r/Invincible Apr 10 '24

He literally has no chill COMIC SPOILERS

Literally a monster


279 comments sorted by


u/LoneWolf2099 Cecil Stedman Apr 10 '24

Thragg spending five years fucking enough bug people to make a literal army of kids, then using them as projectiles and blunt weapons that explode into gore on every hit, is some of the most unhinged shit I’ve ever seen.


u/freestyle2002 Mark Grayson Apr 10 '24

LMFAO, I haven't read the comics, but after reading this comment, I think I'll buy the compendiums this summer. This sounds hilarious.


u/BBS13 Apr 10 '24

i literally read 40-144 in a week while on vacation after S2 finale. Literally the highlight of my vacation man, its just that good, really worth it.


u/NotAChefJustACook Run the Twins Apr 10 '24

So easy to binge these books, I started The Walking Dead recently too and I’m almost done them as well. I hate how well Kirkman writes his books because they’re so easy to burn through because of how hard it is to put them down


u/ThisIsNotMyPornVideo Angstrom Levy Apr 10 '24

For me after they only dropped half of S2.

Couldn't be arsed to wait half a year to watch the other half, so i just binged through the comics in a couple of days, and except for a certain arc, it was a pretty damn good experience


u/DMmeifyourelonely Apr 11 '24

Which arc? Have read the comics don't worry about spoilers.


u/ThisIsNotMyPornVideo Angstrom Levy Apr 11 '24

The one where mark is sick with the Scourge Virus, and is replaced by bulletproof, who's just an all around piece of garbage


u/DMmeifyourelonely Apr 11 '24

Yeah I had high hopes for his character. Before they revealed his back story I was suspecting he would be like Oliver: i.e a lesser vultrimite, because he doesn't show up until after Nolan leaves. Shame that he was just a science experiment turned dick.


u/BBS13 Apr 11 '24

my guess is maybe the robot - amanda flaxan planet arc?


u/ThisIsNotMyPornVideo Angstrom Levy Apr 11 '24

That was weird in its own right, but at least furthered the story between two main characters.

It was the whole Bulletproof Replacing invincible arc, from IMO not doing anything for anybody, him just being an absolute rat bastard and having a creepy af obession over Eve, it just would have been better left out


u/LoneWolf2099 Cecil Stedman Apr 11 '24

Let me guess - Reboot arc?


u/mrpopenfresh Apr 10 '24

Were you vacationing in New Jersey?


u/AdmiralLubDub Apr 10 '24

Mans vacationing in a Siberian gulag


u/Fine_Examination4530 Apr 11 '24

As a person who lives in NJ... this tracks


u/JayPet94 Apr 11 '24

Been vacationing in NJ my whole damn life... Except the year I lived in Yonkers but I don't miss it

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u/bigsteven34 Apr 11 '24

You will not be disappointed. My all time favorite comic series.

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u/LooseMoose13 Apr 10 '24

I was wondering why they were purple


u/PokeHobnobGod21 Apr 10 '24

>! He gets it on with the bug ladies !<


u/LooseMoose13 Apr 10 '24

Seems awfully hypocritical for the viltrumites to shit on Nolan for doing it then thragg does it to bolster the army


u/bullbob Apr 11 '24

Nah, end of comic run Thragg literally doesn’t care about anything anymore and is completely unhinged.

He’s just into full revenge mode against the entire known universe. He’s out to prove his philosophy of “you can get anything done when you don’t care about any life form that is beneath you”. It just so happens Thragg believes every single life form is beneath him, and that includes all his purple kids even though they are fighting for him.


u/brjder Apr 11 '24

he himself said that "the viltrum empire is already dead". u can see it in the panel where he was throwing the purple kids.


u/SteroidSurge Apr 10 '24

desperate times


u/DMmeifyourelonely Apr 11 '24

Thragg at this point has given up hope of recreating the vultrimite empire and is out solely for revenge.

