r/Invincible Mark Grayson 4d ago

Tragic what ended up happening #124 COMIC SPOILERS

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u/Toolupard 4d ago

I love robot, but this always kind of hit me weird. Like I don't want to think he was always going to become evil, it just feels weird to say this disabled kid is evil because he has a hard time with empathy - I mean, how could he?

I'd like to think him getting a cloned body is what started his downfall. He got so caught up in the idea of becoming "normal" that the loss of his disability also came with a loss of humanity. He succeeded in a morally dubious but ultimately beneficial procedure, which opened the door to more manipulation and exploitation. Its hard to remember he's basically the same age as Mark.


u/OGMoze 4d ago

Just like how we see mark turn evil in most other worlds, I’m sure there are plenty where robot never went off the deep end. They both have the capability to do good and/or bad.


u/sonrhys 4d ago

I like the idea that the main world is the only/one of the few with a good Mark so it's fitting that it's the one with a bad Robot too


u/zmd182 Burger Mart Trash Bag 4d ago

Plus it completely taints his character, which is why I think the flaxan thing is NECESSARY, because even the saintest person would become a monster after living 700 years as a despot.


u/SoCool- Amber Bennett 4d ago

Wasnt rudy 30 when mark was 17?


u/Toolupard 4d ago

Was he??? He was part of the Teen Team so I always assumed he was a teenager.


u/sfinney2 Robot 4d ago

Yes. I'm fairly certain it's just the show (where he does claim to be 30 for some reason) that is making people remember wrong, in the comic it is never established what age he is exactly other than he is on the "Teen" Team iirc.


u/GoldThePlayer Comic Fan 1d ago

I think that he was on the Teen Team just because they thought he was a Robot robot not a human controlling robot. they just didn't need him on the guardians, but he was a great help and lead for an unexperienced Teen Team


u/Grouchy_Appearance_1 Debbie Grayson 3d ago

Its hard to remember he's basically the same age as Mark.

In his physical cloned body, his mind is around 10 years older


u/whty706 4d ago

What realization did Mark have here? I'm definitely blanking on context


u/ForeverInTrouble Battle Beast 4d ago edited 2d ago

Robot went insane and became a violent dictator, killing several superheroes to establish his regime. In this scene, Mark had travelled back in time around when he first met the Teen Team. As he explains his time travel, he is uncertain what he's going through is real, so he asks one of the Teen Team to tell him something about them he wouldn't originally know, but could confirm by lining it up with what happens in the future. Robot's admission here shows that he's always been lowkey psycho.


u/whty706 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ah, that makes sense, thanks for explaining!


u/Entire-Buy-1678 4d ago

I think it goes a long way in showing robot’s motivations as well. He truly thought what he was doing was the right thing, and this drives that point home. His time in the Flaxan dimension definitely made him more narcissistic and psychotic, which motivated him to do those things. It’s easy to condemn him, but put in this perspective it’s very understandable why he turned out the way he did. I hope they expand a little on this idea in the show.


u/outlaw_777 4d ago

I do wonder what the ultimate catalyst was for robot lacking empathy and becoming a dictator, aside what others pointed out about getting a new body.


u/Broad_Bluejay6135 Omnipotus 3d ago

Probably his time in the flaxan Dimension


u/Fitzftw7 Allen the Alien 4d ago

All the more reason why Mark SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THE FUCKING DEAL!


u/SpiderWolf1119 Burger Mart Trash Bag 3d ago

Dog it would have killed terra


u/QuadVox Cecil Stedman 3d ago

It would have been so incredibly immoral. Mark doesn't have a right to stop millions of children from being born to save others' lives. Imagine just how many kids wouldn't exist if he changed the entire timeline. In the end his own kid was enough for him but really he isn't the arbiter of who deserves to live or die, or in this case not be born.


u/Cranke-Invasion 4d ago edited 4d ago

That ass view is perfect


u/michaelphenom 3d ago

If he was so scared of himself, couldnt Robot have tried to develop some kind of contingence plan against himself to protect Earth?