r/Invincible Mark Grayson 2d ago

That is one way to comfort #127 COMIC SPOILERS

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32 comments sorted by


u/YaminoTeio 2d ago

That's a true bro right there.


u/ZabrielHengist 2d ago

Amen. 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌


u/ShenTzuKhan Invincible 2d ago

That’s a pretty common way for my brothers to respond to shit. What can we say to make it better? Nothing. So you make up some insult to jolt them out of how they’re feeling.

We might be a fucked up family.


u/AlphaSpartan74 2d ago

Nah that seems pretty standard. Throwing a light hearted insult can help someone get there mind off what's bugging them for a minute.


u/kal195 2d ago

That's like... Normal brother banter lol he's trying to make light of the situation to make his brother feel comfortable and less caught up in the actual emotion of the situation. He's not being like damn mark what a pussy. He's being like "you're back after 5 years and I missed you, man! My brother! You don't have to apologize" by just being his brother and saying it in a joking way.

Ya don't read that as a brother and think "God what a prick he totally deserves some potential bad outcome for this rrrrrr" like... What? He's being NICE lol


u/BellTwo5 Mark Grayson 2d ago

I know, it was basically sarcasm. I have siblings too :3


u/kal195 2d ago

I figured as much. It was more aimed toward the one dude saying this was the reason he didn't mind Oliver having a bad time later on and getting upvotes lol


u/danial_champloo28 2d ago

I still hate the way he died.


u/UnknownIcon Omni-Man and Invincible 2d ago

Me too. Hopefully it’s reworked in the show.


u/Rudolph_Conners 2d ago

I'm glad he told Mark that part coz it helped me get over what happened to him later, WAAYYY faster than it would've taken otherwise.


u/Competitive-Zone-296 2d ago

Let’s be honest tho, he was completely right. Mark was hella overreacting


u/dark621 The Mauler Twins 2d ago

lets see you lose 5 years of your life and come out the otherside ok


u/Odd_Remove4228 Cecil Stedman 2d ago

OP, are you perhaps an only child?


u/BellTwo5 Mark Grayson 2d ago

Nope, I didn’t even mean it as condescending. It was just trying to play up the humor lol


u/Suspicious_Loan8041 The Immortal 2d ago

There is value in saying this sort of thing sometimes. Time and place, sure, but it wasn’t a completely needless insult at a grieving Mark.

It’s a common thing between dudes, and it WORKS. Anyone with can corroborate this. It will snap you out of despair if someone tells you you’re being a pussy, even if temporarily.

And it’s not like that was all Oliver could provide. He hugged Mark, he listened to him, he validated how very not okay Mark is, he was a giant shoulder to cry on. THEN he insults him, and it worked. Mark recovered.


u/TheSceptikal 2d ago

Holy shit, i still can't get over this god awful artstyle


u/Ghost_105 2d ago

Mark looks like he has one giant front tooth


u/Glum_Sherbert_7320 Rex Splode 2d ago

Oliver inherited the vitrumite brutality gene 😂


u/HerEntropicHighness 2d ago

>! oliver survived to issue 127? Jeepers they really squeezed a lot in in the end !<


u/Ashamed_Falcon_5375 Anissa 2d ago

Yah they put an insane amount of story all into 12 issues it really should’ve been like 20 issues minimum but it was still good


u/Papa_Glucose 2d ago

Is that Oliver?


u/HerEntropicHighness 2d ago

I have no clue who else he would be


u/t_moneyzz Robot 2d ago

Oliver started as a bit of a shit but man he became so great as time went on


u/Greyjack00 2d ago

This is why I don't tell my brother shit


u/Live_Cabinet1140 13h ago

Faults aside, I can love Oliver