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u/jaudi813 Apr 10 '24

H....how many bug ladies?


u/UsurpaTronos Apr 10 '24

All of them


u/LoneWolf2099 Cecil Stedman Apr 10 '24


u/Regi413 Apr 11 '24

Someone had to take the time to make uniforms for every single one of them…


u/ze_loler Apr 10 '24

Just one of them, she just gave birth to all of them at once btw

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u/UzernameUnknown Apr 11 '24

The fact a majority of them look the same age implies he's fucked probably thousands of bugs in the same window of time


u/LucaMarko Apr 11 '24

Intergalactic Genghis Khan


u/RogueYautja Super Dinosaur Apr 11 '24

What the fuck did I just read

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u/Transcent_Lavender Battle Beast Apr 10 '24

Need some of those viltrumite genes so I can live long enough to see this unit animated


u/Tall_Growth_532 The Immortal Apr 10 '24

I think Season 10 is the final maybe, so by my calculations the series would take 30 years to finish at best on the bright side we live long enough to see it end if we're still interested


u/Garbcount Apr 10 '24

Supposedly Kirkman said 7 to 8 seasons to adapt the whole series and seeing that s3 is coming quicker than s2 did, there’s no way it’ll take 30 years to finish the show


u/RedHotPuss Apr 10 '24

Probably another 8-10 years.


u/jfrudge Apr 11 '24

Worth it.


u/Tall_Growth_532 The Immortal Apr 11 '24

Man I'm gona have to wait almost a decade just to see Thragg


u/Soul699 Apr 11 '24

We'll most likely see him in s4. Or maybe we're lucky and get a sneak peek in s3.


u/FunnyorWeirdorBoth Allen the Alien Apr 11 '24

A decade of new Invincible content? Awesome.

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u/Emergency_Argument29 Immortal Apr 10 '24

You don’t get to be Grand Regent of a Warrior Empire by being level headed. Presumably you get it by stacking bodies


u/Mr_Quackers510 Monster Girl and Robot Apr 10 '24

Well he was actually level headed at first. He spared mark and nolan, and then made a truce. Because he put his vengeance aside for the future of his people.


u/TopHatTony11 Mauler Twins (Original) Apr 10 '24

Stern, but fair.


u/mpc1226 Apr 11 '24

Yeah his negotiation with Allen about the scourge virus, and most of his leading up to finding out about Nolan and Marks heritage he actually seemed like a pretty good leader.


u/Medium-Science9526 Comic Fan Apr 10 '24

by being level headed.

I'd argue pre-Viltrumite redemption he's the second most level-headed after Anissa.


u/Beneficial_Drama_296 The Immortal Apr 10 '24

His body count was huge by both definitions


u/NoCourt5510 Nolan Grayson Apr 10 '24

He was brainwashed by the viltrum empire. He was designed at birth to be the strongest being in the entire universe. He’s not level headed because he was never allowed to be level headed. He’s essentially a living weapon.


u/Mr_Quackers510 Monster Girl and Robot Apr 11 '24

He was made to be the strongest yes, but he was actually designed to be the safeguard for viltrum, and find the missing heir of Argall. He doesn't need to be THE weapon, thats what the viltrumites are for. Any other viltrumite in charge, would of decimated Nolan, Mark, and earth for destroying Viltrum. Kregg was yelling that to Thragg. But Thragg is level headed and put their conflict aside to keep viltrum alive.

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u/Zer0_l1f3 Spawn Apr 10 '24

Don’t forget when he grabbed Dinosaurus’ head and broken his jaw like Kong in the King Kong 05 movie. Fucking brutal.


u/Ok-Attention-3471 Apr 10 '24

One of mine and my brothers favorite scenes from any movie at the time! He looked so upset when the t-Rex was finally dead 🤣🤣🤣


u/Zer0_l1f3 Spawn Apr 10 '24

He was fr like “no more fight? :(“


u/Ok-Attention-3471 Apr 10 '24

Omg this is exactly what we used to say or “I broke my toy” 🥲


u/Zer0_l1f3 Spawn Apr 10 '24

“Oh man, it was brand new as well :(“

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u/Chemical_Bill_8533 Darkwing II Apr 10 '24

Wait when was the Debbie thing? I know she doesn’t die? Was it a dream?


u/Ziggurat1000 Titan Apr 10 '24

It was just Mark freaking out when he found out Thragg and the rest of the Viltrumites were on Earth making up scenarios in his head.


u/Defiant-Channel2324 Apr 10 '24

It was Mark overthinking what could potentially be happening on Earth.


