r/Invincible 2d ago

How do you feel about how ... died? (Comic spoiler) COMIC SPOILERS

I'm talking about Cecil, just didn't want to have his name in the title.

I always knew he was going to die, it wasn't spoiled for me I just refused to believe that a man like Cecil would survive invincible and I was right. That being said when Rex killed Cecil, I was shocked and told myself that Cecil didn't deserve to go out that way. But then I thought about it and realized it was literally the perfect way for him to die.

Cecil was always someone willing to do whatever it took to keep earth safe but even he had his limits that he would never even consider he had. Rex was exactly the same except he would have pushed Cecil past his limit and would never join Rex which is why Rex killed Cecil first. I know Rex told Mark that Cecils death was on his hands but I don't think that Cecil would have killed any hero just because they might have gone against his orders after all he didn't even try to hurt mark after the disaster with the T-rex (I can't remember his name) Even Sinclair refused to side with Rex. If you disagree with my opinion on if Cecil would have joined Rex let me know.

It's because of this that Cecil died the way he deserved, by being killed by a man willing to do whatever it takes to keep earth safe but Rex was willing to go way further than Cecil wasn't capable of.

That being said, i think the way Rex killed Cecil wad a bit much. Slicing his throat then smashing his head, I don't know if that was deserved.

What do you think?


38 comments sorted by


u/Kindly_Cellist3071 2d ago

He definitely deserved a more ceremonious death, but I do enjoy how shocking it was and it does make sense why Robot would do.


u/julitronix Cecil Stedman 2d ago

He deserved a better death, but his funeral makes it even more sad. He actually had nobody.


u/mooimafish33 2d ago

What I though was fucked up was that shapesmith didn't even have a funeral. Kid Thor and his girl had one, Black Samson had one, Cecil had a private one, but nobody gave a fuck about Shapesmith.


u/LazyLich Ursaal Supremacy 2d ago

I mean, he basically almost doomed two worlds because of his own selfishness and didn't side with Invincible when it was he who saved him... so I don't think anyone cares lol


u/mooimafish33 2d ago

I get that, but in my book if you let the guy fight on your team you gotta at least go to his funeral


u/pixelatedcrap 2d ago

You ever pay for a funeral?


u/Qrs_Nich Invincible 2d ago

I’m surprised he didn’t have a backup plan like a clone or something somewhere in case of this. He just seemed to well prepared until the end


u/mooimafish33 2d ago

Yea, like how did he not have Donald put him in a robot body?


u/srslybarryburton Spawn 2d ago

I mean he didn't have a head anymore so


u/mooimafish33 2d ago

Yea but at one point Donald mentions that they recovered most of his mind from putting together pieces of his brain.


u/aj_ramone 2d ago

Well when Donald was put in to his, his brain was intact.

Cecils brain was Robot History X'd


u/Trickymaster2000 Battle Beast 1d ago

I can assure yoy that when that house blew up, Donald’s brain was not intact


u/Kingbenford Aquarus 1d ago

After 40 deaths I’m sure they made sure Donald’s robo skull was more than enough to protect his brain in an explosion


u/urworstemmamy Team Séance Dog 2d ago

That's why Robot squished his head like a grape, so there wouldn't be anything to back up.


u/BadBloodBear 2d ago

Felt like he deserved a better death.

Make it so he gets a few words out or that he catches on to what Robot is doing.

I understand the way it is written is to make the take over seem so well calculated and planned but feel like a character that important deserved more.


u/sfinney2 Robot 2d ago

Awesome. Right in line with how Kirkman likes to play with and subvert tropes by avoiding some fan-pleasing drawn out slow motion death or a long winded speech.


u/Puzzleheaded-Net3966 2d ago

He also subverts trope subversions. Robot did some really shady stuff at the beginning, but we ended up forgiving him. Turns out we shouldn’t be surprised when the shady guy turns evil 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/mooimafish33 2d ago

It gets kinda annoying when authors get too lost in the "subverting tropes" sauce. Like "haha I'm going to give these major characters unsatisfying deaths, you'll never see this coming"

I'd say an actually satisfying but still shocking death would be like Rorschach in watchmen.


u/sfinney2 Robot 2d ago

The entire hook of Invincible is a gigantic rug pull with the original Guardians getting quickly and suddenly murdered just after they are properly introduced. So I'd say if you get to issue 110 or whatever and are annoyed that Cecil did not get to go down like Sergeant Elias in Platoon you were setting your hopes too high.


u/mooimafish33 2d ago

That works though because it's shocking and sudden, but it gets elaborated on for the rest of the series. Also it happens in like the first 13 issues so it's kind of just setting up the plot.

