r/Invincible 25d ago

My boy deserved better than this COMIC SPOILERS

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u/HandofthePirateKing Omni-Man and Invincible 25d ago

Art is possibly the most pure and innocent character in Invincible.


u/josephkelley7926 23d ago edited 22d ago

Please explain why he is the goat? He seems like a shady ass character to me. Why is he involved in Nolan's marriage in the first place. Seemed like he was trying to get with Debbie and talk shit on Nolan. Again I am a fan, just a noob, please enlighten me because I want to like the character.

Lmao why is everyone down voting an opinion from a noob?


u/Imbadyoureworse 23d ago

Nolan was his best friend(from Arts point of view). I took it as Debbie and mark are the only people that feel as betrayed as Art and art doesn’t seem to have any family/support system so he is clinging to the closest thing to family he has. Could be wrong though


u/josephkelley7926 23d ago

I feel the sadness in that, but I also subscribe to the point that all humans are just pets to him. They would be to me if I was 4k years old. I get that more than people being upset because Nolan "betrayed" anyone. Tbh, the peeps he betrayed were the Viltrumites. Imho (Hot take)


u/Whoop-Sees 18d ago

Yeah but it’s not actually bad to betray a planet of genocidal dictators. It IS bad to mass-murder innocent people for said dictators.


u/josephkelley7926 17d ago edited 17d ago

I don't agree if you look at it from their point. I completely understand I am on the wrong side of this Devil's Advocate, and I AGREE with your statement as a Human. But .......in their mind the Viltrumites bring advanced technology, medicines, better infrastructures, and world safety. Very Genghis Khan. Many Mongolians still see him as a god figure, less every day obviously. Also, remember we are bugs and animals to them. Speaking of that; our world now wipes out insects and other "lesser" creatures without batting an eye. I'm NOT even going to get into the domesticateling intelligent animals for food and consumption. Again Devil's Advocate