u/5HeadedBengalTiger Apr 10 '24

It’s Mark imagining all the horrible things that Thragg could do to the people Mark loves


u/OkResponsibility2470 Green Ghost Apr 10 '24

Pretty insane that he basically one shots all of the most powerful characters in the series besides battle beast


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

He one shotted BB too in the Viltrumite war. Thragg is a beast. Dude is the only character to also kill Ragnars with his bare hands.


u/MiserableSpeed5499 Would. Apr 11 '24

but it wasn't a real match to say


u/mpc1226 Apr 11 '24

I’d bet battle beast could kill Ragnar’s too, he just had his sword so he used it when they got jumped and threw it away after cutting himself.


u/Sergeant_Marmaduke Apr 11 '24

am i stupid or no he didnt “one shot” battle beast. they fought for like weeks???


u/daegyyk Apr 11 '24

In their first fight he 'one shot' BB by backhanding him off into space. It wasn't a proper fight though because BB can't fly

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u/Suspicious_Loan8041 The Immortal Apr 11 '24

He grabbed him and threw him away. Thats isn’t a one shot. One shot is if he basically kills him with one.


u/Tyster20 Apr 11 '24

That doesn't count. It was in space, and Battle Beast can't fly.

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u/goodbuggs The Viltrumites Apr 10 '24


u/Appellion Show Fan Apr 10 '24

Probably the tamest thing he ever did.


u/Guest65726 Apr 11 '24

Lol a virus that leaves choke marks on your neck?


u/Similar-Priority8252 Abraham Lincoln Apr 11 '24

Evidently, he’s not very smart.


u/messycer Apr 11 '24

Bro was taking notes from the Putin handbook.


u/ppmi2 Apr 11 '24 edited Apr 11 '24

I am like 90% sure Putin does shit like that way on porpouse.


u/Regi413 Apr 11 '24

Yeah basically his way of saying “Yeah we all know I did it. The fuck are you gonna do about it though?”

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u/jimbodysonn Atom Eve Apr 10 '24

I haven't read the comics but why in that one costume does Nolan never have any fucking shoes on. It's so disturbing. Put some boots on you freak.


u/Emergency_Argument29 Immortal Apr 10 '24

I mean, he’s invulnerable, why does he really need shoes?


u/pauloh1998 Apr 10 '24



u/Senior-Ad-136 Apr 10 '24

He flies through space and at superspeed, if bacteria manages to survive they deserve to infect you or whatever it is they wanna do


u/tacobell_dumpster Apr 10 '24

So we dont have to look at his feet


u/jimbodysonn Atom Eve Apr 10 '24



u/NoPossibility5220 Mark and Eve Apr 10 '24

For humans? Wanting to have sex with bug people isn’t at all normal for humans, but Viltrumites are fine with it.


u/jimbodysonn Atom Eve Apr 10 '24

speak for yourself 😏 /s


u/v0rt Apr 10 '24

Foot stank can't survive the vacuum of space.

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u/PostalPummeler Apr 10 '24

Its symbolic. Nolan is now grounded / humbled as a character.


u/jimbodysonn Atom Eve Apr 10 '24

oh wow, I didn't expect an actual answer for this. huh.


u/mpc1226 Apr 11 '24

Get ready for 3 seasons of Omni man toes


u/jimbodysonn Atom Eve Apr 11 '24



u/Thrown_Right_Out Comic Fan Apr 10 '24

Dude showed up like halfway through the comic and fucked shit up until he physically couldn't anymore, dropping cold lines the entire time. Absolute menace, one of my all-time favorite villains.

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u/RadicalBanapple Apr 10 '24

Can someone explain how mark survived being torn in half like that? I dont care about spoilers.


u/ChaseBuff Apr 10 '24

Eve revives him and makes him stronger

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u/Spacemonster111 Apr 11 '24

He doesn’t. Eve has to revive him when her mental block breaks


u/Appellion Show Fan Apr 10 '24

Literal Atom Eve magic. OP filled me in and whatever suspension of disbelief I had turned into something less than vapor. I enjoy the show but that is just bad writing: they pinned themselves in a corner by making things as brutal as they could and finally came to a place where the MC could survive something more devastating than two Mortal Kombat finishers and a moon to the head,


u/RadicalBanapple Apr 10 '24

Wow, yeah, I knew Eve is practically immortal because she can regen atoms, but that's some crazy plot armor lol


u/mpc1226 Apr 11 '24

The most annoying part is how many people put her at the top of the verse because of her limit break death powers when it only works on the brink of death and anyone stronger than the immortal could just turn her brain into pulp before it works.

