r/Invincible Vidor 4d ago

I want to see more character from Vidor, it looks like him and Nolan used to be competitive rifles when nolan was a viltrum soldier. SHOW SPOILERS

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Also you can't deny viltrumites with glasses are sick as hell


35 comments sorted by


u/Suspicious-Piglet742 Vidor 4d ago
  • rivals I misspelled that when writing this


u/Cramland 4d ago

This is my Nolan, there are many like him but this one is mine.


u/_Vard_ 4d ago

I swear my brain saw it spelled Rivals the first time


u/Still-Ice4340 4d ago

I like to think that he’s one of the younger viltrumites. Explains why he hasn’t been killed despite needing glasses.


u/jared05vick The Mauler Twins 4d ago

I doubt he needs glasses, I imagine he just wears them for style or the sun


u/memewatcher3 4d ago

How does he not have black / grey hair?


u/TheEmbedCode Comic Fan 4d ago

Grey hair doesn’t really indicate age. For example, kregg is older than nolan yet he has no grey hairs whereas nolan has.


u/Own_Tackle514 4d ago

well if he’s a peer to omni man from child hood or early adulthood then omni man’s greys must be from extreme stress. Lots of reasons he could be stressed out, including his conflicting thoughts about humans and viltrumite’s way of thinking.


u/memewatcher3 4d ago

No, that’s not what I’m getting at. I’m getting at Vidor is blonde/light brown. literally every other Viltrumite is on the grayscale for Hair color. How come this guy is the one exception?


u/jared05vick The Mauler Twins 4d ago

There's two light haired Viltrumites seen attacking Unopa, although one may be a younger Vidor. It's probably just rare the same way being a ginger human is rare.



u/Own_Tackle514 4d ago

good genes I guess. There’s genetic lottery winners like this for humans so it’s not crazy to assume this is a thing for viltrumites as well.


u/BadBloodBear 4d ago

Long story short the writer wanted to move away from genetic\race fascist and just species fascist.

I think I read it in one of the larger Invincible collections


u/Resident_Hair3065 Where's Mark, William? 4d ago

Didn't Vidor get killed by Nolan on Thraxa or am I bugging. Unless Kregg retrieved their bodies or sum shit idk


u/Suspicious-Piglet742 Vidor 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yes he did retrieve their bodies, but also viltrumites survive much worse then getting your head split into two but as long as there brain and heart are intact or function they can regenerate from it


u/Medic7802 4d ago

Naw, ain't no way he survives his melon getting split open like that. I imagine they use another viltrumite probably


u/Suspicious-Piglet742 Vidor 4d ago

Ok you're right about that but they can stitch it back together because of their advanced technology and the viltrumite brain itself can survive some extreme damage for a short period of time.


u/Own_Tackle514 4d ago

holy shit


u/Gear_ 4d ago

Yeah but his brian was in fact not intact


u/Still_Inevitable_385 Custom Text: Entered 4d ago

I mean, Nolan survived worse.


u/Suspicious-Piglet742 Vidor 4d ago

Having his spine broken, being impaled a lot of times, can survive with his guts hanging out, yeah that can happen with any single viltrumites (even the human hybrids like mark)


u/squirrelocaust 4d ago

He’s a Viltrumite Dangle.


u/NonameideaonlyF 4d ago

Bro had his head smashed in


u/Suspicious-Piglet742 Vidor 4d ago

Viltrumite scientists can fix his fractal skull you do remember viltrumites are a advanced race of beings not just a barbaric warriors species


u/DEADALIEN333 4d ago

You're never gonna see him ever again


u/Suspicious-Piglet742 Vidor 4d ago

The Creator of the TV show didn't confirm that this character is dead don't be doubtful.


u/Some-random-dude-lol The Viltrumites 4d ago

Bros hands are XXL


u/FunNeedleworker860 Thula 3d ago

When I first saw him, I assumed Amazon drew him based on Larry Bird.