r/Invincible 7d ago

Would this actually work? [Spoiler] COMIC SPOILERS

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Do you think this could actually work against bulletproof or Invincible (Mark). After all it was established that Marks insides are not nearly as invulnerable as his outside when Robot destroyed Mohawk Mark from the inside.

The timing would probably be almost impossible to pull off, even for some as skilled as Best Tiger (or do you think otherwise), but in the case that he succeeded, do you think this could kill either Bulletproof or Mark?


52 comments sorted by


u/Greyjack00 7d ago

His powers work off kinetic energy absorption. If he can absorb a bullet to his skin at that speed and he can. There's no reason it should do more that irritate his eye


u/K00lKat67 Conquest 6d ago

Where was that revealed?


u/Greyjack00 6d ago

It's talked about in his little character page, it's gets posted on here occasionally and people debate constantly on if it counts as canon, but even if wasn't he'd still be able to tank pistol round, outside of marks stuff he's usually portrayed as a fairly heavy hitter for earthbound superheroes.


u/L00king4memez 6d ago

That's normally true. but, best trigger says it himself that the bullets would be like honeybees to supes like bulletproof BUT due to bulletproof's incoming speed at him the force of the bullet becomes deadly, if someone throw a punch at you it would hurt, but if you also run face first to the fist it will hurt even more


u/Greyjack00 6d ago edited 6d ago

He's flown through bullets before, this is definitely just wishful thinking, edit  put it in perspective your fist would have to accelerate a hell of a lot faster than mach 1, which is slightly over bullet proofs only stated flight speed, to penetrate a steel wall that a fist sized piece of metal can't get through at that speed, otherwise it'd just explode onto it. Same though for the bullet.


u/L00king4memez 6d ago

Yeah but A) It wasn't a regular bullet it was a slug, and B) He shot him in the eye, kind of a squishy part you know


u/Greyjack00 6d ago

Do you know what a slug is? And he shot him in a bulletproof eye, also this isn't actually happening and is not even how bullet proof actually dies so I think we can chock this up to an in universe theory 


u/Intrepid00 Damien Darkblood 6d ago

Yes, but can his mom tank frying pan?


u/ReaperManX15 6d ago

But, as All Might taught us; His power is absorption. Not nullification. So there’s a limit to how much he can take.


u/Greyjack00 6d ago

True, but this ain't it


u/Not_Carbuncle 7d ago

Why would the landscape hurt him that much?


u/SnowTuvs 7d ago

This guy is just schizophrenic


u/Castermat Hail Mary 7d ago

Well Best Tiger here is pretty much feeding fanfiction to some psychic villain to keep him occupied. I doubt he is able to actually kill all guardians


u/TeddytheSynth Comic Fan 6d ago

He might get a splinter


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear 7d ago

What does this have to do with insides ? lmao

And no it wouldn't work, his name is Bulletproof lol


u/ConstantOk1928 7d ago

Eyes tend to be a pretty famous weak point. It’s almost like a gateway to the brain, which would probably not be nearly as invulnerable as the outside.


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear 7d ago

If their eyes weren't as invulnerable then they'd pop every time they get punched in the face lol, hell in the show Immortal tries to squish Omni-Man's eyes with all his strength and best he could do was redden them


u/CyberGraham 7d ago

Also a Mauler got shot in the eye with a gun. And while it did actually cause some damage and made him bleed, it didn't even blind him. So while eyes are still weak spots, they're still several orders of magnitude stronger than a normal person's.


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear 7d ago

Yeah lmao, the reach here is astounding


u/Luke_Puddlejumper 6d ago

Check out the scene in Superman Returns where a thug shoots Clark point blank in the eye and the bullet shatters for a good demonstration of this


u/outlaw_777 7d ago

A bullet isn’t just a powerful squeeze though, it’s a chunk of metal being accelerated past the speed of sound. And as a point of reference: battle beasts metal swords are able to pierce viltrumite flesh with the strength behind each swing. Therefore a speeding bullet through the eyeball while flying should cause significant damage towards them.


u/JustBiz_Null Pentagon - Parking in Rear 7d ago edited 7d ago

There's so much wrong with this comment 💀

First, as I've said if their eyes weren't a degree as invulnerable as their bodies they'd pop every time they get hit in the face, and no way you're saying a bullet is tougher than Immortal's body or the Hammer lmao