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u/epicazeroth Apr 11 '24

Yeah honestly I hope a lot of the comics plots don’t happen, cause they sound dumb as shit.

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u/Castermat Hail Mary Apr 10 '24 edited Apr 10 '24

I think stuff Like THAT should be why the leftover viltrumites were so eager to accept a new leader, instead of the new guy simply being 'royal blood'. they said it was Argaals wisdom they followed, but they had also followed Thragg for who knows how long (without question)and wisdom isnt heritable straight like that

Thragg was bloodthirsty maniac who only led the leftover viltrumites to their demise and wasnt fit to lead.

I SO hope the show shows that instead of viltrumites just acceped new (known betrayer) eperor and immeaditely bending knee for Nolan, make it that the viltrumites *disagreed* with their current ruler aka Thragg, otherwise it would not make sense


u/Appellion Show Fan Apr 10 '24

It certainly makes them all the more repulsive.


u/Thragg_GrandRegent Viltrum Empire Apr 10 '24

I'm just built diff


u/SilentB3ast Apr 10 '24 edited Apr 11 '24

Yeah, you sure were cooked well.


u/ThokkTheBattleBeast Battle Beast Apr 10 '24

Can confirm.

Toughest meat I have ever chewed.

Should have kept my bowels in to digest you.



u/Thragg_GrandRegent Viltrum Empire Apr 10 '24 edited Apr 11 '24

I should have used your hide as a rug


u/ThokkTheBattleBeast Battle Beast Apr 11 '24

I should have chewed your whole face to get both of your eyes at once.


u/Financial_Rent_7978 Killcannon Apr 10 '24

So did Thragg not kill you after all?

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u/Nyx_Minato Apr 10 '24



u/Attrm Apr 10 '24

That's actually The only one here that's fake.  I mean, it's a real comic panel, but it was a panel of Mark worrying what COULD happen.  It didn't actually happen.


u/Nyx_Minato Apr 10 '24

Ok thank god 🙏🏾

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u/Lillillillies Apr 10 '24

Same. I'm fine with spoilers but when I saw that I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.

Like I know she'll die eventually since she's human but of all the deaths I don't think I'm ready for hers (however it comes peaceful or not).


u/returnofblank Comic Fan Apr 10 '24

It's literally just an imagination, the comic panels are just what Mark is imagining upon hearing some news


u/Lillillillies Apr 10 '24

Yeah saw that from another reply. That's a relief. I'm still not ready for her death either way lol


u/returnofblank Comic Fan Apr 10 '24

yeah i got so fuckin worried when i read that part of the comics, only for her to show up normally in like 2 pages


u/Lillillillies Apr 10 '24

Yeah, Debbie is too precious for her to go out that bad


u/Majam303 Apr 10 '24

She's fine


u/Lillillillies Apr 10 '24

Yeah I saw. I'm just not ready for her death either way. She's one of the few I want to be...



u/Tyster20 Apr 11 '24

She dies from old age, don't worry about her.

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u/LoneWoffy Battle Beast Apr 10 '24

If Battle Beast wasn’t a sociopath he would’ve wiped this man clean


u/ThokkTheBattleBeast Battle Beast Apr 10 '24

The cost of misinterpreting honor was high.

At least I was freed.


u/LoneWoffy Battle Beast Apr 11 '24

Should’ve just beat his ass and fought juiced up Allen


u/ThokkTheBattleBeast Battle Beast Apr 11 '24

True, what a missed opportunity :-{


u/Possible-Rate-3833 Apr 10 '24

Ryan Ottley was just born for drowing gore and bloody scenes.


u/bosmer_song I think I miss my wife Apr 10 '24

He literally killed Mark, Nolan, Oliver, Thaedus, and Battle Beast. He is too OP for his own good


u/redditmorelikegeddit Apr 10 '24

Good thing mark is the mc.