I'm not saying that it has to be super dramatic, I thought Oliver's death was fine and it was pretty sudden. With Cecil it just happens and everything kind of moves on and it hardly gets mentioned. Also we had Cecil for like 120 issues before that, unlike the guardians.


u/JMStheKing Comic Fan 2d ago

ehh I don't like when fiction plays up death in general. Most of the time, people just die, and that's it. Kinda glad more stories are leaning into this instead of the "noone ever dies, but when they do it's the most important part of the story" deal.


u/Oklahazama 2d ago

I absolutely agree. Most deaths are unexciting and anticlimactic so I like when that's portrayed in media.


u/pixelatedcrap 2d ago

The banality of death is the scariest part, sometimes. The world comes to a complete stop, but only for the person dying, and the people who care about them. The guy at the check stand and your coworkers aren't psychos for not caring about the deaths that are important to you. Earth shattering, world ending losses of entire families, but the rest of the real world carries on, hardly noticing.

It feels surreal, like the world should be mourning along with you, but the fact it isn't is the hardest hitting fact about death. Nobody really cares your mom died. "Stop making us sad and get back to work. You're being an energy vampire."


u/JMStheKing Comic Fan 1d ago

maybe, but I feel like stories literally slow down time when people die, rather than just showing it with the characters. idk if I explained it well, to put it simply, writers be doing too much.


u/robertrobertsonson 2d ago

Comic Cecil feels a whole lot less serious than show Cecil and a bit less competent. I think it made sense he died the way he did, but for the show I hope they make his death more spectacular.


u/Smash96leo Invincible 2d ago

I think his death was awesome. Really shows that no one is safe with Robot running things. It also shows how brutal he.


u/SMKCheeba GDA Troopers 2d ago

I feel like it did Cecil some disservice. I mean this guy was the top agent well above any CIA or NSA clearance. He should have had some fail safes in place in the event of his untimely death.


u/FlashyProcedure5030 2d ago

The difference between them is that Rex was a heartless purely logical being. He really lived up to the ROBOT moniker. It was poetically ironic. I wouldn't change it. Perfect way for Cecil to die.


u/Lebowski02 2d ago

It is an awful death and I do wonder if they’ll make it faster in the show. It was just so disrespectful to Cecil tbh after so long.

Like I get it, it’s meant to hit you like a ton of bricks and it works incredibly well for the story. But it was still Cecil


u/Jbell_1812 2d ago

I mean given the things Cecil has done all in the name of the greater good, like hiring Sinclair just after he was arrested, maybe Cecil deserved a gruesome death. One thing he did do for the greater good that backfired completely was saving Conquest from death


u/Lebowski02 1d ago

He made stupid decisions, but he always treated mark fairly and always wanted to do the right thing for the world


u/SiahLegend 2d ago

Honestly, I just thought it was lame how he died and no one reference him again after


u/5am281 Robot 2d ago

I think it’s a firing death for a man who is always ahead of the game for Robot to prove how well he was hiding his intent by killing him off guard


u/cant_give_an_f 2d ago

Showed how actually human he was, loved how just brutally unceremoniously quick it was. One of the best ways to paint you know who in a light


u/pixelatedcrap 2d ago

I think many great men in history have been cut down with ungraceful, unpleasant deaths in history. The majority have. That's why movies show us the drawn out part we never get to see in real life, because few people have the state of mind to be articulate and graceful in death. It's a very rare thing. Most people die with no dignity, or note, or notice.

Popular books and TV, for a long time, was purely about escapism. We are finally exploring the more taboo tropes from before with more regularity. Getting to see great men like Omar get shot in a grocery store, by a ten year old, after being the most feared stick up kid on The Wire. It doesn't take greatness to kill greatness, and greatness doesn't prescribe a great death, unfortunately.


u/thedrag0n22 Pentagon - Parking in Rear 2d ago

I don't even care about if he deserved a "better" death in terms of grandness. Fact is they butchered his character to facilitate robots rise, peak character assassination


u/Diavolo_Death_4444 2d ago

It made sense that he died and Robot being the one to do it also tracks, but man is it lame. I don’t mind trope subversions but my immediate first thought was “Robot didn’t have time to get to Cecil’s clones, did he? Or the backup robots?” But instead there was… none of that and Cecil just died with no contingency plans. I hope the show explains that, even if it’s just an off handed rug sweep of Robot saying he disabled Cecil’s backup plans or something.