Second, for obvious reasons Battle Beast's weapons aren't made of regular ass metal, if that was the case this would happen no matter how hard he swung them


And third, these mfs can punch through a planet at lightspeed, a bullet to the eye ain't doing shit to them


u/zia_zepelli Damien Darkblood 5d ago

You're just plain wrong


u/HarryShachar Thula 6d ago

The bullet in his eye is just supposed to disorient him, no? So he crashes? I doubt the crash would do it tho


u/Carbuyrator Adam Wilkens 7d ago

Bulletproof is much easier to kill than Mark is. He's slower and he's softer. I doubt lead bullets would work but I think something pointy and sufficiently hard (tungsten?) could do it


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 7d ago

isnt his whole thing absorbing kinetic energy to charge his powers


u/Carbuyrator Adam Wilkens 6d ago

I thought that was Powerplex


u/PepperbroniFrom2B Doc Seismic 6d ago

maybe its both


u/chlorinecrown Red Rush 6d ago

There has to be limits to that or he's a hard counter to all the viltrumites and I feel like they'd mention if that were the case. 


u/DMFAFA07 7d ago

When did this happen?


u/Competitive-Zone-296 7d ago

Invincible Universe Vol. 14

It didn’t actually happen, it’s some sort of illusion that the guy with the pistols, Best Tiger, projected to a telepathic villain that was reading his mind so he could locate him.


u/Opalusprime Art Rosenbaum 7d ago

Mind control villain tried to get the greatest image comics character ever to kill the guardians. Fortunately our hero instead imagined the villains wet dream to distract him and wasn’t mind controlled at all. Or something like that. Hope we see the magnificent best tiger in the show at some point.


u/Vokoru 💥🔫 Best Tiger 6d ago

It's in the spinoff comic, Guarding the Globe.



it happens in one of the stories of invincible universe


u/DMFAFA07 6d ago

Is Bulletproof actually dead? I thought he got burnt crispy shortly after joining Robot.


u/K00lKat67 Conquest 6d ago

This was essentially a hypothetical situation dreamed up by best tiger


u/DMFAFA07 6d ago



u/BadBloodBear 6d ago

A villain is trying to trick Best Tiger into killing the guardians but he is just going over it in his own mind


u/meme_will_be_memes Invincible 7d ago

Doubt it could more than irritate either of them.


u/Evening-Whereas6165 6d ago

You do realize that this is just a dream sequence right? Best Tiger wasn't going for accuracy. The psychic wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, so he bought all of BT's bullshit.


u/Reyne-TheAbyss Comic Fan 6d ago



u/Afafakja 6d ago

Not mark but bulletrpoof maybe, probably one of the factors they splashed against stronger opponents could be that they go to fast and strong for their bodies to handle so if their opponents don't give to their attacks their bodys have to handle a level of strength even they can't wich would make sense with how much faster they are compared to their strength.


u/Still_Inevitable_385 Custom Text: Entered 7d ago



u/Lucky_Roberts Spawn 6d ago

Idk about Bulletproof but all this will do is piss Mark off. For whatever reason damaging a Viltrumite brain is not permanent for them, the heart is the only way to stop their regeneration from working


u/JeremyR2008 Octoboss 6d ago

That thing with Mohawk Mark makes no since. To quote Gamorra. Skin is the same thickness from the inside as it is from the outside.


u/JeremyR2008 Octoboss 6d ago

I hope Best Tiger ain't rapped up in the same legal issues as Science Dog or Brit that would prevent him from being in the show. That dudes just awesome. Also please Amazon give us Tech Jacket in the Viltrumite War and then a spin off series, please


u/ConstantOk1928 5d ago

I’m confused though, didn’t Kirkman write all these super hero’s though? What legal trouble is there?


u/JeremyR2008 Octoboss 5d ago

I think it's something about how if Kirkman uses them in the Invincible show it requires him to do any show containing them with Amazon as well so he can't do it separately from Amazon. Hence why he created seance dog for the show vs science dog in comics


u/OakenWildman 6d ago

It would likely do nothing more that make him blink


u/Dark_Storm_98 6d ago

Probably not

Just looking at the page: If the bullets are that slow to him, he could see both bullets coming, probably, and just dodge in a different direction