u/Fitzftw7 Allen the Alien Apr 10 '24

Nolan: “Yeah, no, let’s just let him go free, this can’t possibly cause us any catastrophic problems later on.”


u/Dveralazo Apr 10 '24

A crown is warranted with strength 


u/DSlayerOrn Apr 10 '24

“thy strength befits a crown”


u/Scarlo565 Apr 10 '24

Elden ring


u/Ok-Elevator-1404 Apr 10 '24

Battle beast should’ve won goddamn it


u/MKIncendio Apr 10 '24


u/MiserableSpeed5499 Would. Apr 11 '24

Basically, he doesn't want peace. Be wants problems always


u/DrRadon Comic Fan Apr 10 '24

I always was sad that battle beast lost due to self inflicted injury.


u/Retardedmonkies-69 Apr 10 '24

Am I the only one that absolutely fucking despises this man


u/OkBubbyBaka Apr 10 '24

He is to be despised, I think those who like him as a character can still despise him for who he is


u/kalakatikimututu Apr 11 '24

TFW bad guy is bad


u/Ziggurat1000 Titan Apr 10 '24

Thragg is the old Viltrumite empire personified.

Ruthless, brutal, and the epitome of "might makes right."

Thragg made the Viltrumites survive, while Nolan (and ultimately Mark) made them live.


u/angrygnome18d Apr 10 '24

Can someone give me some context for slide 2? Looks like Mark in there.


u/ovrelord34 Apr 10 '24

I'd recommend the comics to answer that

All I'll say is there's a few death fakeouts to come

Like if y'all can't handle shrinking Rae, you ain't ready for the levels of BS coming

But a certain character we know has the ability to bring back the dead (which is wildly OP), in this instance - other death fakeouts can be real mid tho


u/Appellion Show Fan Apr 10 '24

Yeah, the OP just filled me in and I had to grit my teeth a bit. It’s definitely beyond even a Mortal Kombat finisher but what’s death in a comic book world? From my understanding he could also have had his brains turned to paste and the tech / extraordinary ability exists to make it right as rain.

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u/buzzk1ll98 Apr 11 '24

Thaedus’ death literally one of the biggest oh shit moments

Compendium 2 is a masterpiece


u/Ririthu Apr 10 '24

Need to reread the comics cos I straight up can't remember the page with Debbie TT


u/Jout92 Science Dog Apr 10 '24

Definition of Menace


u/Ayy_Teamo Viltrum Empire Apr 10 '24

The Perfect Cell of Invincible.


u/Status-Listen-1432 Comic Fan Apr 11 '24

God I hope we live long to see Thragg on the show


u/Wazza2412 Apr 10 '24

Invincible War to Viltrumite War was the best the art ever looked in this comic. I know it has it's reasons but it really pained me to see how weak a lot of it looks in comparison post issue 100-ish


u/MissiaichParriah Apr 10 '24

Dude is the very definition of no chill


u/Sylk15 Apr 11 '24

The fact that Battle Beast was the only person to go toe to toe with him is amazing. Every fight he's been in he got jumped and whoever jumped him lost lol


u/LoneWoffy Battle Beast Apr 10 '24

When tf did he kill Debbie I don’t remember that lol


u/ChaseBuff Apr 10 '24

It was like marks nightmare

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u/Acceptable_Secret_73 Apr 10 '24

Slightly off topic, but why does the artwork change so much later in the comic. It’s a lot less detailed


u/SeacattleMoohawks Séance Mod Apr 10 '24

The original comics artist Cory Walker returned to help lighten the load on primary artist Ryan Ottley. I actually thought it was kinda cool that Cory Walker got to come back to the series and it came full circle. Ottley is obviously one of the best artists working in comics today but I’ve also grown to like Walker’s style a lot too.


u/tonkman27 Apr 11 '24

Why is Freddie Mercury so violent in invincible?


u/Pajama_Strangler Omni-Drip Apr 11 '24

Thragg spent too much time being a jerk instead of mingling with earth women. Maybe he would’ve turned out alright.


