r/Invincible 4d ago

What is the worst thing that [spoiler] has ever said/done? COMIC SPOILERS

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Aside from committing genocide countless times, I think the worst thing he’s done is use his own children as weapons against Mark.


22 comments sorted by


u/BoozeGetsMeThrough 4d ago

Yea man, utilizing a child-soldier army, entirely composed of your own children, you bred for that explicit purpose is hard to top.


u/pinappleonpizzayes 4d ago

And using them as nunchucks


u/Carbuyrator Adam Wilkens 3d ago

Maybe using those child soldiers as squishy flails to beat his foes with while they call him daddy and ask for love.


u/TheOneAndOnly______ THINK, MARK! THINK! 4d ago

Honestly I wish they could expand upon the thousands of years these guys existed. What kind of things they did, and experienced. An example is that it’s a little odd to me how Nolan barely recognized the other viltrumites throughout the book until he started regularly interacting with them even though he’s really known them for thousands of years.

We need more deep viltrumite lore.


u/AccomplishedDeal8811 Omni-Man 4d ago

Yee. I think we’ll be getting more of this in the show since Nolan seemed to know Lucan and Vidor by name. Since the show definitely needs some filler for each episode it is quite possible we’ll get some extra Viltrumite lore.


u/FancySatisfaction562 Omni-Drip 3d ago

yeah we need some bad viltrumite interactions. i like to see conquest and kreeg having a argument about conquest's not following the orders and failing the mission.


u/Illustrious_Toe2611 Invincible 3d ago

Spin off show right there


u/eclipse_999 Red Rush 3d ago

Yep what he did to his children was the worst, and the result of his evil is perfectly captured in this dialog:



u/FancySatisfaction562 Omni-Drip 3d ago

worst dad in the whole universe


u/OCGamerboy 3d ago

And people thought Eves dad was the worst.


u/RapescoStapler 3d ago

"Is Omni Man the worst dad in fiction?" "Omni man isn't even the worst dad in invincible"


u/t_moneyzz Robot 3d ago

Honestly he's pretty high up in the entire fiction multiverse 


u/Apollo9819 4d ago

Kill Battle Beast


u/OCGamerboy 3d ago

He killed the goat 😔


u/ByronicHero06 Comic Fan 3d ago

You already said the obvious one.


u/Still-Ice4340 3d ago

As someone previously stated, using your bug kids as meat shields is hard to top.


u/Odd_Remove4228 Cecil Stedman 3d ago

Betraying Mark? It's stupid because we knew that he would do it at the first opportunity but the fact that he saved Mark from the Scourge Virus only to be ready to kill him the moment he discovered Mark was a descendant of Argall just makes it sting more specially because Mark had just been betrayed by Allen and Oliver, and at that point it seemed as if the only true allies Mark had were Nolan, Eve, Dinosaurus and Thragg. With everyone else being too busy with their own lives


u/t_moneyzz Robot 3d ago

I don't hate Thragg betraying him I just wish we had more time with them being tenuous allies first. Such an interesting dynamic.


u/Competitive_Mouse_37 Geldarian Emperor 3d ago

Yeah, probably breeding tens of thousands of people from a fast growing race before sending them all on a suicide mission where thousands died is probably the worst thing he’s done. Most of them would barely be a year or two old. Even the elites would probably only be like 5 years old max.


u/Fitzftw7 Allen the Alien 3d ago

He did basically enslave an entire race to be his love slaves. They were only cool with it because they were collectivists.


u/Pajama_Strangler Omni-Drip 3d ago

I kinda wish Thragg ended up being reformed by spending time on Earth like the other viltrumites. I also really hope we get a prequel story at some point.