High Castle


u/DallySagittarius14 1d ago

I bout shat myself when I was re-watching “Ghost” and he has a small part as the skeptical cop who tells Demi Moore about Whoopi Goldberg’s criminal history.


u/rhinothedin0 1d ago

man don't forget office space!!


u/DMmePuffyNipples 1d ago

Legit just saw him in an episode of Malcolm in the middle at the company picnic. Amazing actor


u/timebomb011 1d ago

Jimmy James on news radio is my favourite performance of his. Such a classic sitcom! Sorta flies under the radar


u/Kanzler1871 1d ago

His performance of Gaston Means in Boardwalk Empire was also fantastic


u/Annhl8rX 1d ago

I love Boardwalk Empire and I love Stephen Root, but somehow I don’t remember that role. Sounds like it’s time for a rewatch!


u/Commodore64Zapp 1d ago

Bud Gleeful, a used car salesman in the cartoon Gravity Falls - his voice sounds like Bill if he had a few pinches of Buck's pep and "charm"


u/All_Lightning879 1d ago

Gideon’s dad, that’s right. Even I caught his voice the first time.


u/KieferMcNaughty 1d ago

Good lord, he’s one of the best character actors in the history of TV.


u/ItsTimmmmmmm 1d ago

Oh I got lots of seconds for appreciating Stephen Root.


u/Latranis 1d ago

Some actors are good because their charisma is so high that they're THEM regardless of the movie (George Clooney is still just George Clooney in every single thing he's in); some actors are good because their characters are NOTHING like them or their other chacters (Rainn Wilson has a recurring role on Mom and not once did I think "yeah that's totally Dwight"). Stephen Root is amazing because he's simultaneously ALL of his characters and NONE of his other characters in everything he's in.


u/ReticulatedPasta 1d ago edited 16h ago

Huh actually thinking about the body and quality of his work he’s kind of like John C Reilly. Hilarious actor + legit dramatic character actor.


u/abernathym 1d ago

Newsradio is also one of the best sitcoms of all time.


u/Takenmyusernamewas 1d ago

I think that's his real voice. He does the same voice on News Radio too


u/The_Jestful_Imp The Macdaddy of Heimlich County 1d ago

He's the BAAWSS.


u/NewspaperAny3053 ⛽ JOCKEY! WORKS FOR TIPS! 💲 1d ago

"That there was some mighty fine ringin'-and-a-dingin!"

That's one of my favorite movie quotes of all time.


u/SteelyDabs 1d ago

Not beloved enough to get the quote right, I guess


u/Realistic_cat_6668 1d ago

He’s also The Man in the High Castle and if you haven’t seen him in a serious role yet, I highly recommend it because that man has some incredible acting range. He’s an incredible man and I always love finding him in things because he can do literally anything, and he’s so good at it that it takes me a long time to notice it’s him.


u/Intelligent_Plan71 Boggle Playing Chicken 1d ago

He has a serious role in the From the Earth to the Moon HBO miniseries about the Apollo program

also Turn Washingtons Spies


u/Henchforhire 1d ago

Don't forget about Tripping the rift.


u/waterontheknee 1d ago

Here here for Stephen Root!


u/Brian_M 1d ago

He was also good as Claudia's dad in Grounded For Life.

At least he was, after the surgery .


u/All_Lightning879 1d ago

Oh yeah, he put Sean through it that day.


u/Master-Confection-21 1d ago

He’ll pop up when you least expect it. Watching a cartoon with my kid - Amphibia. The frog that is the Mayor of Amphibia sounds just like Buck Strickland. Sure enough, Stephen Root.


u/Wrong-Marsupial-9767 ⛽ JOCKEY! WORKS FOR TIPS! 💲 1d ago

He'll always be Jimmy James to me.


u/purpleitt 1d ago

He’s great in adventure time too.


u/Glittering-Voice-409 1d ago

He needs a lead role in several big money productions. He is very capable.


u/knifesofsummertime 1d ago

Faaaancy clothes


u/AsssHat999 1d ago

Did everyone just forget Buster Scruggs?



u/Snoo9648 1d ago

Don't forget Get Out. Super creepy in that.


u/RedfromTexas 1d ago

Also great as the Ben Franklin like character in Turn. And as the Man in the High Castle.


u/freebird37179 1d ago

Loved him in Justified as well.


u/JimboMagoo 1d ago

I wasn’t expecting him to be in Man in the High Castle. I had an “oh shit” moment when I saw him.


u/DisPelengBoardom 1d ago

Stephen Root has my appreciation. I have always enjoyed the over the top billionaire , Jimmie James , the moping along the bottom , Bill Dauterive, and the most human vampire , Eddy .

Then the slow brained me realized all were portrayed by one great actor .

Sometimes, I think , why don't more people realize this genius .


u/ses267 1d ago

Stephen Root is a goddamn nation treasure. He may never be the leading man but he is going to be the star of whatever he is in.


u/DrustanAstrophel 1d ago

He made the farmer in Bee and Puppycat so creepy


u/Pavlovs_Human 1d ago

I loved him as the bank teller in Buster Scruggs.

“PAN SHOT! Ahahahhahaha!!”


u/Dalekanium_Certified 1d ago

He also did an awesome job in The Man in the High Castle


u/Mraliasfakename 1d ago

The mild mannered turn pots and pans wearing bank teller in Ballad of Buster Scruggs was a fun surprise.


u/adubb221 1d ago

Veep as Gary Walsh's dad was also amazing!


u/iamagoodbozo 1d ago

Stephen Root is the funniest man alive.

Of course Stephen Root is the funniest man alive.


u/Herbin-Cowboy 1d ago

Also great in Cedar Rapids with Ed Helms.


u/OffModelCartoon 1d ago

Stephen Root is GOAT, seriously one of my favorite actors of all time. He has such insane range. Like just think about how completely different his characters are in KOTH, Office Space, Get Out, and Barry… it’s crazy that it’s all the same guy!!!


u/HaplessResearcher 1d ago

He was in an episode of the (extremely underrated) series FRINGE, and he absolutely killed it. Some of his best work, and one of the most memorable standalone episodes of the series. It was also a very serious role, so totally outside of what you typically see him in.


u/turdferguson116 1d ago

L for Love


u/Ohthatwackyjesus 1d ago

A mighty fine pickin an playin, indeed!


u/spantaneous_joe0906 1d ago

I saw an appreciation post one time and one of the comments was that the best streaming service ever could be simply shows or movies with him in them. They weren’t wrong.


u/Boris-_-Badenov 4h ago



u/Kantaowns 4h ago

I love him as Lynn Boyle in Brooklynn 99.


u/mkf1122 5m ago

He was also on night court as death/ the grim reaper and big bang theory as Bernadette's boss.