u/Newhero2002 Apr 11 '24

Holy shit, I thought I already knew the important comic spoilers but this guy makes s1 omniman look like a Saint lol


u/Altruistic-Point3980 Apr 11 '24

Buff Freddie Mercury is just that guy


u/TorronePedro Mauler Twin (Clone) Apr 11 '24

Battle Beast would have won that fight if they didn't drop the Ragnars


u/Omakepants Run the Twins Apr 11 '24

I absolutely love that picture of Dinosauros biting him and all his teeth just explode and he's just "oh my what a lovely day" like nothing is happening.


u/Appellion Show Fan Apr 10 '24

Was that Mark in the second slide? Show watcher that enjoys spoilers. If it was Mark, I’m disappointed in the writers. There’s only so much I can except with healing factor.


u/BlueSteel525 Apr 10 '24

That’s the problem with Eve’s powers, they’re too broken. Even Kirkman has said he barely uses her powers in the comics because he doesn’t know how to scale her down


u/IllllIIIllllIl Apr 10 '24

Once she limit breaks the first time that’s kinda it, she’s straight up the most OP character in the series from that point forward. Curious if Kirkman will do anything differently with that in the show. 

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u/ChaseBuff Apr 10 '24

Ye he gets ripped in half but eve revives him with her powers


u/Ok-Satisfaction-5012 Apr 10 '24

why doesn’t thragg just take over earth by the time the truce with earth is made and viltrumites are allowed to remain. He could kill both mark and Nolan then with immediate ease and reduce earth to a viltrumites breeding colony immediately


u/k0bra3eak The Immortal Apr 11 '24

Truce only works because Mark and Nolan live or else Allen would nuke the planet

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u/koganproductions77 Apr 10 '24

and that’s why he’s the best villain in the entire series


u/Sivilian888010 The Viltrumites Apr 10 '24

The colorist this must have given himself carpal tunnel doing this page.


u/wkamper Apr 10 '24

Could the two really only damage each other through the soft spots already made? It'd explain how much time it took.


u/jaivenedw Apr 10 '24

I'm dreading the day slide 10 is animated


u/Monkey_King291 Duct Tape Man Apr 10 '24

Bro is an absolute monster, thank god that Debbie one was only a dream sequence though


u/LeonOkada9 Apr 11 '24

Oh, he got chilled by the core of the sun alright.


u/Midaas23 Apr 11 '24

Was that…Debbie’s head?


u/ChaseBuff Apr 11 '24

Yes but a dream from mark


u/Midaas23 Apr 11 '24

I think this is a sign for me to stay off this subreddit to avoid spoilers lmfaooo


u/k0bra3eak The Immortal Apr 11 '24

Just like don't open comic spoilers, why'd you do it in the first place

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u/Sagelegend Invincible Apr 11 '24

But can Thragg beat Allen?

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u/FarefaxT Apr 11 '24

Wait so he kills Mark in panels 2 and 4, and kills Nolan in panel 5? I haven’t read the comics but I thought Nolan becomes the emperor then Mark afterwards?


u/ChaseBuff Apr 11 '24

Eve revives mark after getting ripped in half, 4 is grown up Oliver not mark

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u/darth-com1x DORK LORD OF THE SITH Apr 11 '24

bro really needs to take a chill pill


u/MuftiCat Apr 11 '24

How long did that fight last? Like a day

It was so brutal.

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u/Negativety101 Apr 11 '24

He certainly had no chill after Mark ripped his throat out with his teeth and he burned to nothingness in the sun. And then Burned in Hell. Remember, Hell is canon.

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u/Alarming-Ad1100 Apr 11 '24

It’s why I love him


u/OmarGarRo Apr 11 '24

Is always nice to see an Space Freddie Mercury appreciation post


u/spykids45 Apr 11 '24

i didn’t read the comics but DAMN


u/ButtonmAsherXY Apr 11 '24

I’m stealing the Debbie panel to fake-spoiler-troll with. I forgot all about that sequence.


u/jonptrsn Apr 11 '24

Where is the 8th slide (featuring Debbie) from?


u/Pareogo Apr 11 '24

The panel of Thokk and Thragg leaping at each other is straight up biblical


u/OCGamerboy Apr 11 '24

I can’t wait to see him in the show! I’m hoping he appears, or is mentioned, in season three.


u/Narkoman62 Space Racer Apr 11 '24

Tbf with battle beast he was taunting thragg about beating his ass he had to lock in for that fight